Status: All True (completed 6-5-11)

10 Written Letters but Never Sent

Day 01: Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,

It’s amazing how we have been best friends for six years. I absolutely love you and I am so happy you are my best friend.

I don’t have any siblings; (although you have an older sister, which you don’t talk to.) you are my sister. “Girlfriends are sisters we choose for ourselves.” It is an extraordinary quote.
I guess I just lucked out to have you move across the street from me when I was in fifth grade and you in forth. All thanks to our two dogs (who died around the same time a couple of years after we met.) and your grandma and my mom.
I remember the very first time we hung out, you came over and we went straight into my basement to play Barbie dolls. You didn’t even see the kitchen and you slept over that same day on the pullout couch.
The stupidest fight we ever got into was when you told me you hated your little cousin and I accidently told her, then you threw a doll and it hit me in the eye. We were thirteen when we stopped playing with dolls.

I got my first boyfriend in sixth grade and he turned out to be a jerk and you stuck up for me and almost got suspended on my behalf. And in the end he was the one who got suspended for the bus incident.
Seventh grade I got another boyfriend, we were together until sophomore year. You dated his twin brother and double-weddings were all we could talk about for the time being.
On our third year friend-a-versary we went to Disney World for a week with my parents and met up with the boys and had an awesome time. We ordered room service and used their mom’s credit card to order a ton of food after we went swimming. When he broke up with you (for the tenth time), we drew him with “man-boobies” and a thong. It was hilarious!
My freshman year and your eight grade year we drifted apart a lot, I still had my boyfriend and you still liked his brother. When I was going into sophomore year he dumped me over the phone that summer. There went almost three years of my life. I texted you telling you what happened and you told me to come over. We ate cookie dough ice cream and watched the “Jonas Brothers: 3D Concert Experience” in your room; we took the Rock Band gear and pretended to play along with them; made crazy videos… “Sexy Beast Attack” (inside joke lol). We became close again.

Then you told me how you lost your virginity to your three-month-boyfriend. I thought you were crazy not to wait a little bit longer to do it, but I never said anything. That whole summer you were telling me how you two were fighting and that you regretted not waiting.
I still liked my ex, I made the most stupidest mistake by telling him that. His brother invited us to their house to hang out, awkward! You two ignored me so I hung out with their ten year old cousin. We played xbox360 until my ex came down into the basement; we started talking and we played “Dance, Dance Revolution.” He made a joke to spy on you two because you were in his bedroom. We eventually went into his bedroom and talked and I told him that I still liked him, he said he still liked me too and asked me out again; I obviously said yes.

Three days later he dumped me for a good friend of mine.

Your boyfriend found out about going to your ex’s house you two broke up (after eleven months). We’ve been through hell with boys. Screw them!

Girl who wishes you were her sister.
♠ ♠ ♠
true story... :P