Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

We Know

Chapter 10

Sam's POV

I saw a joy portrayed on Hera's face I had rarely seen before. She looked so happy with her friends. It was obvious Paul and Seth imprinted on Namid and Courtney. It made me feel like such an idiot, they had the guts to at least show their imprints how they felt, even if it was only the little compliments Seth kept saying, or the full on making out that Paul was enjoying. I imagined Hera's soft lips on mine like that, applying gentle pressure, and shivered in delight.

"Are you okay?" One of the fox shifters asked me. You could definatly tell the difference between all the tribes. The members of the clowder were lean, yet muscular, with graceful, stealthy, feline movments. The skulk tribe moved with an easy lope, looking more relaxed than the clowder, less stiff, yet you could still tell they were extraordinarily graceful and powerful. They seemed to slink around. The members of the flock looked the most delicate of the group, yet you could just tell that they were super fast. They looked like, they could jump up and fight, the second even something small was detected. They appeared to perch their slender bodies on chairs, benches, whatever else they were sitting on. Comparativly, my pack looked larger, bulkier, built kore like bears. We probably wouldn't be as fast, nor as sleek, but we probably had more power behind our strikes. As humans, we looked to be built more like bears compared to the others.

"Okay, so we are meeting in an hour. No one leave the area without at least ten others. That cool?" Hera said to the group. There were nods all around. Hera turned to look at me, just gazing into her eyes, it felt like I was imprinting all over again, everytime I so much as looked at her. She picked up my hand, and dragged me to the couch. We sat close together, our arms touching. I could just lean over and place a gental kiss on her delicate lips, but of course I didn't, I was too much of a coward. Hera moved closer, and hesitantly placed her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her slender frame, I could smell her beautiful scent and stroked her brown locks.

We sat there, just in that position, for who knows how long.

"Hey Sam?" Hera asked quietly, without moving from my arms.

"Yeah?" I answered in a similar fashion.

"Has there, " She paused, as if thinking, "Has there ever been a time when you really wanted to tell someone something, but you are afraid of how they'll react." Yes. Like right now maybe?

"Yeah, there has been." I whispered back. She lifted her head up and turned to face me, her brown eyes searching my face.

"I feel different when I'm with you, Sam. Good different, happy somehow. At first I didn't know why that was, but now, I think I know. Sam, I think I l-" She was cut off.

"Oy! Hera! We need to talk! Like right now." Namid called, Courtney standing worridly besides her. Hera sighed, standing up.

"I'll see you later, at the clearing." She said quietly to me before addressing the group. "Namid, Courtney, Luanna and I are going out, Liam, your in charge." And they all left, one after the other.

I was disappointed. Was Hera going to say love? Was she going to say she loved me? I desperatly wanted to know, but I wasn't sure how to bring it back up again, it wasn't really something you could bring up in regular conversation. All I wanted to do was run up to her, lift her up in my arms, hold her close to my chest, never letting go, and say the three formidable words that would either make or break me:

I love you.

Hera's POV

"So?" Namid asked the second we stepped out the door.

"So what?" I asked back.

"You and Sam, that's what."

"Oh, that." I said in defeat.
"Yes, that. What's happening between you two?" Courtney added.

"Nothing." I sighed. My friends sense the longing in my voice.

"I reckon he imprinted on you." Courtney said. How much I wished her words were true, but they couldn't be, could they?

"He couldn't have. He's still in love with Leah. They used to date seriously, and Sam had to back off when Liam came and imprinted on her." I said.

"He doesn't look very heartbroken." Courtney mused alowed.

"Yeah, well I'm sure he is. He's probably just hiding it for the sake of everyone else. Thats the kind of thing he'd do..." I told them.

"Right..." Namid said, raising her eyebrows. Courtney shot her a look.

"But you love him, right?" She said, Namid rolling her eyes at her.

"Yes. No. I think so. I don't know! It's so confusing." I moaned.

"Describe him." Namid said.

"What? You already know who he is."

"Just describe him already."

"Umm... His names Sam, he likes chocolate ice cream, and the colour green. he drinks a strong cappaccino, with two sugars. Oh! And when he laughs, his eyes go all squinty, and it's really cute. His eyes are like the most dynamic things you've ever seen, they can be all dark and mysterious, or all warm and welcoming, and that look he gets when he's frustrated! Priceless. And don't get me started on the rest of his face. His his is gorgeous, and that one lock just sits out of place and I just want to reach over it push it back. And his body! The pack walk around topless all day, and let's just say, I am so glad, and-"

"Okay. I think we've heard enough." Courtney cut in.

"Nah! We were just getting to the interesting bit when she admits to undressing him with her eyes." Namid added.

"I do not!" I said.

"I'm sure you do. Anyway, by the way you just described him, someone could think you were describing the Greek God of gorgeousness. I think it's safe to say your in love." Namid added.

"You think?" I asked, looking at my two best friends. Namid had her hands on her slender hips, and Courtney was looking at me like I was blind.

"We know." They said in unison. I smiled, they were funny sometimes.

"Anyways, we have to be getting to the clearing or we'll be late." Courtney said, always responsible.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Namid grabbed both our hands and started skipping towards the clearing.

God, I loved my friends sometimes. But there was definatly someone I loved just as much, maybe more. And it wasn't Liam.

It was Sam.
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MASSIVE thankyou to everyone who commented and subscribed. It really kept me going :)