Status: Chapter 1

An All Time Low Moment

A Sweet Surprise

It was a cold October in Chicago. I'd been juggling homework, guitar, working on my EP with my friends. It was a month before the All Time Low concert. I had tweeted Zack Merrick SOOOO many times to come to my high school on October 2nd to take me to homecoming. It was October 1st, 2010, the homecoming game. I was so excited! I had so much fun with my friends that I was so pooped by the time I had returned home. I put on some sweats and hit the hay. I dreamt of All Time Low. I awoke at 12 PM the next day to see my whole family was gone. Hm, this was strange. I immeditley called both my parents and sister. No answer. What was going on?! So I said screw it and went to the computer, I turned up some All Time Low and went on twitter, I checked my texts from last night, I realized Zack had tweeted he was in IL. I flipped my lid and tweeted him ONE last time about homecoming. It was around 1:30 PM and I decided to get ready and take a shower before my neighbor came over to do my hair at 3. Pictures were at 6. I showered, put on some sweats, and my neighbor came over to do my curls and such. I looked like a hot mess, sweats, and giant, bouncy and flawless curls. I paid her some money and went upstairs to change. Finally, my parents arrived home from the grocery store for all the before homecoming snacks. It was now 4 PM, I raced upstairs and put on my dress, I looked stunning! My mom snapped some pictures. I needed to pass the time, so I watched STD. I laughed my ass off! I was so happy! Finally, it was around 5:30, my best friend, Mary, had come over to help me with some finishing touches. Then, the clock turned to 6, and some of my friends started arriving with their parents. Suddenly, I see a huge bus type thing on the street in back of my house. A smile stretched across my face. I could NOT believe it. No, I thought to myself. It's not them, it CAN'T be them. The bus turned into my neighborhood, and approached my house. The doors finally opened, out stepped none other than Matt Flyzik. He gave me a rose that said "From Zack". This can't be real! No! Next, came Rian Dawson, he also handed me a rose. Then Jack Barakat Stepped out and gave me a rose. Then Alex Gaskarth, then Matt Colussy, then Jeff Maker, then Vinny Vegas. Everyone was wondering what the heck was going on. Then, Zack stepped out of the bus, dressed in a blue tie to match MY dress. He looked FINE! He cleaned up so nice! His fro had been tamed. He kissed my forehead and whispered "Homecoming?"
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sorry i orginally posted this in the journal section cause idk how to work this!