Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

I wish it were enough

Liam's POV
I ran as fast as I could. I was outnumbered and there was no way I could win against so many. So I ran, not knowing where I was going, just focusing on sheer speed. If only Hera or any others in my clowder would shift so I could communicate with them. I checked if there was any other voices in my head besides my own. No such luck, however ironic that may sound. Most people fear hearing voices in their heads, but it was normal for me and my clowder, we respected each others privacy.
Despite the speed I was running at, they were catching up, I did not have the advantage of knowing this forrest area. I felt a thump on my back and watched as my dark grey paws turned red. I couldn't keep running, it was agony, I wished Hera was here, she always knew what to do. I would probably never see my beloved big sister again. I would probably die here. I knelt down and shifted to my human form, collapsing on the ground, not having the energy to continue or shift back. The last I heard was a howl before I gave in to unconsciousness.
I groaned, my eyes flickering open. I was lying on a long sofa in a small, neat, cottage. There was no one inside, but I could hear voices outside. Someone had dressed me in a pair of slacks for which I was grateful. I crept ouside.
"Stop being so bitter Leah!" I heard a mans voice say.
"It's not my fault. You let the thing get away, Paul!" Leah growled. I stepped into their view and I realized they weren't alone, there was a group of tall, muscular, russet skinned men surrounding them.
"Your awake." Said the one at the front, whome I presumed to be the leader.
"Yes. Thankyou for your hospitality. My name is Liam."
"I'm Sam, They are Jacob, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth, Colin, Brady and Leah. I met eyes with each of them in turn and nodded, until I made eye contact with Leah. I just stared.

So this is what imprinting felt like.

Leah's POV
It had been two days since Liam first arrived. I knew he imprinted on me, you could see it all over his face. I was pleased, in fact, I was overjoyed to have found my other half, my soul-mate but a part of me was upset. What would I do with Sam. He was the love of my life, we had been dating for years, he was the best boyfriend ever and I loved him to bits, but already, I felt that bond weakening since I had met Liam. Liam, just thinking his name made me excited, something that had never occured when I was with Sam.
" Leah?" Speak of the devil.
"Yes Sam?" I already knew what this would be about, but I played innocent.
"You know what this is about."
"I do. Sam, you know I love you, but we both knew when we turned into wolves, that we wouldn't have a smooth relationship. If you imprinted on some girl or someone imprinted on me, we knew our relationship would have to be over. You can't decline an imprint."
"I know Leah. It's just-"
"Sam, what we had was really special, but it wasn't going to last, what with us both transforming into giant wolves."
"I love you Leah. I really wish that it didn't have to end like this, but I respect where your coming from, I know Liam has more of a claim to you than I ever had."
"Thankyou Sam, I really do love you and I know you love me too."
"I just wish it was enough." He smiled.
"Just wait until some lucky girl gets you to imprint on her. Imagine how jealous I'll be."
"I don't think there will be anyone else for me besides you, Leah." I sighed.
"Your a good person, Sam. Karma has a special treat in store for you." Sam smiled and left. I really was sad for Sam.