Through the Camera Lens

Picture Four

I smiled at Miley as she walked into the bedroom of her tour bus with Nick a week later. “I have a phone interview with Ryan.” I smiled before pulling me knee’s up to my chest, Nick came and sat beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“How do you feel?” Miley asked sitting in front of me, I shrugged slightly. Before actually letting all the emotions I’ve pushed back fill my body.

“Like my hearts been ripped out.” I whispered. Miley opened her mouth to say something when the phone rang I reached over Nick to pick it up before returning to my previous position. “Hello.” I put on a happy voice.

“Hello Miss. Wilson.” I laughed as Ryan’s voice filled my ears. “How are you my lovely.”

“I’m great.” lie “How are you Ryan?” I asked politely.. I heard him laugh before he replied to me.

“I’m great now could you tell your audience where you are?”

“I’m sitting on a bus with Nick and Miley.” I beamed as they smiled, Nick squeezing my shoulders softly.

“Oh really no Joe Jonas.” I laughed even though it hurt.

“No I’m not sure where Joe is.” I answered truthfully.

“Okay speaking of Joe Jonas, Are you two dating?”

“No, I’ve never dated Joe Jonas” lie

“Do you love him?”


After all the painful questions about Joe finished the questions about my upcoming projects came up. “Now it’s been reported you’ll be starring in the Evernight movie?”

“Uh, Yes two or so months back I signed on to play Bianca Oliver in the Evernight movie.” I took a breath. “And if it goes well there may be a sequel.” I smiled as I thought about the movie.

“And you’re also going to be on an episode of Hot In Cleveland with Joe Jonas as we’ve been told.” crap

“Yes, I completely forgot, We film next week because they’ve finished tour and it should be fun.” Nick chuckled a bit causing me to poke my tongue out at him.

“It’s been said that your going to be playing a bad girl?” I laughed and shook my head.

“I can’t say much but yes I’m going to be a bad girl and I’ll be using my normal accent so no fake accent’s for me this time.” I laughed.

“Well I’m honored to talk to you but I must let you go I understand.” I nodded my head causing Miley and Nick to burst out into laughter.

“Yes, My friends are being mean to me, So I’ll leave you to punch them up.” I laughed. “I love you Ryan.” He laughed before saying it back, I smiled as I hung up before standing up.

“Where are you going?” Miley asked as I walked towards the door, The two following me. I walked down the steps looking back at them.

“To go find a doctor so he can remove my heart.” I turned to see Joe standing in front of me, He had scruff all over his cheeks and neck his eyes were sad and filled with pain while he had bags under his eyes. I looked down at me shoe before slipping past him.

“What do you want?” Miley hissed at Joe while I walked away into the arena. I needed to find Mrs. Jay.

“I needed to see her.” He whimpered. I ignored him before continuing to make my way towards the arena passing Demi and Alyson. Demi took note to me walking past and walked towards me, I quickened my pace as I made my way towards the arena, She followed me I spotted Kevin of in the distance looking at me with a worried glance. I ran towards him with a sad smile loosing Demi in the process he opened his arms for me to jump into.

“Hey girly.” He spoke into my hair. “I haven’t seen you in a while.” I nodded my head before pulling out of the hug. “How are you?” He asked sweetly.

“I’m not doing so well.” I whispered before starting to walk with him inside. “I was hoping to talk to your mother.” He nodded his head. “Since my own mother is in Australia.” He let out a laugh before showing me where she was. “Hey Mrs. Jay.” She sent me a scolding look. “Sorry Denise.” She let out a laugh before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry for interrupting you but I needed to talk to a mum like figure to me.” She beamed at me.

“Okay well where do you want to start sweetie.” She asked sitting us down on the couch.

“I just don’t know what to do, I mean I love Joe but I just can’t deal with this anymore.” She nodded her head. “It hurts me every time I see him with another girl, I couldn’t do it to him that’s why I never accepted any publicity couple ideas.” She smiled sympathetically at me.

“Sweetie you and Joe have been through so much together every couple has their small breaks every now and then this is natural.” She explained to me.

“But I don’t even know if Joe’s the one fore me.” She smiled once more.

