Over Seas

a new start

Matt drove me home after the movie and I slowly walked back to my dorm. My mind began to wander through my dream, and I tried to come up with a meaning for it but eventually gave up as I reached my room. Not long after closing my door I remembered, mentally slapping myself in the face, I start classes tomorrow. I've been so busy with Matt it must have slipped my mind. I quickly ran to my computer and searched for the email with my schedule. I tried to think of where these classes would be but I didn't know where the buildings were.

As if on cue I heard a knock at my door, making me jump and rush to answer it. Ellie stood outside my door holding a tub of what looked like ice cream mixed with all kinds of toppings.

"Hello Lucy",she said as she walked in.
"Hello Ellie",I laughed as I shut the door and followed her over to my bed,"what's in the tup?"
"My favorite treat",she said handing me a spoon,"I have it every sunday, and I thought my new best friend would like to try some."
I took a spoon fill and ate the ice cream mixture of lots of candy and peanutbutter,"Wow",was all I could say after one bite."What's in this?"
"Vanilla ice cream with white chocolate chips, peanut butter, peanuts, a bit of carmel sauce and my secret ingrediant",she said,"so you love it?"
"I do",I said taking another bite,"You should bring this again."
"Oh don't worry love I will",she said taking another bite as well,"how was your date with Matt?"
"It was good. We kinda came close to um having sex but we didn't",I couldn't believe I had told her that but I guess that's the new me talking.
"What you two almost shagged?!!",she nearly screamed.
"Shhhs",I said my eyes big and a smile on my face,"Yes, almost being the key word."
"I'm sorry",she said making her voice calmer,"Please tell me how you almost shagg a cele.."she trailed off,"your boyfriend",she finished quickly.
She looked down into the tub taking another bite,"Well we were kissing and it got very intense and then I um kinda said I wasn't ready for that",I looked up at her sheepisly.
"Wait that doesn't even make sense",she said then it was like a light bulb clicked on and she continued,"Unless your a virgin."
I looked at her I couldn't find the words to say.
"Bolics you are a virgin aren't you",she said her eyes were as wide as mine.
"Yes",I heard my self say,"I've had other boyfriends but none like Matt. And I guess I'm a bit old fashion where I want my first one to be with someone I love."
"That's so sweet",replied Ellie my cheeks were so red and I felt so embarrased,"I think that its good that you are like that."
"Really?", I asked I took another bite of her ice cream.
"Yeah, I wish I'd waited",she laughed,"My first time was the absolute worst. I didn't even like the bloke just wanted to get it over with you know?"
"Yeah I understand",I laughed,"Ellie listen thanks for coming by. I really enjoy our talks together, you've really made me feel like I'm at home here."
"My pleasure",she said poking my side,"I've really enjoyed you being here. Honestly speaking",she put her hand up like she was in the girl scotts or something,"You are the coolest american to come here."
We both laughed and I hugged her, she hugged me back."So do you start classes tomorrow?",she asked.
"Yes I do. Thank goodness your here because I have no idea where any of these builidings are and was hoping I could have your help",I said smiling really big.
She laughed,"I'd be glad too, where's your schedule."

We sat at my bed looking at my computer as she drew me at map of where everhthing was and where my classes were. Turns out we have a piano class together which made me very excited. She left after we talked for a bit more and I found myself alone in my room.
I heard my phone ring as I sat down on my bed, walking over to my purse I pulled out my phone and saw matt was calling me. I answered it quickly to hear his voice,

"Hello",he said.
"Hello",I laughed.
"I'm sorry I must have the wrong number",he said laughing.
"You do? Why's that?",I said.
"Well I was supposedly calling a man but you sound like a girl",he replied.
I began laughing,"I gues you have the wrong number then, good bye."
"Wait don't go",he laughed,"I like talking to you. You wouldn't mind if we talked for a while would you?"
"My mom told me never to talk to strangers",I said playing along.
"Alright you got me I meant to call you Lucy",he said jokingly.
"Is that you Matt?",I asked jokingly.
"Yes it is, were you fooled?",he asked.
"I was",I laughed,"For a second.
"At least I got you for a second",he said.
" Mabye a minute", I replied.
"Well a mintue, so lucy I have to tell you something", he said his voice turning a bit more serious.
"Ok",I said feeling a bit worried.
"I'm going out of town for awhile, two weeks at most",he said.
I felt relieved,"Oh ok. Where to,if I can ask?"
"You may, I'm going to California", he said.
"Wow, why all the way there?"I asked.
"Work, it requires me to go over seas",he said,"But I will be back in time to take you out. If you want?"
"Sounds great",I said,"I start school this week so I'll be a little busy myself."
"But not to busy to recieve a call from your boyfriend?",he asked.
"Of course not",I laughed,"I'm never to busy for you."
"Me either",his voice sounded more caring as he said that,"Well I'll let you go so you can get some more sleep."
I laughed,"Alright goodnight Matt, sweet dreams."
"Goodnight Lucy, sweet dreams to you too", he said then I clicked end on my phone placing it down by my charger.

Then I got ready for bed thinking about all the good things I had in my life. I would never trade this I thought. I would never go back to the life I used to live scared, afraid and alone. My life just fit perfectly here and I felt like I would never go back to my old life again.
This was my thought as I closed my eyes and dreamed of what a life would be like if I stayed here...