Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Like It's Her Birthday Part 2

Jess’s P.O.V

I was walking around the garage, it was full of all of my best friends.

I walked around and found Josh, he walked over and smiled “Happy birthday Barakat” said Josh and hugged me. I hugged him back ‘Thanks Josh” I said.
He smiled “Stephen said he is sorry he couldn’t make it, John has the full story” said Josh and gave me a wink.
I looked at me him, weird and then shook my head “To be honest I don’t want to hear the name Stephen Gomez tonight” I said.
Josh shrugged and said something before he walked away “Find John”.

I looked around trying to find John, but soon I ended up going back inside, and walked up to my bedroom.

I really didn't want to be outside, with everyone, being happy with their boyfriends and their girlfriends.
I looked out my window and saw John and Miranda standing there dancing, I smiled.
Miranda was my best friend, and she was obsessed with The Summer Set like I was.
And of course she was in love with John.

I remember that Josh told me to find John, to find out why Stephen wasn’t here,
I sighed and realized that I had to go near John and Miranda being in love,
Who now were making out. I sighed maybe by the time I get to them outside they wouldn’t be kissing.


Boy was I wrong, when I walked into the backyard, they were still at it.

I walked over to them, and cleared my throat, they ignored me, and kept eating each other’s faces off.
I sighed and walked over to the drinks table, and grabbed a glass of water, and walked quickly back over.
I cleared my throat again hoping they would stop.
But they didn’t

I sighed and threw the cold water on John, making him jump backwards.
I laughed “That’s what you get Gomez” I said.
John glared at me, and so did Miranda.
“Josh told me to come find you” I said.

John nodded, and handed me a evevolpe, ‘Happy birthday” he said quickly and turned back to Miranda.
I smiled “Thank you” I said.

I walked away from them, and stepped out of the garage, I looked up at the sky,
It was nighttime it was full of stars, and the moon was shining brightly.
It was the most beautiful night ever, I just wish Stephen was here with me.

I sighed and walked over to the gutter, and sat down.
I slipped off my high heels and opened rested my feet on the cold road.
I grabbed the envelope, it said “To my beautiful girlfriend”

I sighed this was probably the letter telling me that Stephen is sorry, and everything.
I don’t care it won’t make me get over him not being here.

I opened it and slowly unfolded the letter, a few rose petals fell out along with another note, that had “Read after”.
I smiled and read the one that was already unfolded.

‘Dear Jess,
if you are reading this it means John actually did what I told him to do for once.

I am so sorry that I am not there for your nineteenth birthday, but I haven’t forgotten.
I remember everything that has happened with you.
And here is proof.

I remember when we first met, it was a sunny day, it was July the 5th and it was around 2pm.
I was seeing We the kings by myself, and you were as well. We bumped into each other,
You were wearing a pair of shorts, that were short. And tears on the bottom.
Your brown hair was down, and you had the most amazing blue eyes, that were shining in the summer sun.
You had a blue glamour kills top on with the flying pig.
It was half faded.

We saw We the kings together and straight from then I knew you were the one for me.

I am waiting for you right now, there is a map that came with this letter.
Read it, and I will be waiting for you

Love Stephen”.

I stopped reading and stared at the piece of paper for a while, then looked at the other letter.
I opened it.

There was instructions, and on the back it said “There is 3 clues, go find them I am waiting”

I smiled and stood up.

Maybe this will be the best birthday ever.


Eventually I found the last clue, I hadn’t read it yet, but so far, I had found my favorite flowers my favorite chocolates. And right now I was walking through a empty park, following some arrows drawn on the ground with chalk. I really hope I was supposed to be following these ones.

Eventually they stopped and there was a piece of paper on the ground. I smiled and knelt down and picked it up. I opened it and read the words ‘Look up’

I smiled and looked up at the tree and saw Stephen standing there with a tuxedo on, he had roses in his hands “Happy Birthday my princess” he said and then jumped out of the tree.

I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say to him. Was I still mad him ? God no.
Was I more in love with him ? Yes I was.
“I love you” he said and pulled me close,
I smiled and closed my eyes, as Stephen wrapped his arms around my waist and made me lean over,
He spun me around making my hair fly in the night air.

He pulled me back up, and looked me in the eyes “This night is going to be your best one ever” said Stephen, and started biting at my neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
part 2 of 3 done.

This story is going to be ending soon.
