This Love Have A Happy Ending?

Mellington Activity Centre.

I sat next to Louise in the back of my mothers car, singing loudly to Don’t Stop Me Now. We were on the way to Mellington Activity Centre. Louise and me had signed up for a summer activity course. It was a week long and seemed like it would be a good laugh.

Lou had been my best friend since we were at nursery together. We told each other everything and always had something to talk about. We had so many ’you had to be there’ moments that whenever we came out with something strange no one bothered to ask anymore.

When we arrived, it looked really quiet.
‘Are you sure this is the right place?’ I asked my mum.
She nodded and pointed to the big, bold lettering on the front of the building.
‘Duh!’ Louise laughed, pulling a face.

We walked through the gravel car park in silence. The sun was reflecting off the large glass doors which made them impossible to look at without fear of going blind.
When we opened the doors, the silence continued. We walked down the corridor until we got to the reception.

'Erm... Hi. We're here for the summer course.' I said to the woman.
She looked at me blankly.
'Which one?' She asked holding up a really long list.
My mum took it from her hands and scanned down it.
'That one.' She said pointing to one of the courses and showing the woman.
'Oh, okay. Thats just down there. Room 4a.' She leaned out through the little window and pointed down the corridor.
I nodded. We walked down it in the direction she had pointed us. When we got to the door we said goodbye to my mum. She turned around and walked back in the direction we had just came. Past the reception. Up to the doors. She pushed open the door and a sudden glare of white light flashed in my eyes.
Louise pushed open the door. She jumped back in shock from the sudden change of volume around us.
We stepped in, looking round for a space to sit. We got chairs from the stacks at the back of the room and put them in the corner at the back. We sat down.