Over Seas

a Date to remember..

At approximately 8:05am which felt like it was 1am to me which is was 1am in Texas. My body was beginning to understand the new time zone and was pleading with me to sleep till 1pm. I streched my achy arms practically forcing them off my sides that they clung to. Every part of me was begging my body to shut down but I fought it and eventually made my way out of bed to my bathroom. I walked to the shower turning it on, hoping some warm water would help me. It did as soon as the warm water made contact with my skin I felt myself becoming unstiff and feel like my normal self.

After my shower I went to the sink and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I walked back into my room to my closet to find something casual to wear. It hit me I was going to be with Matt today. How could I forget? I looked through my closet debating on what to wear, what would look nice and what would be perfect for what we were doing. I suddenly realized I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. I began to mentally freak out.

Moments later I finally calmed down and decided to pick two options and choose from the two. That seemed like a good idea to me so I picked out two out fits and set them on the bed to get a better look. The first out fit was a long button up t-shirt dress that was green(a light green) striped, with a brown belt and some black tights and my white boots. The second was a pair of skinny jeans, with a white 3 quarter lenght sleeve top that was scoop necked and flowy, and a pair of white converse. After a close debate I decided since I had not idea where we were going the second outfit was best. Putting on my cloths quickly I finished and went to the bathroom to apply some make up.

I decided to wear my hair down today letting it fall past my shoulders. It was almost dry and very curly. My phone rang and I ran back into my room almost triping out of the bathroom door to answer it. Matt had left me a text,'I'll be there in a few minutes.'
'Ok see you soon.:)',I replied grabbing my purse and heading out the door.

My tummy started growling and I laughed thinking gosh I've done nothing but eat since I've arrived here. I locked my door seeing Ellie walking towards me smiling.
"So where are we off to this morning?',she asked.
"I'm not sure he hasn't told me. I was about to meet him down stairs do you want to join me?",I asked.
"I'd love to! I was leaving for class and thought I'd stop by to say hi before I left",she said as we walked down the stairs.
"I'm glad your coiming with me",I said finally,"It'snice to have a friend here."
"Me too, I want to see this bloke",she laughed. We walked through the double doors and into the sea of college students. I searched for him looking through the people passing to see if he was there. As I was about to give up and wait I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see Matt standing behind me smiling.

"Hello",I said returning his smile.
"Hello yourself",he said,"Who's this?" He pointed to Ellie who had her back to us looking in the crowd.
"That's Eliie my friend, she came down here with me",I laughed.
"Oh alright",he said his mood slightly changing.
"What's wrong?",I asked looking at his face.
"Um nothing I'll be glad to meet her",he said bringing back a small smile to his face. Something still felt odd though, but I walked up to Ellie anyways.
"Ellie this is matt", I said my back to him she looked at him wide eyed and so I thought she thought he was cute. Then her eyes went back and she acted like she hadn't just got super excited.
"It's top to meet you",he said putting his hand out to her to shake. She took his hand a little to eagierly saying,"Same here",she said.
Then she turned to me,"Well I better go I have to get to class, it was nice meeting you. See you later luce",she said and started walking away.

