Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

The Boy's You Do Get Back At You.

Stephen's P.O.V

I had to stop John from telling everyone the secret.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him back just in time. He was about to enter the same room as everyone else.
"John please" I begged.
John looked at me "Don't EVER talk to me again" he said and pulled his arm away.

Jess came running towards us and grabbed John's arm "John please, don't tell them" she said.
John looked at her and then at me "Give me one good reason?" asked John.
I went to say something but Jess stopped me "Because they will hate Stephen" she said.
I looked at her. She was right, if they found out they would take her side over mine.
"Just let me explain everything to them" she said.

John sighed and nodded "Fine" he snapped quickly, "Just next time think about who you are messing with next time".
I smiled and went to give him a brotherly hug, but he pushed me away "I still hate you" he added and walked away.

I sighed and sat down on the ground stared into the carpet, and started drawing little circles with my fingers.
"What are we going to say?" I asked.
Jess shrugged and sat down "I don't know" she answered.
I sighed, that wasn't the answer I wanted. Not at a time like this. Not at the time my brother was hating me.

We heard someone clear their throat, Jess and I looked up to see her brother standing there,
Jess sighed "I better go" she said.
I nodded "See you then" I said, and watched as she left.

Jess's P.O.V

It was really awkward walking back to the hotel room with Jack, he kept asking me what happened with Stephen.
I lied and said we just talked, and then I told him that John and I broke up.
Jack was now hugging me close, I had to act like I was depressed over it,
But not as much as I was when Stephen and I broke up.

"I think it's time" said Jack.
I looked up at him "Time for what?" I fake sobed.
"For you to go home" said Jack.

I pushed back quickly, "No I don't need to" I said quickly.
Jack shook his head "No Jess you are going, Alex is booking the tickets now" he said.
I shook my head again 'NO JACK I WANT TO STAY" I cried, real tears started to fall from my face, as I slid down against the wall.
Jack sighed and sat beside me "Jess you can't stay here it's too hard" he said.
I shook my head "It's fine" I said.
Jack sighed and hugged me tight, "It's going to be okay" he said.

Jack looked at me, anger was written all over his face, and then he put his head in his hands and started to shake it.

I didn't want to see his next reaction.

I ran out the hotel room door, not knowing what I was going to do next.

I dashed down the hallway and kept running until I reached Stephen's hotel room.

I walked in to see him and Josh talking.
They both looked up and saw me crying, Josh nodded "I will leave you two alone" said Josh.
Stephen nodded "Thanks man" he said as Josh left the room.

Stephen walked over to me "What is wrong?" he asked.
I didn't answer him, I just jumped in his arms, and kissed his lips and pushed him onto his bed.


I woke up with my head on Stephen's chest, I looked over at the time, it was around 8 am.
Jack was probably still sleeping. I doubt he will be looking for his sister that is a huge slut.
I sighed and hugged up closer to Stephen, he was half asleep, but he pulled me in tighter,
"thanks" I said.
"Don't mention it" he said as he rolled over and put his other arm behind my back and pulled me closer,
and I felt him kiss the top of my forehead.

I snugged my head into his head and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep one more time, before I had to face the real world.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is going to start going some where from now.
It's kind of predictable what is going to happen,
I took the day off school today cause it's 40 degrees where I live and I am dying from the heat.
So I am sorry that I wrote a crap update.
But thank you for baring with me.

comments are lovely <3.
Love Jess