Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Like it's her birthday Part One

Today was supposed to be the day I smiled like crazy, the day I felt like the world involved around me,
Today was my nineteenth birthday. But I knew that I wasn’t going to get what I wanted for my birthday,
And that was Stephen.

My brother and his band mates were over, helping decorate.
I was now on Alex’s shoulders stapling the last balloon on to the wall. I pressed on the stapler and made it click into the wall. “That was the last one Gasbag” I said.
Alex spun around and gripped my legs, as he ran over to Zack “Catch” said Alex and turned around,
Letting go of my legs and pushed me into Zack’s arms, thankfully he caught me.

“So are you having a good birthday so far?” asked Zack as he placed me down.

That was the question I couldn’t answer honestly, because I wasn’t. I was missing Stephen,
But he said that he couldn’t make it tonight, he had something on. He was missing his own girlfriend’s birthday, but he said he will make it up to me. But to be honest there was nothing in the world he could do to make it up to me.

“Yeah I am having a great one” I lied to Zack.
Zack nodded, actually believing my lie, or maybe he knew I was lying and decided that no matter what, he couldn’t change how I was feeling.

Jack walked into the garage, and walked over to me.
He had a long box in his hand wrapped in purple circled paper, and it had a big pink bow on it.
“Happy birthday” said Jack smiling at me.

I fake smiled and grabbed the box, and looked at it, Could I really except this from him ? I know he was my brother, but he was probably the reason Stephen didn’t come. Stephen was lying I know it.
He didn’t have a thing on. Jack probably told Stephen that if he came to my party,
It would be the last thing he would do.

I undid the wrapping and the bow and chucked it across the garage floor, making it sort of come open.
I didn’t see what was in it. I didn’t really care.
I hate Jack “I HATE YOU” I screamed.

And ran back inside the house and to my bedroom.
I jumped on my bed and started crying into my pillow.
Soon I heard a knock on my bedroom door. “GO AWAY” I yelled.

“It’s me” said Alex. Like I cared it was him , I wanted to be left alone.

I sighed “What do you want Alex?” I asked.
Alex walked over to my bed, and sat down, I looked at what he had,
He had the box that I threw across the garage.

“Maybe you should look at this” said Alex.
I sighed and stood up and snatched the box from Alex, and I pulled the lid off it.

I was shocked.

There was a pretty white dress in the box, it was beautiful.

I opened the card and read it.

“To my beautiful sister Jess,

Happy birthday baby girl, you are finally nineteen years old,
I can’t believe you have reached nineteen I still remember when you were 8
I missed that Jess sometimes, the one that I would get along with. The one I could hold in my arms while she slept. But I guess I have to let those memories go and let you grow up.
I need to get over the fact that you aren’t that little girl anymore.
You are a woman, a beautiful woman.

I hope you have a amazing day, and live it to the fullest.

Love your brother Jack.

P.S Alex is cool.”

I laughed at the last bit, and leant onto Alex’s shoulder “Thanks Alex” I said.
Alex smiled and wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head.
“It’s not me to thank, it’s your brother” said Alex “He really cares about you, he isn’t ready to let you grow up yet”.
I nodded and wiped my eyes before the tears started to fall.

“Go back to the garage, everyone will be arriving soon” I said “Except Stephen”
Alex sighed and hugged me “He said he was sorry” said Alex.
The kissed my cheek and then left my room.

I sighed and stood up and looked at the dress one more time.
I took off the clothes I was wearing, including Stephen’s hoodie, which I throw across my bedroom to land in the small trash bin in my room.

Slipping on my dress, and then pulling my long brown hair out of the bun,
I looked at myself, I felt beautiful for once in my life.
I grabbed my make up kit and put a little bit of make up on.

I walked over to my wardrobe and grabbed out some white high heels and slipped them on.

Goodbye eighteen year old me.


John’s P.O.V

“Just give her this” said Stephen and handed me a envelope, it was for Jess’s birthday, it was a massive surprise.

I didn’t even know what it was. All I knew was it involved a treasure hunt, and Stephen in a tuxedo.
I had never really seen my brother in tuxedo, but this was a special occasion.

Brian, Jess, Josh and I were all about to leave for Jess’s nineteenth birthday and of course Stephen wasn’t attending, he told Jess he was busy.
But he wasn’t.

But he was going to be there, she just had to find him or something,. Stephen said he wanted to make this special, but there is a chance this could blow up in his face.

“Okay I will give it to her straight away” I said.
Stephen nodded “Thanks bro” said Stephen and walked back into the bathroom to do his hair.


We arrived at the party, there was people everywhere, no one I really knew.

I walked into the garage and scanned the room for Jess, while the others went and socialized with the all time low boys, who were standing near the back wall, watching everyone.

As I walked I felt a arm grab on to me, I turned around to see a girl standing there smiling at me,
She was beautiful, I smiled at her “Why hello there” I said completely forgetting about what I was doing.
“I am John” I said.
“I’m Miranda’ she said smiling wrapping her arms around my neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that the first part was bad, but cause I haven't been on mibba lately I thought I better update or people will think I have given up.
But I haven't I'm actually Love drunk for a boy called Dean, and I'm always seeing him.

Anyway comments are lovely but until the last part of the birthday part is up you don't really have to comment, it may have 3 or 4 parts I am not sure.
