Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

This One Time On Warped Tour

Stephen’s P.O.V

Before I had Jess come to me, our manager called to confirm our tour that we are going to have for about a year, and it was going to be a headlining tour, with a band from Australia called Because They Can, I had listened to a couple of their songs before, and they were pretty good. But the downside was I was going to have to leave Jess alone for 9 months, I asked the manager and he said we couldn’t bring anyone extra on tour with us.

At the moment Jess was resting her head in my lap, and I was stroking her hair softly, everything was perfect, I couldn’t ruin this moment, not while I brought her to the first place we met, the time those bright blue eyes first met mine.
Jess rolled over and looked up at me and smiled, how I am going to miss that smile,
“Is everything okay?” she asked,
I nodded ‘Everything is fine, I promise” I lied.
She nodded and sat back up, “Good” she said, and pushed me over so I was on my back, “Because I want to have some fun”.
She moved her hands to the end of my shirt, and started tugging on it as she started to kiss my lips, sliding her tounge around the edge of my lips,
I smirked “Jess not here” I said,
Jess climbed off me, “But where?” she asked.

That was a good question, I hadn’t thought this far ahead, I hadn’t even booked us into a hotel to stay for the night, which was probably the dumbest thing I have ever done, I looked around the showgrounds, and saw a small building that was used to stock band merchandise for warped tour.
I pointed “Let’s go there” I said,
Jess turned around and looked and noticed what I was pointing at, and stood up and helped me to my feet, and dragged me across laughing along the way, and pulling me towards her every few seconds to share a short sweet kiss.

Once we were at the building we looked for the opening, which we eventually found it, it was a medium size door, and whoever was in here last forgot to lock it,
Jess pushed it open and climbed inside, and closed it softly,
I pushed the door open and once inside I looked around,
There was a couch in the corner, and some empty chip packets, and something that was really needed in this situation some candles. I looked around again and didn’t know where Jess had gone.
“Jess where are you?” I asked,
There was no answer, just the sound of the cricket humming outside the building, I called again “Jess where are you?” I asked,
Still no answer, I sighed and went to sit on the couch, but then I felt something jump on my back, I turned my head around and saw Jess smiling at me, I laughed and walked over to the couch and tossed her on it, and climbed on top of her,
She smiled at me, and kissed my lips again and pulled my head towards her,
I pulled off my shirt and started unzipping my pants, and slid them off quickly and kicked them off onto the floor, Jess sat up and slipped the top of her dress down revealing her bra, and I moved my hands quickly behind her back to pull it off and then made it join with my clothes, I pulled Jess’s body forward and leaned back on the couch so she was on top of me,
I pulled away from her kiss “I like girls on top” I said,
Jess smiled and pulled the rest of the dress off and slipped it off and chucked it on the ground, and then slowly pulled off the black underwear she was wearing and threw it on the floor, she was now laying completely naked on top of me, I had no clue what to do next, fine I knew that we had sex before, but this time, on this very night it was going to mean something, to both of us, this was probably the only action I am going to get for the next couple of months. Unless Jess flies out for one night to see me on tour, which I doubt her brother will let her do, after he finds out what we got up to, he probably still thinks she is in Maryland, that I am just taken her out for a drive to have a look at the stars.
Boy was he wrong.

Jess kissed my lips lightly again, and we shared a sweet passionate kiss once again,
My fingers traced down her back, making her shiver, and then I moved them slowly and softly to her stomach, and moved my left hand to her thigh and started rubbing it,
She moaned and pulled away from the kiss and started kissing down my chest,
I moved it up higher and higher, until it reached Jess’s private area,
“Can I?” I asked making sure it was okay with her, she didn’t answer but kept kissing up and down my chest, I guess that meant yes.
I pushed my finger in slowly, and heard Jess’s breathing become deeper and deeper,
As I pushed it in slowly, and she began to moan, and this drove me mad,
She moved her lips up to mine and kissed my roughly, and glided her tongue against mine, as I thrusted my fingers in and out.
She grabbed my arm and pulled my hand away, and then put her hands on the top of my boxer shorts and started tugging them down slowly, until they were completely off, I kicked them off at my ankles and they landed on the floor,
We both did nothing but kiss each other for about ten minutes, and Jess slowly positioned herself above me, my head wasn’t thinking straight at this very moment, all I wanted was to give her what she wanted, a moment of fun, before I was swept away from her once again.
I didn’t even realize that she had started to push me inside of her, until I was completely in, I moaned and thrusted up moaning louder and louder, Jess moaned and bit my ear lob, and started moving her body back and forth harder and faster each time, I just laid there moaning and telling her to go faster and faster, which she did
And left sweet passionate kisses down my neck, my heart was racing faster and faster and I could feel my body start to shake, “Jess I’m about to –“ I moaned but she cut me off with her lips meeting mine and then going back to behind my ear, I could feel her nibbling, I bit my bottom lip holding in another moan, and then moved my lips to her neck and started biting it, and sucking until eventually there was a huge red mark on her neck, I pushed her body back and laid on top of her and kepting biting her neck, while I moved my hips back and forth, I moved my lips down to her breasts and started licking them, she moaned as I paid attention to her left one biting the side of it,
My body couldn’t handle it anymore, I wasn’t able to hold it in, I was about to release.
I felt my head get pulled towards Jess’s as she kissed me again, this time it was the most passionate kiss she had ever given me, she pulled my hair, as she started to shake against me, and I felt the wetness of her insides against me,
I moan “Fuck” I moaned and then that was it, I released, and at that moment it hit me,
There was no protection.