"I'd be lying if I didn't say that was kinda odd",I said looking at Matt.
He smiled at me,"It was kinda odd but she seemed nice."
"Yeah she reallly is",I said deciding to drop whatever had just happened. "So where are we going?"
"That is a suprise",he said looking at me with those eyes,"But I will give you a hint it requires a car. My tummy growled. "And getting you breakfast",he laughed.
I felt my face flush red,"Sorry I'm not used to getting up with this time zone so I'm always hungry."
"It's no problem",he said taking my hand,"I haven't eaten yet either."
He and I walked to his car my hand still in his. I felt the butterflies throughout my body as we walked. When we reached his car I saw that it was a 2010 red Honda Civic. I mouthed wow when I saw it. He lead me to the passangers side opening the door for me and closing it when I was seated.
"Thank you",I said as he got into the car. I buckled my seat belt and he bucked his too.
"Just being a gentlemen",he laughed as he put the car in reverse and pulled out of our parking spot."Are you ready for your first real day of sightseeing?"
"I can't wait! Let's go",I smiled.
"Alright",he said putting the car in drive and taking us to the unknown destination. We got on a sort of small freeway and he speed up to meet the speed limit.
"Tell me something random about you",he said looking straight ahead.
"Um I love to learn my favorite songs on piano",I laughed,"In fact when we met I was listening to my favorite song."
"What was the song you were listening to?",he asked.
"It's called starlight",I said and for a second I thought something in his face changed, but then he smile."Do you know it?"
"I think I do",he said giving me a look that said something more."Why is it your favorite? Like what do you love about it so much?"
"That's a tough question, I guess because the lyrics are like a poem. To me it's about a guy who is leaving his home and everything he knows then finding one good thing. Someone he falls in love with and he's asking her not to fade away, basically he's comparing her to a star.
He smiled at me,"Wow that's about what I was thinking when I...",he cut himself off and then finished his sentence,"When I first heard it."
I turned to look at him seeing him so composed as he drove, he looked staight ahead and only sometimes glancing at me. "The music is increadible to, I love the singers voice. I always feel bad when I sing it because I'm probably butchering the song. I probably would make him cry from utter badness if he heard me."
Matt laughed so hard finding this histarical and I joined him as we laughed together. "I bet your way better than you think lucy",he said finally after he stoped laughing.
"Say's the guy who just laughed at me",I pointed out.
"I laughed at your joke",he said then he looked at me for a second before returning his eyes to the road,"I wasn't laughing at you putting yourself down."
He was right I did put myself down alot,"Ok so maybe I'm better than I think but I'm nothing compared to him."

He laughed and we kept driving until we reached miles of grassy lands and old english style mansions. I gazed out my window in awe, The grass was such a bright green it was hard to believe grass could ever be this color. I looked at the house with big fountains and large gates. It looked like a war of the mansions to see who's could be the grandest.
"Unbelieveable huh?",he finally said turning the corner onto a house at the end of the street. I nodded still starring out into the garden of the house we were going to. We drove until we reached the front of the house and a man was waitng out front for us.

Matt opened my door for me and gave me his hand to help me out. He then handed the keys to the tall man and he drove the car to another part of the estate.
"This is Anglesey Abbey",he said in my ear from behind me.
"Its so wonderful",I turned seeing his face close to mine. He took my hand and we walked up the steps to the door. The front doors opened and a red haired women dress in a pencil skirt and a white blouse with black pumps stood before us.
"Welcome welcome",she said with a smile. "I will be showing you around today."
Matt interrupted her,'It's alright miss I know my way around the place."
She made a face at him,"I'm sorry sir I give tours to.."
Another women walked out she had brown hair and the same atire on as the red haired lady and whispered in her ear. The red haired lady's eyes went big and she covered her mouth.
"I'm sorry I didn't not you where the private guest for the day. Please forgive me",she said.
"No harm done",said Matt as he lead me into the house. We began walking around starting in a lovely living room with fine regal fuirnature.
"This is lovely, I could only dream of living like this",I said looking out the window at the biggest garden I have ever seen. Flowers covering the back in a most beautiful pattern with a white gazibo with lights.
"This place is known for it's seasonal garden",Matt said,"My mother told me the story of the man who lived here when she first took me here. Would you like to hear it?"
"I would love to",I said as he lead me outside.
"There once was a man named Lord Fairhaven,"he began,"He moved to Cambridge in search of a bride. Everyday he looked and looked having no luck at all. Then one day he came upon this house. When he first saw it it was old and had a hidden regalness below it's rusty features." We walked in the garden following the paths,"He deicided that he wanted to buy it. Loving it instantly when he saw it. The Lord Fairhaven brought many men to bring this place back to life and he stayed here and worked on this very garden." I looked at Matt's face as he told the tale and saw love in his eyes.
"Don't stop, go on", I said. He took my hand stoping at the gazibo and leading me up the steps.
"Alright, so he worked on his garden everyday until it was almost complete. On the very last day a girl named Elizabeth came to the house with her father to see Lord Fairhavens work. She fell in love with his garden almost as fast as she fell in love with him. He realized her love for him and began to show little ways of his affection. By taking her on long walks around the garden, touching her cheek to remove stray hairs, holding her hand",he said squeezing mine only slightly to send the butterflies fluttering,"and kissing her cheek right here in this gazibo."
"Did she respond back?", I asked more intriged with the story and him.
"She did, that day on the gazibo when he kissed her cheek she suprised him by showing her affection in a greater way. They soon got married right here in this house that had brought them together."
"But how did she show her affection?",I asked.
"Do you really want to know?",he asked.
"Yes of course I do",I laughed.
"Alright",he said then he moved closer to me and he pulled me to him gently kissing me on the lips. I returned the kiss moving my hands to his face and he put his hands lightly on my waist. I felt butterflies all over and became very dizzy. After what felt like moments we stopped and looked into each others eyes.

