Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

We're Going Out Tonight!

Hera's POV

After I free spared Liam, I was quite tired. Not that I would show it. That would be letting my brother win, and that would not be good. We both tried our absolute hardest not to loose to each other. It had always been like that, for as long as I could remember.

After the meeting in the clearing, we all walked back to Sam's house. Courtney and Seth were going out to the shops together, and I could sense both if their excitment. I day dreamed, for a minute, about what it would be like to have an imprint, someone who loved me like no other could. I shook my head, I couldn't cloud my mind with these thoughts right now, I had more pressing issues to deal with. Like calling Malila and Cob and trying to convince them to come and help us. Courtney was right, Malila was pretty creepy, but Cob was definatly tge weird one. I promised myself I wouldn't allow I wouldn't let my professionality, or feelings to be clouded by my dislike for the mischeif. Those mice really got on my nerves, those tiny, pesky, annoying, furry, balls of fluff.

We reached Sam's house, Courtney and Seth leaving shortly after. Sam came to stand besides me as I picked up my cell phone. I searched through the contacts list, stopping at the 'M' section. I would call Malila first, if she was in, then there would be a higher chance of Cob joining. Although I hated using it, there was something that really influenced the mischeif, a little something I called 'peer pressure'.

I dialed the number, Malila picked up on the first ring.

"Helloo, Daarlink," Malila said, dragging out her vouls. "Heera. How may I heelp you?"

"Um, Hi, Malila. I was just wandering if you had heard anything about Tasunke recently." I said to the fish shifter through the phone, my charisma picking up more towards the end. I was used to these sorts of situations, Liam and I were both free lance journalists, and I had become accustomed to these conversations for my profession.

"Ooh yees. He's a leetle fiiesty right noow, eesnt hee." She said as a statement. Because of all my experience with her, I didn't struggle understanding her heavy accent.

"Yes. Namid, Courtney and I have discovered a new group of shifters and are currently with them." I said. I wasn't going to straight out ask her to help us, yet. I knew from experience that you had to take things slowly with the fish.

"Loovely. What doo they shift iintoo?"

"Wolves. They reside in La Push, Washington."

"Aand I suppoose, Heera, Daarlink, that my shooal shouuld come and heelp you iin your liitle baatle." She said in her mystic voice.

"Please. Tasunke should be arriving any day soon, and we could really need your water skills. You know how much I hate getting wet, and besides, you and your shoal are so very powerful, we could all die without your assistance." Just throw in a little flattery, there.

"Ooh I knoow," Way to be modest "We'll be there laater todaay, okaay?"

"Thankyou." See, I knew I wouldn't have to ask her outright. The powers of manipulation... I love them.

"Goodbyye Daarlink, see you soooon." She then proceeded to hang up the phone before I could respond. I turned to fact the rest of the group, all the shifters who were waiting patiently for my answer.

"Malila is arriving later today." I said, trying not to hide my excitment. There were cheers from all around me, and I couldn't hide my grin. Sam wrapped his muscular arms around my waiste, hugging me. I hugged him back, my smile now ten times as bright.

Sam's POV

It felt amazing, having Hera in my arms like this. It was pure bliss. At the clearing meeting, Namid and Courtney had come to talk to me, confronting me about my love for their best friend. They said she liked traditional displays of affection, like flowers, and chocolate. I would ask her out, I promised myself. I would not chicken out. If Seth, a mere sixteen year old could do it, so could I. I turned to ask her, but she already had her mobile phone to her ear again.

"Yes. But you know, if you don't choose to help us, you'll be the only shifting pack in America that isn't on our side, besides the horse herd, and you don't want go be compared to them, do you?" Hera said, sweetly, but I could hear the threatening undertone in her voice. A high, reedy voice responded through the phone, but the sound was too thin and high for me to make out while I was in my human form.

"Indeed. Forks, Washington, okay. Later to day? That's fine." Hera said. It sounded like Cob had agreed. "And yes, Marek promises not to chew your tail anymore, Isnt that right, Marek?" Hera said, glaring at the grinning man in her clowder.

She bidded him farewell, then Hera and Cob hung up.

"Ugh! He's SO annoying." Hera groaned, earning laughs. Courtney and Seth had come home now, and we all ate the food they bought hungrily. Hera looked like she was on a different planet, always staring off into space.

"Hera! Give yourself a break! Stop worrying, okay?" Namid cried, harried.

"I can't help it! So may things could go wrong." Unconsciously, I grabbed her hand and stroked it, calming her.

"Hera, sweetheart, when was the last time you got out? Hmm?" Namid said again.

"At Rave, remember? It was a pretty wild party." Hera said without any hesitation.

"Hera, that was two years ago." Courtney added, sighing.

"No, it can't be!" Hera cried.

"It was." Courtney said again, smiling slightly.

"Liam James Bilington! How could you? What kind if irresponsible little brother are you? You were supposed to make sure Hera actually lives her life a little!" Namid said angrily "Hera, Courtney, Luanna, We're going out tonight!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to take this time to thank ethereal and LunaLovegoodq and THE_MoJo for all their constant support. I honestly dont know what I'd do without all of you just showing your support with amazing comments :) Thank you SO MUCH!! In fact, I know, THE_MoJo already has a character in this story (Namid), but to ethereal and LunaLovegoodq, I would just like to know if you two would like a character in the sequel? I know, I'm writing the sequel already and I havent even finished the first, but you know, always good to plan ahead right? Just let me know, k? And I'll give you more details :) Thanks again!

Ooh! Please check out my original as well, thanks! Mansions to Maths Class