This Love Have A Happy Ending?

Rock Climbing.

They spoke to us for a while about safety. Explaining we had to be harnessed up properly before being able to start climbing.
They wouldn't let us pick our pairs, they said the whole week was about meeting new people.
Louise ended up with this really good looking boy called Jack. I could tell she liked him by the way she looked at him. I was so jealous.
I got paired up with a boy called Elliot. He was okay. He seemed a bit serious. I felt a bit nervous around him. He looked like he was about to punch me in the face.
I'd never done rock climbing before, so I was really nervous.
'Have you ever done rock climbing before?' I asked Elliot as he tightenened the waist-band of my harness.
'Loads of times.' He said looking up at me.
I didn't say anything.
He stood upright .
'Have you?' He asked tilting his head to one side.
I shook my head.
'Oh. It's great fun.' He smiled at me.
'I'm a bit worried. I don't think I'll be very good at it.'
'I'm sure you'll do fine. If you get stuck, I'll help you.'
I smiled. He looked up to the top of the climbing wall, sheilding his eyes from the sun.
'It's not to high anyway.' He looked back at me and spun me round, checking my harness was done properly.
'Your done.' He said, leading me over to our wall. He took the wire that was hanging down by the side of the wall. He clipped it on to the back of my belt.
I stood there, shaking.
'It's okay.' He said, sensing my fear. 'Just put your feet on the blue rocks and your hands on the red and yellow ones. I worked it out.'
'Okay.' I put my feet on the first two blue rocks. Then I reached up to find the nearest rocks to my hands. I grabbed on to them. I looked down so I could find the next blue rocks. I moved my feet up to them and then reached out again with my hands. When I got to the top I stopped.
'Push the button.' Elliot called up to me.
I pushed the large red button which was next to my hand.
'Now what?' I asked him.
'Now your coming down.'
I looked down and started trying to climb down the wall again.
'No. Not like that.' Elliot laughed. 'I'll loosen the wire and you just push of the wall everytime you get close to it.'
I looked at the boy on the wall next to me who was bouncing happily off the wall.
I nodded my head and did exactly the same thing.
When I got to the bottom Elliot came and detached me from the wire. He loosened my harness enough so that i could slip it off.
'I don't know how to do a harness.' I said, looking confused.
'I don't think you friend does either.' He said looking over at Louise and Jack.
'Lou. D'you know what your doing?' I called.
'Not a clue.' She cringed.
'Jack, I'll do yours while they watch then I'll get one of them to do mine. Yeah?'
'Sure.' Jack nodded.
Me and Louise stood and watched Elliot put on Jack's belt and harness.
'Got it?' He asked me.
'Pretty much.' I said, walking back over to our wall.
I put his harness on with no trouble, then watched him climb the wall, really quickly. Then I loosened the wire so he could bounce down the wall.
I un-clipped the wire and un-did his harness. Then we went to the bench and sat down with Louise and Jack.