“Only time will tell you that.” She said before pulling me into a hug. I smiled and nodded my head. “Just talk to Joe when you feel ready.” When would I feel ready to talk to him again? Would I ever be ready. I kept thinking as I walked out the door after waving goodbye to Denise. I’d made up my mind that I’d talk to Joe if I saw him at any time today when I walked out of the arena. As I walked past Joe’s bus I noticed him pressing someone up against the bus. I took a closer look only to find out it was Demi. I let out a small gasp causing them to split apart. When they did Joe’s eyes widened as he saw me. I kept my head down as I walked past them only to have Demi grab my arm. I turned to her and tried to pull my arm away from her as she tipped her lemonade over me before laughing, Tears welled in my eyes as I heard Joe’s laugh join hers softly. Ignoring them I walked to Miley’s bus and jumped into her shower. Turning it on I slid down the wall ignoring Nick’s calls for me to come out. I ignored it and let the water of the shower mix with my tears allowing it to soak through my clothes. I didn’t even look up as the door burst open, It was Nick I knew it because he’d stopped banging on the door. I felt his body slide beside mine under the shower spray his hand grabbing mine holding onto them tightly, His other hand went around my waist pulling me into him as he whispered sweet calming words in my ear.

“I guess this is it.” I whispered. “This is how it’s ment to be.” Nick squeezed my hand softly. “He get’s Demi and I get a shower of lemonade” Nick picked my chin up and smiled at me.

“No you get me.”

Tension on stage?


It appears that at last nights concert Nick and Joe Jonas had some tension between them as Demi announced she was indeed dating Mr. Joe Jonas once more… But what happened to Miss. Wilson? Seems Nick won her over…. The duo were seen at a lake in San Diego hugging as Miss. Wilson cried! What could be the cause of her tears? Joe Jonas perhaps.

I rolled my eyes as I saw the article before shoving my phone deep into my pocket. I smiled as I passed Miley on my way to the door of the bus, It was the final show tonight and I couldn’t wait I finally got to get away from Joe. I gasped as I saw a bouquet of red roses and blue violets. I picked them up before bringing them back inside. Miley looked up and gasped. “Who are they for?” She asking coming over to me.

“I don’t know.” I said before picking up the small card. ”Dear Annie, Roses are red, Violets are blue, These are for you to make you smile for a few!.” I gasped as Miley cheered causing me to laugh before grabbing my hands and doing a happy dance with me. We both jumped in surprise as we heard someone clear there throat from the door, We blushed and looked over to see a smirking Nicholas Jonas and a guilty looking Joe.

“Who are these from?” He asked coming over to Miley and I stealing the card and reading it out loud. I blushed and took it back from him as he looked at me. “Whoever did this is a hero…. They made you smile pretty lady.” He said before giving me a side hug which Joe glared at.

“What do you want Jonas?” Miley hissed at Joe who glared at her in return.

“My brother.” He spat. “And don’t glare at me you stupid sk.”

“STOP IT.” I yelled before looking at him. “She has the right to hate you, But you can’t call her that.” He’s eyes softened as he looked at me. “Just go back to Demi.” He looked like he would argue before I added in “please.” He shook his head before walking to the door as I looked at the ground. Nick came up to me and hugged me from behind.

“You okay pretty lady?” I nodded my head before walking us backward to the couch in turn making us fall him on the couch me on his lap. He laughed before hugging me tighter.

“I miss Joe.” I whimpered. Miley shook her head. “I wish I didn’t but I do.” I looked down at my hands. “I need to talk to him.” I said before getting up and running out the door. “JOE.” I yelled as I saw him, He looked up and smiled I ran into his open arms him catching me easily. He smiled and swing me around in the air.

“I’m so sorry baby, So freaking sorry.” He whispered kissing my hair. “Seeing you smile and laugh and not be with me god it hurt.” He whimpered placing my hand on his heart. “When you saw me with Demi and the lemonade I just wanted you to hurt like I was, I felt horrible after Nick even punched me in the face when I showed up to apologize.” I gasped and ran my hand over his face. “Be mine again?” I looked at him and smirked.

“On one condition.” He nodded his head. “Let your hair grow back please?” He smiled and nodded his head.

“Come on let me share you with the world.” He said before pulling me with him.

“Wait!.” He stopped. “Lets keep it a secret please.” I whispered he smiled.

“Course baby.” He lent down and kissed me. “But this time I’m going to do it right.” I was ecstatic that I was once more with Joe but half of my mind wondered if I’d miss spending so much time with Nick… My best-friend… The guy who said I’d always have him…
♠ ♠ ♠
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