This Love Have A Happy Ending?


'Where d'you wanna go for lunch?' I heard Jack asking Elliot.
I walked over to them, pulling Louise along behind me.
'You're aloud to go off the premises?' I questioned Jack.
'If you're over twelve. Otherwise you need permission from your parents. I'm guessing you are.' He looked at us.
'We are twelve. Would we still be aloud?' I pulled a face
'Your only twelve?' Elliot looked shocked. 'I think you would be. Come with us to ask John, we have to find him anyway before we can go.'
'Cool.' Louise shrugged her shoulders.
We walked along beside them. We went into the building we had came from. We walked to the staff room. This place reminded me a bit of a school.
Jack knocked on the door. After a couple of seconds a woman came and opened it.
'Hi, is John in there?' Elliot asked.
The woman turned round and looked around the room.
She stuck her head back round the door.
'One moment.' She said, shutting the door in our faces. After a minute or two John appeared at the door.
'Ah, boys, I thought it might be you.' He said before he saw Louise and me leaning on the other side of the door frame.
'Oh, who do we have here?' he asked.
'This is Amy and..'
'I'm Louise.' She said, interupting Elliot.
'Well, we came to ask if we could go out and also whether these two can come? They're twelve, but they got money from their parents to get food here. I don't think they knew that you had to get permission.' Jack explained.
'Our mums said to get food here, on the way here my mum was pointing out places she thought would be good. We'll get a note tonight and give it to you tomorrow. Or I can call my mum up now if you like.' I lied a little.
'Oh you don't need to worry about that. You can go today seeing as you'll be with these two. But can you get a note for the rest of the week?' John asked, believing every word I'd told him.
'Okay.' I smiled.
'Alright, we better be off otherwise we wont get back on time.' Elliot said.
We walked down the stairs and past room 4a. We walked past the woman in reception who didn't even ask where we were going. When we got to the doors Jack and Elliot threw themselves into them, instead of just pushing them open with their hands.
The sun was blinding and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the sudden change.
'So, where d'you wanna go? We could get a pizza? Or there's a new sandwich bar that's just opened.' Elliot said.
'Sandwhich bar sounds cool.' Louise said, grinning.
'Where would you like to go?' I asked them.
'I don't really mind. I'll eat whatever.' Elliot said.
'Me too.' Jack agreed.
'Okay, I'm not really bothered either, so we'll go to the sandwich bar, yeah?' I asked.
'Cool.' Jack smiled.
'Yay!' Louise yelled.
Elliot frowned, I laughed.
When we got to the sandwich bar, we found a table and sat down.
Me and Louise went to the toilet and the boys went to buy their food.
Louise sighed dreamily while we were washing our hands.
'What?' I asked.
'Jack, he's so...'
'So...' I looked at her.
'Cool.' she said turning of the tap and walking over to the drier. I followed her and stuck my hands above hers, so they would dry quicker. I walked out and she ran along after me.
Once I'd got my sandwich and a bottle of sprite I went and sat with Elliot and Jack.
Louise came and sat with us a few minutes later. We chatted for a while.

We walked back down the road.
'5 minutes.' Jack said.
'It's a ten minute walk.' Elliot pulled a face.
Me and Louise looked at each other, then grabbed their arms and ran.
We got back right on time and when we got in to room 4a everyone was just settling down for the next safety talk.