Status: All True (completed 6-5-11)

10 Written Letters but Never Sent

Day 07: the last person I kissed

Dear Castro, (hehe see what I did there?)

We have been hanging out since squirrel broke up with me. You didn't want a relationship before so I dated him, cause I gave up on you. You wanted to be fwb's(friends with benefits) because you didn't want to commit.
I've liked you since September...of the begining of Junior year.
I believe it was the 2nd time we went to the movies? when you mentioned that you kind of wanted a girlfriend, but I wasn't ready.(You mentioned a few times actually) Then we have been hanging out a lot more recently and you keep saying you wanted to wait to go out until school ends, I'm not rushing you, but it's been a week or so since it ended.
But just so you know, I did want you to ask me to prom, but I'm was too shy to say anything, so felony (what you call my friens) took matters into her own hands and asked you in front of the Chemistry class...I was embarrassed to death. You said no, obviously, so I was convinced you didn't like me. I gave up. That's when we started hanging out I believe.

the girl who wants to be your girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually sent this to him