Status: I try to update after every AP Euro class

Anything for a Laugh

the boy who stares

I double check the door number before walking in to my fifth period class. It's the first day of school and I've barely made it through the first half. I sigh when I see that the whole class is filled to the brim. Kids are practically on top of each other on the two couches. The chairs lining the few tables scattered about the room are all filled but one. Great, I'm the last one to arrive.

After a little introduction from Mr. Greenstein, my AP European History teacher, we settle back for a short video. This is what AP Euro is all about--relaxing, watching movies, and being a senior.

"Who's sitting by the lights over there?" Greenstein calls from across the room.

I look up, realize it's me, and say, "Me."

"Oh, ok. What's your name?"


"Can you hit the lights, Dylan?"

"Sure." I switch off the lights in one brisk movement.

I lay back against the row of computers behind me and cross my arms. Greenstein presses play.

I take this chance to glance around the room, scope out who's here and who isn't. I know who isn't here: the very person I want to be there, the guy I've been crushing on for a while. He's in Charlotte's class. Just my luck.

While I'm scoping around, I catch someone's eye. It's some guy in the corner of the room, to my far left. I stare back at him blatantly. Hey, if someone is just going to stare at you, you might as well beat him at his own game.

I'm not sure how long I stare, but it's long enough for me to know that I'm not going to win. So I look away and glare at the three tvs screaming about how awesome euro is.


It's my second day of school. My first official 1-3-5 day. My first two-hour period with Greenstein. And the boy who stares.

I quickly grab the chair nearest my friend, Cindy, and plop down. "There's like, no one here," I say to her.

"Yeah, everyone is out getting lunch. It's Euro."

I laugh. "That's true."

Greenstein honestly doesn't give a shit if you come to class late. The first time you're late, he'll say, "You're late." The second time you're late, he'll say, "You're REALLY late." And the third he says, "You're REALLY REALLY late." And then he repeats the process. Get my point?

I spend the next two hours joking around, gossiping about cute guys in my other classes, and sneaking glances at the boy in the corner of the room.

I learn a few things about him just by watching him: one, he loves attention and is, therefore, a little loud. Two, he looks part asian. He's probably a mutt like me. Three, he is a hands-on kind of guy, if you know what I mean.

I catch his eyes a few times, each time looking away first. Boy: 1, Dylan: 0


On the fifth day of AP euro I walk into the room and immediately sense the change in the atmosphere. I look at my corner and see that Cindy is chatting up the boy who stares. She obviously knows him. I walk cautiously over and drop my books on the ground to get her attention.

"What's up?" I ask robotically.

"Nothing. How was lunch?"

"It was...good..." I respond slowly, getting in a quick glance at the guy beside her.

And that was it.

Later that night I logged onto google with the intent of finding out who this guy was.
Our chat went something like this:

me: so tell me who it iss
i didnt catch ur last few messages
what did you say?
12:46 AM 
cinders93: lol
i forgot 
me: o ok
so noww tell me who it is
12:47 AM 
cinders93: i forgot... 
me: mehh :P
well find out on wednesday
12:48 AM 
cinders93: yupyup 
me: (:
cinders93: wait what about him?
me: what about who?
12:49 AM 
cinders93: euro guy
12:50 AM 
me: o  
uh nothing 
cinders93: ...  
me: yeah
12:51 AM 
cinders93: lol  
me: good 
cinders93: lol
me: why lol 
cinders93: idk  
random question you asked 
me: ha ya
12:52 AM 
its unimportant 
cinders93: lol
12:53 AM 
we gotta go hunting in euro 
me: ?
12:54 AM 
cinders93: scope out ppl 
me: ooo  
theres not too many ppl in that class  
unles youre talking out of class
12:55 AM 
cinders93: mm  
what im talking about 
me: lol  
12:56 AM 
AH HA!  
ive got it! 
cinders93: ...k 
me: he was wearing a varsity jacket and sitting on the table during the japanese thing  
remember now? 
cinders93: ..  
dont say lenny
12:57 AM 
me: idk  
who is that?
cinders93: idkk  
i dont remember these things dude  
but if its lenny cheah  
i think he has a gf 
me: okkk 
cinders93: lol 
me: what does that have to do with me?  
12:58 AM 
you think i was scoping him out? lol 
cinders93: lol 
me: did you? 
cinders93: haha no 
me: ok  
well i kinda was hahaha  
but i only stared when he stared
fair enough i think 
cinders93: hahahahahhaha  
me: no worries, im no slut. i wouldnt steal someones guy  
thats rude 
cinders93: ohmygahhd  
i love you <3 
me: hahaha
1:00 AM 
unless he was reaaaaally fine  
then maybe i'd have to snatch him.  
screw you girlfriend 
cinders93: lol  
that includes who your friends like right 
me: omg  
thats even more off limits  
like you and kunio?  
me like kunio?  
cinders93: yes  
you understand girl code  
some ppl don't
1:01 AM 
me: sisters before misters  
and plus  
he's yours, you picked him first  
your property  
no one else's  
thats just damn rude to hit on your friend's crush 
cinders93: YES  
1:02 AM 
me: hahaha 
cinders93: you have something some people don't have  
courtesy & common sense 
me: common sense?  
so true!
1:03 AM 
cinders93: awegaewg  
i have to go to the bathroom  
me: hahaha k


Yes, that was copied straight from my gmail.

And now I know his name. Mission accomplished.
♠ ♠ ♠
true story. :)
every word.
I know the words/language/style is very simplistic. I want it to be this way. Too many details...well, that's just not my life. I think in short, quick bursts. Nothing too intricate or impossible to understand.
I'm very straightforward.