Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Come Away With Me

Jess’s P.O.V

Don’t you hate when you wish time would slow down and it doesn’t, when you feel like you are coming close to someone time just goes by so quickly, so quickly you even forget the time.
I was still with Stephen, in the tent but Jack had came back so we weren’t alone,
I was head over heels for a boy I had just met, well I have met him several times in my dreams, but that doesn’t count.

“Want to go for a walk?” I asked.
Stephen sighed and pulled out his phone “Well it’s a bit late, so no sorry” he said sadly, and looked at me deep in the eyes “But I will see you around”.
I nodded “Yeah of course” I said trying to sound happier.

Stephen got up and slipped me a small piece of paper and left the tent, I watched him as he left.
Jack looked at me ‘So glad he is gone, we can finally get ready to leave” said Jack.
I sighed we were in California since it was the first stop we were staying here for two days then we were going to another state, sounds like a lot of work right well as Alex always says ‘Welcome to Warped tour’.

There is no such thing as rest, there is no such thing as fun, well for the bands that is, Jack is always getting angry about me getting in the way, he said every tour I stuff something up, like once they were doing a show and I forgot to add the set list on stage.
Like that was my fault.

Jack walked over to me and told me to get in the van and I did what I was told, and waited for the driver to drive us back to the hotel,
I had completely forgotten about the piece of paper Stephen gave me so I reached into my pocket and looked at it.
I read it ‘Call me anytime – 04356 586 13”
I smiled and bit my bottom lip and I couldn’t control the massive grin on my face, Zack turned around and saw it “Someone is in love” he teased.
I snickered at him and typed Stephen’s number in my phone, I went to text him but I was interrupted by Alex yelling as he got in the van.

“THERE IS A BLACK HAIRED BOY WAITING FOR YOU” yelled a very hyped up Alex.
I nodded and undid my seat belt and went to get out of the van, but Jack stopped me “No we are leaving now you can see Stephen another day” said Jack and pushed me back into the seat, and closed the door.

The van started to move and I looked back and saw Stephen watching back at me as I left the grounds.

Stephen’s P.O.V

Racing back to the tent, running through the grounds I looked and finally found the rest of my band, I ran over to them “Hey guys” I said smiling,
Jess my band’s drummer turned around and stared at me “Where have you been Stephen?” she asked and hit my arm.
John smirked “He was with Jess his new girlfriend” teased John and poked his tounge out, I glared at him and he soon stopped.
“Where is she?” asked Brian,
“Back at her brother’s tent” I said.
They all looked at me confused and then I sighed “Her brother is Jack Barakat” I said.

They all exchanged glances and then Josh spoke “Is her name Jess Barakat?” asked Josh.
I nodded “Yeah it is” I said kind of confused about why he was asking if she was Jess Barakat, Brian looked at me and sighed
“Stephen she just got out of a break up, with Ryan from Hot Chelle Rae” said Brian.
I shrugged “So that is old news” I said.
John looked at me again “Stephen he cheated on her, she went into a massive break down” said John.

I didn’t know what this had to do with me, then it hit me, a girl with a broken heart is really hard to date, since she has trust issues.
“I need to tell her, that she can trust me” I said and turned away and ran off.

I reached All time low’s tent and I looked inside she wasn’t in there, I ran around and saw the van, Alex walked over to me “Can I help you?” asked Alex.
I nodded “Can I talk to Jess?” I asked.
He nodded and went to get her.

I saw the van open and she went to step out but her brother pushed her back in and closed the door, I sighed this isn’t what I wanted.
Jack looked at me “You have to get through me first to get to her got it” he said and raised his finger to my face, making me flinch.
“Yes I understand” I said.
He nodded “Good” he said and walked over the van and got in.

The van started and I watched as it left the grounds, and I dropped to my knees and just stared at the place where it once was parked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much for everyone that has subscribed to this, and for those that haven't noticed.
I am from Australia and I have never been to warped tour. So if the way I describe stuff isn't how it goes I'm sorry.
But this is like Australia's version of Warped tour's set up which is called Soundwave.
I am so excited I went this year and met All time low, and next year I'm going and We the kings and NeverShoutNever! are playing :D going to be amazing.

Comments would be lovely :)
