Status: Complete :) Check out the sequel.

This One Time at Warped Tour

One Time

Stephen's P.O.V

I had to think of a way to tell Jess that I was truly sorry, I have tried everything, flowers, candy.
But everytime she either threw them in my face, or stomped on them.
I sighed and fell down on my bed and looked up at the roof and ran my fingers threw my hair.
Think Stephen think.

I remember when Jess and I would hang out she would talk about how she would love a guy to climb onto a balcony, I could do that.
The problem is that she is a few floors above me.
But still it would make it all worth it, I walked out onto my balcony and looked above me,
it didn't look to hard to climb since there was some things to grab onto.

I walked back into my hotel room and grabbed some flowers off the bedside table, and grabbed my hoodie and put it on.
Here goes nothing hopefully she forgives me this time.

Jess's P.O.V

Sitting in my hotel room looking through photos of this tour, Zack and I had been doing photography shots with me as the model, he was amazing at photography he could make me look pretty when I'm actually not.
I heard a knock on my hotel room door, and Alex walked in with some dvds.
"Hey munchkin I was thinking we could have a dvd night" suggested Alex.
I glared at him for calling me munchkin only Jack got away with that childhood nickname, but then I nodded and moved the photos off the bed so Alex could lay beside me.

He walked over to the dvd and put mean girls on, I loved this movie,
when ever we watch this on the tour bus we all sit there quoting it.
Not just me and the all time low boys I'm talking about everyone the crew and everything.

Alex pulled me close to him and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled my head to rest on his shoulder,
"You need to get over him" said Alex.
I sighed I knew exactly who the him was he was talking about, and that was Stephen.
I couldn't get over him, I wanted to but part of me didn't want to, my heart didn't want to let go as much as my mind wanted to.


It was up to the part where everyone at the dance kisses, and you know that awkward moment when someone in a movie kisses, you get that feeling to kiss someone, and half the time that's the person next to you, well I have that feeling right now.
I turned and looked at Alex, and he looked at me, his brown eyes were like windows to his heart, my heart was thumping so loud I could hear it through my ears, I bet Alex could hear it aswell.

I went to lean in and kiss him, and then I heard a thump from my balcony.
I pulled away from Alex and walked over to the balcony doors, I pulled them open and saw Stephen standing there, with a guitar and some flowers.

Wow just wow.

He looked at me and smiled "Jess if this doesn't tell you I'm sorry I don't know what will" said Stephen.
He sighed "sadly I know how much you love Bieber so here it goes" he said.
He started strumming the guitar and started singing along to One time by Justin Bieber.

I couldn't help but smile, it must of took him forever to learn to play it and learn the words.
Once he finished he walked over to me and handed me the flowers.
"Jess Barakat will you please forgive me?" asked Stephen.
I looked in his eyes, I could see the tears in his eyes as he worried about my answer.

I thought about it, he just made my life complete by doing the most amazing thing in the world, but he stood me up.
But he didn't mean it, but then again how do I know if this isn't a joke.
I sighed and then smiled "I forgive you" I said.
He smiled and I jumped into his arms and he spun me around.
"I promise it will never happen again" he said and kissed my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I updated again :)
Sorry that it's crap but she forgived him.
So I took the day off school and I have been really stressed about so called friends and stuff.
So I am spending this friday night in.
Which means I will be updating again :)

Love Jess