Status: All True (completed 6-5-11)

10 Written Letters but Never Sent

Day 06: the person who broke my heart

Dear Squirrel,

You asked me out my sophomore year, you were a freshman. But that was when my 1st real boyfriend dumped me after almost 3 years. I didn't want a relationship cause I was heartbroken. I was being all shy, cause I use to like you, but you caught me off guard and I said "sure" uneasily and you sensed it. I thought you just forgot about me, but when I was ready for a relationship I told you in a letter during spanish class. You ended up dating a Senior within a week. So I just gave up.
A year passed and she graduated and you guys drifted apart and broke up.
When we got back from summer vacation, I really liked you still so I made up dumb excuses to talk to you at lunch, I usually asked if we had rehearsal and what time. We started im'ing on Facebook and texting and we really clicked. You asked me out over IM cause you "didn't see me in school that day and couldn't wait for the next" on January 13, 2011.
We "fell-in-love" and I thought you really meant it. On March 3, I lost my v-card to you and vice versa. I thought it would make us closer, instead you became distant and left me for Acorn. Well at least in my favor she said "no", but it is still her fault for leading you on. Karma sucks doesn't it? You made me cut myself...

the girl who trusted you