Status: All True (completed 6-5-11)

10 Written Letters but Never Sent

Day 08: The person I regret giving a second chance to.

Dear boy I couldn't let go of,

We were together for almost 3 years, 7th, 8th and 9th grade. You called me on the phone the summer before sophomore year and broke up with me and never gave me a straight-up reason. I was so confused, cause I talked to you the day before and you told me that you loved me.
Well, you stayed single until the week after my sweet 16. I tried to move on...both relationships after you went bad. We hung out and we talked at your house because my best girlfriend and your twin brother had an on-off relationship for the past 2 years, and she wanted me there to "just be there". My mistake that I really regret was confessing that I still liked you. Apparently (I was not aware of) you were about to go out with my friend whom I've met in middle school. btw: she almost went out with your twin brother, but you never will know that. You asked me back out because you "felt bad" for me with my hard luck with guys and dating, but I found that out too late. I thought I would be happy that we were back together, but honestly after almost a year of spliting you changed; I changed. About 3 days later you dumped me, again. I guess I just didn't want to admit it to myself that we weren't on the same page, but it just took me too long to realize that.
When I saw you and her together soon after, I wanted to feel jealously, but I didn't. I was just jealous of your relationship that I thought I needed. I wanted someone to always be there to hold me and love me, but noting---no one wanted me (or so I thought).

the girl that wishes she just shut up.