Status: All True (completed 6-5-11)

10 Written Letters but Never Sent

Day 09: who I want to be

Dear the person who I want to be,

Have you ever felt like you just wanted to pack up your belongings and just start over somewhere else? All the time.
I'm sick of the same people and same drama. I just want everything complicated to disappear forever. Boy's piss me off, girls are bitches and annoying. I never wanted to move away so much in my life. Between Squirrel, Chipmunk, Acorn, creepers and all my other ex's, I just want to leave them all behind and a start new.
The only unfortunate things are that this is going to be my senior year starting this September and my best friends and current boyfriend (castro) I just got less then a week ago. Yes, he did finally ask me out and me sending the letter helped a lot.

the girl that wants a change.