Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

Break Your Little Heart

Jess's P.O.V

You know that awkward moment when you have your boyfriend over you are making out and your parents walk in, well I just had one of those moments, except it wasn't my parents, it was my boyfriends band mate / brother and he had a camera.

I quickly grabbed my shirt and covered up my bra, and threw Stephen shirt at him,
Stephen dashed towards John and pushed him and grabbed his camera "John learn to knock" said Stephen and slammed the door shut.

I put my shirt back and layed down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, my brain started going like crazy, what was I doing making out with Stephen he had asked me to be his girlfriend like a second ago and now I was ready to have sex with him.

The same thing happened with Ryan he got what he wanted sex, and then it went crap, he changed, I looked over at Stephen who was trying to put his shirt on,
under that cute face is there a boy that is the most sweetest guy in the world, or is he a asshole putting on a act.
I don't know how to find out.

He walked over to the bed and layed beside, me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close and rested his head on my shoulder blade, kissing my cheek.
I grabbed his hand and linked my fingers and rubbed his hand with my thumb.

I yawned and rolled over to Stephen "It's late you better go back to your hotel" I said.
He didn't listen he layed there not moving, he just smiled.
"Stephen" I yelled.
He pulled my head close and kissed my lips lightly "I would rather sleep here next to you" he said.
I nodded 'Well get under the covers I'm going to sleep" I said.

We got under the covers, and Stephen pulled me close again wrapping his arms around me tight,
he kissed my cheek 'Goodnight' he whispered in my ear, with that I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Stephen's P.O.V

I woke up around 11 am, we had the day off today to go look around and I had wasted it sleeping, I was about to crack it when I realised I was in bed with Jess, her head was on my chest, she looked so peaceful, so I just layed there stroking her hair as she snored quietly.

I reached over for the tv remote, and turned on the tv which was hanging from the roof,
I turned over to the music channels, and We the kings came on, I smiled and looked at Jess,
when ever I listen to them, I will think of her and the moment I first met her.


Soon Jess's eyes opened and she looked up at me, 'Good morning" she yawned and tugged on my shirt as she pulled her body up so her head was at my level, and she leant on my shoulder.
I moved my arm so it was around her neck and pulled her close and kissed her cheek,
'So I was thinking maybe we can go some where today" I said smiling.
She nodded "I was was thinking the same thing" she said.
I nodded and then realised that I had a band meeting this morning, I slapped my forehead and turned and looked at Jess 'Tonight I will take you out on a date" I promised "Right now I have some band stuff".
She nodded, I think she understood the band stuff, I bet her brother always has band stuff.
I kissed her cheek, before dashing out of her bed quickly.


I walked into Josh's hotel room to see the others sitting on the bed.
'Oh he finally joins us" said Jess sarcasticly,
I laughed 'Sorry I was busy doing som-" I said before John cut me off
"Doing Jack Barakat's sister" said John.
I looked at him and glared while the others laughed.

"We got a extra show in Utah" said Brian 'A band dropped out'
I nodded and sat on the end of the bed, and then signaled Brian to keep going.
"We are flying in ten minutes" said Josh,
the smile I had on my face dropped, in ten minutes, I promised Jess that I was going to take her out tonight.
"Hang on I better tell Jess" I said.
John rolled his eyes 'Just text her, god Stephen" snapped John 'We are leaving now".
I sighed and pulled out my phone, then reached into my pocket again and realised I had taken her phone aswell, I don't know how I did, but how was I going to give it back to her?
I will just wait until they land in Utah.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know, again staying up late, and when I was writing Stephen's P.O.V
I planned something in my mind, I think it's a good plan.
So you have to keep reading to find out what it is.


Thanks for reading