Jess’s P.O.V

The sun was shining through the crack of the wood pieces of the building, and Stephen was laying next to me, closely, with his arms around my waist, I looked down to see that was I was just wearing his jacket, and it was used as a blanket, I looked at Stephen and he was dressed head to toe, I guess I must of fell asleep after what we did last night. I yawned and climbed off the couch and grabbed my undies and bra and put them back on, along with my dress.

I looked around the room for my phone which I found and had 2 missed calls from mum, and 187 missed calls from Jack, I looked down at my phone. I am in so much trouble when I get home. I looked back over at the couch to see Stephen roll over and face the other way, I smiled and went and sat down beside his back and rubbed his cheek, and kissed it lightly where my fingers traced, “I love you” I whispered softly in his ear, he rolled over and moved his arms up and pulled me down on top of him,
I laughed ‘Come on Stephen we need to get home” I said “Well I need to get back home”.
Stephen opened his eyes and rubbed them, and then smiled at me. “Hello beautiful” he said and sat up, he yawned quietly and hugged me close, “I don’t want to leave you” he yawned,
I leaned my head against mine, and nodded “I don’t want to leave you either” I said, and grabbed his hand and started to rub it “But warped tour is over”I said happily, ‘Which means you can stay with me as long as you want”.
Stephen didn’t smile about this, he just stared at me, with sadness on his face “Jess there is something I need to tell you” he said,
I let go of his hand knowing that there was a high chance of bad news coming out of his mouth “What is it?” I asked preparing for the worst.
“I am going on tour” he said sadly,
“Why are you sad about that?” I asked really confused. I knew that if there was a tour Stephen would make sure I was able to come, and be with him everyday, because well that’s the boyfriend thing to do.
“Because I will be away from you, for at least a year” explained Stephen,
I felt my bottom lip start to shake, I wasn’t able to see him for a year? A year? 12 months? That’s way too long, I started to cry and leaned into his chest, “I will miss you so much” I cried.
Stephen rubbed the tears out of my eyes and then hugged me tight “I am going to miss you more” he said, and kissed the top of my head “But you can fly out to see me, I will pay for your ticket I promise”.
I looked at him ‘How often?” I asked,
“I can only afford once a month is that okay with you?” he asked,
I nodded “It’s better then nothing” I said and kissed his cheek lightly.
He smiled and kissed my cheek back “Okay babe we better get you back to your house” he said quickly and we left the building and made our way home.

Fast Forward to the day Stephen leaves:

“I promise I will call you every single day, and night” said Stephen and kissed my cheek lightly, I nodded “Promise?” I asked,
He nodded. It had been 2 months since I had known this day was going to come, and I dreaded it every moment praying that time would go slower, that I would get to spend more time with Stephen.
He had moved in with us, and was sharing a room with me, so half of his stuff was in my room in boxes, and Miranda and John were officially dating I looked over to see the happy couple sharing sweet little kisses and hugs as they said goodbye to each other. A tear fell from my eye, and Stephen hugged me again “Babe it’s going to be okay” he said and pressed my body against his harder.
I nodded and wiped my tears on his shirt.
“Stephen come on” called Josh “Our flight is now boarding”.
Stephen nodded and leaned down so his face was directly in front of mine
“I am going to call you as soon as we land” he said and kissed my lips quickly.
There was nothing else said, or done, except for Stephen walking away with his band members, and he gave me a quick wave goodbye, and then was gone.

I cried again, and fell to the ground and stared at the area he once stood in, my head started spinning with flashbacks, that I was now going to start telling people about, how perfect it was, and how much I missed him and how,
<i>This one time on Warped tour, I fell in love with Stephen Gomez. </i>
♠ ♠ ♠
That was a terrible ending and it was a terrible last chapter,
sorry I just wanted this story to be over with, there was nothing else I could do between Jess and Stephen with this storyline, how ever the sequal is called "Girl I am going crazy for you" and it's up in the corner where is says 'This is a prequal of'.... well when you click that and subscribe you will soon be seeing the first chapter of this story.
So I hope you go read that :)

Comments for this story are wanted and I want to know what you think should happen in the sequal. So yeah thanks so much for everyone that read this story and put up with my terrible writing, and a massive thanks to Katie and Miranda who have always been there for me when I needed them.

thanks for reading.
Love Jess x