Over Seas

a long way from Texas

I couldn't believe it, as I steped out of my counslers office. One week and I would be off to England, off sipping tea in a foreign country. I just could not believe it, I'm so excited...wait One week! I have to pack. I ran across the freshly mowed green grass to my dorm running all the way to my dorm room. I slammed the door so quickly that I startled steph who was studying at her desk.
"Hey what's your rush",she asked. But I ignored her and walked to my small closet and opened it revealing a rainbow of colors. My mind was realing what should I bring? what will I need? it kept going on and on.
Steph was getting annoyed as she got up and walked closer to me saying,"Hey you over there I'm talking to you! Lucy what's going on why are you in such a rush.?"
I calmed my jumbled mind and turned to her,"I'm leaving for England. In a week,"I said.
She looked at me her eyes going wide with confusion,"what? why so soon?"
"I went to see my counsler and talked to her 30 minutes ago. She said it was best I go as soon as possible since the semester had already started,"I said.
It went quiet for a minute neither of us knew what to say. so I just made a joke to losen the tension,"why are you freaking out,"I laughed,"Are you suddenly goning to miss me?"
Steph shook off her worried emotion and laughed,"Of course not! I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to get a new roomate with such short notice."
We both laughed as she walked over to me and my closet.
"Ok now I need to get serious I only have a week to pack,"I said.
"I can help,"she offered.
"Thanks", I smile,"I'm just not sure what to pack first or what to pack."
"Well since it's september I'm guessing it's going to be colder there than it is here so I'd pack all winter clothes,"she said.
I looked in my closet I had a few winter cloths but I would need to get more, I especially needed a coat. "I guess I'm gonna need to go shopping for a coat,"I laughed.
"That",said Steph,"Is something I can really help you with."
We drove to the nearest mall and looked in about 20 stores until I found the perfect coat. It was a light blue peacoat with matching blue buttons what went all the way down the front. It felt very warm and soft as I tried it on.
"What do you think?", I asked striking a pose.
we both laughed and Steph said,"Its absolutly gorgeous. It goes well with your blonde hair and pale skin."
When we left the mall I had bought the coat and some long sleeve shirts, jeans, tights, a few new dresses and some white boots. An email from my counsler was waiting for me when we arrived back to our dorm.

Dear Lucy,
I wanted to let you know that we have sent all your college information to the Kings college in Cambridge England. They were very pleased that you are joining them for your last two years of college. Also they have approved your full ride scholarship. If you need help with packing let me know I would be glad to offer you any service I can. The school will be sending any boxes you have of your belongs three days before you leave so it will be there for you when you finally arrive. We wish you the best of luck and know you will be missed.
Best wishes Sincerely,
your counsler Mary Price
I closed my laptop and looked around my all white room. The room had a small resemalence to a refrigiratior for humans. I looked at my small desk, my tiny pantry size closet and my bed. I got up and layed down on the only color in my dorm, my bedspread. It was black and blue with flower adn leaf designs. Again I thought about the amazing life awaiting me in England, I closed my eyes and dreamed of it.

A week seemed to go by quickly I had everything packed and ready for my counsler when she came by to pick it up. They took my boxes to the airport where they would be sent to my room in England. I spent most of my last days with Steph my only real friend. Sure I had other friends in choir and piano class but none like Steph. She was nice enought to lend me her extra sheets to sleep on when mine got pack away.
I felt so honored when she let me sit in on her roomate interviews. I was sure glad her and I had been stuck together because if we hadn't I don't think I would have passed the interview process. Finally my last night came, I walked around campus deiciding on how to spend it. Steph was busy with her classes so I didn't bug her. I walked the campus until I came to my favorite building. I walked passed all the familiar rooms I saw everyday to the practice room which had come to be my own.
I opened the door and sat down at the small piano and began to play my favorite song called starlight, I sang the words which were like poetry to my ears.

The next day I woke up early Steph and spent most of the time deciding on what I should wear. We finally settled on jeans and a nice sky blue lacey blouse and my white converse to match. Steph decided I should pack my jacket in my carrie on so that when I got off the plane I would have it. Within moments of us rushing to put on make up and do our hair Steph, me and my counsler were on our way to the airport. They decided to walk with me until we reached secruity.
"Well I guess this is it", I said turning to Steph smiling.
"I guess so", she laughed," I got you something. I meant to give it to you last night but I forgot." I took the pink bag and smiled at her.
"Save me the tears and open it on the plane",she said. I hugged her and she hugged me back,"Thank you! I'm gonna miss you Steph", I said.
we hugged again and then I turned to my counsler,"Thank you for all your help", I said.
She looked at me smiling",Your welcome. I also got you something to remind you of home",she said. I hugged her too saying,"Thank you."
"Goodbye", I said looking at them one last time before turning to walk away.
I walked through security and waved to them once I was through. Then I walked to my boarding gate just in time. They had started boarding right as I walked up. The school had been so kind as to buy me a first class seat. I felt so lucky I had never riden first class before. The flight attendence helped me with my bag and asked me what I wanted to drink.
I asked for a diet coke and sat down in my seat. Once I was comfortable I decided to open my gifts.
I grabed Steph's first and opened it. Inside was a light blue and white scarf with matching gloves and a beanie hat. The blue in the scarf hat and gloves matched the coat we picked out together perfectly. They felt so soft, I opened the card she wrote,
I thought you would need something to keep your skinnny but warm. Be safe and don't forget to write me. I want to know all about England. I will miss you so much.

It was short and sweet just as it needed to be. Then I opened the small red bag Mrs.Price had given me. The tag said,"Don't forget where you came from." I opened the bag pulling out a small white box. Inside the box was a sterning silver UT longhorn necklace. I wanted to cry I needed something to remind my of home and my parents. My parents who I miss so much. I shook off the sadness putting on the necklace.

Then the captains voice came over the speakers,"Thank you for choosing our airlines we hope you have a safe flight and enjoy your trip. We will be arriving in Cambridge, England around 9 o'clock at night. Please fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride."

I fastened my seat belt looking out the window for one last glance as the plane took off...