Over Seas

choosing england

It was any other Texas day hot, humid and moist. The professor stood infront of the class talking about something far less interesting than he lead on to be, and I sat in the third row bored out of my mind. Here I am taking a boring science class I really thought I was done with these back in high school but I guess no matter what you decide to be science must always be involved. At least I'm lucky I guess I only have to suffer one full semester of this class and then no more science for me.
Thankfully two o 'clock came around and class was over. Lucy walked to her dorm room and fell on her bed .
"Was class that bad?", laughed her roomate steph,"that your body could no longer hold itself up causing you to collapse."
"oh hush up no," I mumbled from my pillow.
"Lucky for you that you were right infront of your bed. You might have damaged that pretty little face if you'd been anywhere else", said steph.
I didn't turn my head to give her any satisfaction instead I threw my pillow aiming for her not gonna lie it felt good.

Steph had brown straight short hair just below her chin, she had brown eyes and beautiful tan skin. The kind you see on celebraties and wish you could have. Some people like myself are curse to the pale complection so pale our make up is called fairly light.

"you missed", laughed steph.
"shoot",I mumbled. Steph was studying to be a doctor so we will see who's lauging in 2 years when I'm done with college and she has like a billion more to go.
"so have you decided on going to England yet?",asked steph.
"Not yet I'm still deciding", I said turning to face her," why do you ask? Are you going to miss me?"
"of course not. I've been looking for a new roomate and I need to know if your gonna go for sure or not. So please hurry and make up your mind," said steph.
"Wow and for a second I though you were nice, but thanks again for reminding me or what a terrible person you truly are," I laughed,"but I will let you know as soon as possible."
I got up,"I'm gonna go for a walk don't wait up," I said.
"wasn't gonna,"said steph looking at her book as I walked out the door.

Steph and me had this odd relationship where we didn't hate each other we just liked
to be mean to one another. We were always just joking her and I have had our serious friend moments but usually it just stay like this one of us joking with the other. I walked outside, feeling like I just walked into a sauna. The campus was big and like any other college it looked the same. Tall buildings with about 20 classrooms one each floor, all painted the same burnt orange to show UT pride. I deicide to go to my favorite place to spend my time was the finarts department.
I walked in past the band room with the sounds of the Jazz band playing. I passed the orchestra room and finally found my favorite practice room. Walking inside I closed the door and sat down at the small piano. Playing music and singing were the only things that mattered to me. Music is my passion I'm studying to become a performer. I absolutly want nothing more than to be on stage with a crowd of strangers watching me as I make them feel whatever the music makes me feel.
After moments of deciding I began to play a song I just recently learned called someone to watch over me. Singing along to the music I began falling in love with it more and more. I finished playing and sat there for a moment thinking about going over seas to England. I had always wanted to go, going to England just seems like it would be a fairy tale. So what's stoping me? what's stopping me I thought. Suddenly it hit me I had every reason to go I was just scared to make this big of a decision.
Without hesitation I got up and began to walk to my counslers office, my golden, long and curly hair blew in the slight breeze as I walked. Knocking on her door making what would be the greatest or worst decision of my life. "oh hello Lucy please come in and sit down..."