Status: not started yet

I'm Falling in Love With Who?


I decided that I'm going to edit the first book and then edit and continue to post this story. So If you get a bunch of emails from the prequel that's it. I'll be looking for grammar and spelling mistakes as well as sentences that I don't think flow very well. I also think I'm going to change the summary of this story. I don't quite like it.... but yea. I have this week and next week in school then I'm done, so I can work on the story at least a half hour a day! :-DI have a lot of this story already written, so hopefully I can finish it and upload a lot! :-D Sorry it's been a year since I uploaded. School was super hectic and I sort of went through a whole watch TV and that's it faze. lol Well I love you guys!!! :-D

Go check out this site called Wattpad. It's an online reading site like this one and they even have an app, which makes it really easy to read on the go. :-)

If you know any good stories on here to read just comment with their name and author or the url to their summary. Thanks!