"Like that",he said taking my hand again. I would have fainted at that moment if I could have. He and I walked around the garden to the otherside we hadn't seen. Then we returned inside to look at the house again. We didn't say much but we would glance at one another every so offten. I would smile and blush bright red everytime. We walked up the stairs and went into what looked like a master bedroom.

"So what do you think?",he asked smiling.
"This place is beautifful Matt, thank you for taking me",I said. He pulled me close to him taking my face in his hands and we kissed again lasting alot longer than we both expected. I could see the hint of sadness in his face as we pulled away walking to a baby's nursery room. The room was filled with old fashion toys that looked like they would break if I breathed on them. Then being the worst mood spoiler my tummy growled.

We laughed together,"Sorry I forgot about breakfast",he said,"But luckily there is a restaurant right next door." We left the beautiful house and waited for the car. He wasn't paying attention so I suprised him by kissing him when he turned back towards me.
I felt his lips smile as we kissed. The car came and we both got inside and he drove to the restaurant.

"I hope you like california style food",he joked,"It's a good restaurant and has some british feel to it. But if you want we can go somwhere else."
I felt my tummy rumble,"Nope here's is just fine." We laughed as he came around to open my door. The Restaurant was called 'Redwood'.

Our host greet us then took us to our seats. Seating us ourside with the view of the trees and the grass and colorful flowers. Leaving us with two menu's I felt more confident about ordering.
Not too long after our waitress arrived to take our drink orders. I orded a diet coke and Matt orded a ginger ale. She left us to look over our menu's.

"Do you need help with the menu?",I asked laughing he looked at me and instantly moved to the seat beside mine.
"Yes I do, these american foods are too descriptive I have no idea what I'm eating",he joked and I laughed.
"Do you really need help?",I asked him to be sure.
"No I just wanted an excuse to move closer to you",he laughed.

The waitress came back within minutes and we orded our food. Matt ordered a Soy & Chilli Marinated Flank Steak with Basil Pesto served with Warm Sweet Potato, Chilli, Feta & Spinach Salad and I ordered the Pumpkin & Goat Cheese Raviolis with Hazelnut-Mushroom Sauce & Fried Sage wanting to try something new. She left our drinks and garlic bread.

"Garlic bread",said Matt,"Is the british part." I giglged and took a piece eating it very fast.
"Sorry",I said feeling rude for eating so fast,"I gues I'm really hungry."
He looked sad,"Don't be it's my fault. I forgot to get you breakfast."
"I should have ate before I left besides I'm glad I skipped I wouldn't have had the day I've had if we had gone to eat",I said. He took my hand squeezing it.

We finished eating at the restaurand and reluctently I let Matt pay again.
Walking around we ran through the gardens being silly and having fun. I started to run away from him and he caught me sending us falling to the ground.

"So lucy has England lived up to it's reputation?",he asked scooting closer to me as we layed in the grass.
'It has",I smiled as we kissed one last time in this amazing place.

We got up and walked hand in hand back to the car. He drove me back to the college and walked me to my dorm. It was around 5 o'clock when we finally reached the school. Matt took me to the door of my dorm.

"Lucy I have had an amazing time with you",he said taking my hands and moving closer.
"Me too",I said.
"I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to be possible be my girlfriend?",he said,"I am a gentleman and I would never kiss a girl without intending to date her. But if you don't want to.." I cut him off by kissing him.
"Yes Matt Bellamy I would love to be your girlfriend",I said.
We kissed once more as he drew me closer to him and I put my arms arouond his neck...