Status: Very active, for now


Ariana Carson Fuller was dead. Or at least I might as well have been to my friends from my old school and town. The last they had seen of me, I was happily moving to Austria. Of course that was nothing but a cover to get them off my backs. I left my high school in Northern Ontario, Canada, eight months ago and was transferred to a much more private one in the middle of nowhere in Georgia, U.S.A.

My friends still kept in contact of course, I had daily wall posts from the on my Facebook and still received texts from Canada on my public phone. This special Academy that I attended, The Gwendolynn Blakely Academy for Young Women, was for…talented girls between the ages of 14 and 18. Our classes were like none other, an average person will have never heard of GBAYM, but then again, I never said that we were average girls.

In the 1970’s a North American organization decided we needed a first line of defence -the military being second, but no one knew that other than those on the inside- for the entire Continent. They started training young men and women in espionage. Apparently mid 20`s wasn’t young enough. They started recruiting minors. Kids who excelled in sports, or had ways with computers were prime choices. Only it wasn’t only American and Canadian children being chosen, they had gone world wide with the selection process. Kids selected from other Countries had to undergo tests and gain an American or Canadian citizenship -most chose Canadian-.

What was the purpose of having trained agents? Well we were obviously doing something if Squads were sent out on nightly missions.
  1. One
    The Beginning
  2. Two
    Introductions to a New Friend
  3. Three
  4. Four
    Strange Beginnings
  5. Five
  6. Six
    Disguise Yourself
  7. Seven
    Destruction Of Everything
  8. Eight
    A Deal I Can't Refuse
  9. Nine