Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Someone Like You

"Okay have fun on stage" I said sadly into the phone.
"I will, I miss you babe" said Stephen, before he hanged up.
I sighed and said into the phone 'I miss you too' even though he couldn't hear.

I was sitting at the park, my bare feet were digging into the dirt under swing, as I sat there sadly,
I was missing Stephen more then anything in the world.
But I had to cheer up I was birthday in a week, but I knew I wasn't going to get what I wanted for my birthday.

Still wearing the hoodie that Stephen had given me before I left him, tears started fall and I saw them falling on the ends of it.
The hoodie was about 3 sizes too big, and it was baggy, my hands were covered by the sleeves, and it looked like I had no arms when I wore it. I would always wear the hood up, so I could smell it and think of Stephen when I was missing him.

I pushed myself back and forth on the swing, and then got off. I sniffed the Baltimore summer air in.
I could feel the heat, it was killing me, but I wasn't taking this hoodie off.
I was wearing a pair of short shorts, but the big hoodie made it look like I had nothing underneath.

I pulled the sleeve just so it was over my left hand, and placed it near my mouth and walked slowly home,
putting one foot in front of the other, wishing that if I fell Stephen would be there to catch me.


I got home and switched on the T.V and there was a warped tour ad.
"Hello Baltimore, I hope you all have your tickets, for next weeks show in the Baltimore" said the presenter.
I switched off the T.V and hugged my knees close to me, I didn't want to hear anything about Warped tour.

My mum walked in the room "Jess, Jack is on the phone" said Mum.
I sighed and shook my head "I don't know a Jack" I lied.
Mum looked at me confused, thinking I was confused "As in your brother Jack" said Mum.

I sighed and stood up and walked into the kitchen, and grabbed the phone off the bench,
before even saying hello, or Jack could talk. I felt angry, I didn't want to talk to him,
I didn't want anything to do with him. He was the reason I was here.

"I don't have a brother called Jack" I snapped into the phone, and hanged up.
I tossed the phone back onto the bench, I stared at it.
Thinking what I had did. What if it was him asking if I could come back on tour cause they missed me.
But I bet it was him just wanting to rub everything in.

I fell to the kitchen floor, and leant against some cupboards, and pulled my knees close to my face.
Tears started to run from my face as I started remembering the time, I was with Stephen,
and he was singing Love Story to me.

"Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting, for you but you never come" I sang to myself.


Stephen's P.O.V

"Thank you we have been the summer set" said Brian into the microphone, and we all dashed off stage.
I threw my bass guitar at the stage hand and stormed off the stage.
I walked over to my bag and grabbed it putting it over my shoulder, and grabbing my phone.
I also grabbed the acoustic guitar from the chair, and put it in my left hand.

Without talking I left the tent, and walked through the swarming crowd.
I looked around to see couples hugging and kissing, I sighed and walked past them, trying to push away the fact that I was missing that girl that I would share those moments with.

When you are missing someone, you are wondering they are missing you too.
And of course I was missing Jess. I missed her brown hair, and those amazing blue eyes.
And of course that smile that made me fall for her.

I finally made it to a hill, it was that same hill we once shared together, I put my phone down and my bag, and sat down,
I put the acoustic guitar on my lap and then grabbed my phone.
I scrolled through my contacts and dialed Jess's number.

She didn't answer. I sighed and started strumming the guitar and starting performing our song Where are you now?.

Once I was done, I sighed "I miss you babe" I said and hanged up the phone.
I hope she gets that message.

I saw my brother and Josh standing down the bottom of the hill. I sighed and leaned on the guitar and looked towards them,
and watched as they walked up the hill.

John had forgiven me, he knew I was going through alot at the moment, I was missing Jess and it was making me feel sick.
I had been skipping meals, and being a vegeterian that wasn't a smart idea. I just didn't feel hungry at all.

John sat down beside me and Josh sat on the other side.
"Do you miss her?" asked Josh.
I didn't open my mouth, to afraid about how my emotions were going to make me sound,
I just nodded slowly.

John gave me a brotherly hug and pulled me close "Don't worry, we will see her when we in Maryland next week" said John.
I fake smiled. Could I really wait a week?
♠ ♠ ♠
this story will be ending soon. I am sorry.
But the sequal is going to be coming soon :)
so comments are wanted right now. To tell me how many people are actually liking this story.
I won't update again to I get at least 4 more comments.

Also I need extra characters for a chapter coming up.
so please comment if you want to be in it.

Thanks :)
Love Jess