Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

Beyond Beautiful

Sam's POV
As soon as Namid told everyone that she, Hera, Courtney and Luanna were going out, there was an instant reaction. Courtney groaned, comaining. Seth moved to comfort her. Luanna looked excited, and Hera, shook her head, saying that it was not the right time, that there were too many battle preperations needing to be done, and that partying was just an unnecessary frivolous activity.
Namid dragged her friends upstairs, into the spare room, and where her bags were kept. Even from downstairs, I could hear Courtney and Hera complaining about Namid's outfit selections.
"It's too short!" Courtney shreiked.
"I hate this colour..." Hera grumbled. I remembered Hera saying she only wore black, and indeed, that's basically all I have ever seen her wear. I tried to imagine what she looked like in a coloured dress. The only images I could come up with displayed pure beauty. Another image formed in my mind, one with Hera in a white dress, a wedding dress. I had never wanted something more in my life that how much I wanted Hera.
"Is it just me, or did it suddenly get really hot in here?" I heard Seth say. I was awoken from my fantasy, and instantly thought I was still dreaming. There was Hera decending the stairs like an angel. I was used to seeing her in black strapless dresses, but this was extraordinary. This dress was bright pink, and short. It left little to the imagination, but my mind was still going crazy, spinning new fantasies. I agreed with Seth, it had suddenly become very, very hot in here.
"I look silly don't I," Hera said to me. I felt my heart quicken as she came closer. The dress showed off her long, shapely legs. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't wear the colour pink more often, she looked gorgeous in it.
"On the contrary, I think you look very beautiful. Beyond beautiful, infact." She blushed, swatting my arm gently.
"You're just teasing." I grabbed her hand as she swatted me, lacing our fingers together.
"Never." I whispered. Hera looked down at our intertwined hands, then up into my eyes. It felt like I was imprinting all over again.
"Hey, let's go!" Namid called, standing next to Paul. Hera shook her head, as if waking from a daze. She looked at her brother.
"I'll make sure no one dies, don't worry Hera. And yes, I'll ring your cell if there's even the slightest hint of an attack." Liam said, anticipating her instructions. Hera grinned at her brother.
"You know me too well. Don't forget that Malila and Cob are arriving tonight. Tell them I'm really sorry I'm not here to greet them, and cook then something nice, okay, soften them up. Say that I had to leave, that I was dragged from here by an unstoppable force." She shot a grin at Namid.
"Just go and have some fun, Hera, please. I'll look after everything here, don't worry." Liam said, reassuring his elder sister. Hera smiled nervously and led me outside the house.
The trip to Port Angeles passed in a blur. I kept my eyes on Hera at all times, but making sure they were on her face everytime she looked at me, I didn't want her to see my eyes wandering to her long legs or erm... upper chestal reigion...
When we reached the club, Seth and Courtney had to line up seperatly from Marek, Luanna, Namid, Paul, Hera and I, because they were younger. Ahh... The benefits of being 22 years old.
I cautiously wrapped an arm around Hera's, and when she didn't move it, I pulled her closer to my body. She lent into my chest, her arm wrapping around my back. My heart stuttered.
The lights were pulsing inside the club and there was a loud beat vibrating the room. Namid, Paul, Luanna and Marek had already run off to centre of the dancefloor, adding their boddies to the mass of clubbers there. Hera looked at me.
"Do you want to dance?" She said, I nodded. Hera in my arms was bliss enough, and I would cherish even just the thought of having her there again. She led me to the floor and as soon as we joined the crowds, the song changed, a slow one. Hera wrapped her slender arms around my neck, and my hands found themselves around her waiste. We swayed gently to the music, moving in time with the beat. I look at her lovingly, and she lifted her head from my chest, gazing back into my eyes. I felt myself leaning towards her, almost unconsciously, my body ruled by desire and longing.
Hera's POV
I lifted my head from Sam's warm chest to gaze into his beautiful brown eyes. I saw the longing and love in his eyes, my own reflecting off his. Suddenly, it was if I had no control over my body. It tilted towards Sam, his doing likewise. My eyes still to his, our arms still intertwinted, I felt the desire. I wanted this. I needed this. As I thought this, I made up my mind. I had to stop being stubborn, and let myself do what I needed. I had to stop being so selfless and think about what I wanted sometimes.
Sam's POV
Something changed in Hera's eyes. Determination. Love. Hope. I let myself be swallowed up by their depth as I leant, still further towards her, and gently, my lips pressed against hers. The kiss was sweet, loving, gentle, but it was pure heaven. It was like an electric current had been sent down my body.
Hera's POV
Sam's lips felt amazing against mine. It was like I had been in insufferable pain, and this contact with him made me better. Our kiss was sweet, loving, gentle, but my body was getting the better of me, getting impatient. I wanted more. Now that my body had gotten some of what it craved, it needed more. It was like the saying 'give him an inch and he'll take a mile'. That's certainly how my body was unconsciously responding. Suddenly the kiss wasn't so sweet, more desperate, and demanding, filled with desire and lust. Sam was exactly the same as I was, just as passionate.
Time seemed to fly as we kissed under the flashing disco lights. When we finally parted, I continued to stare into Sam's eyes for who knows how long.
I remembered Courtney and Namid saying they thought Sam imprinted on me, and staring into his love filled eyes, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, they were right. I tried to think of where we stood now. Were we still just friends? Friends with benefits? Or just supremly awkward? Or could we actually, I really hoped so, be kind of together? Every single day with Sam Uley. I really, really, really liked the sound of that.
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Sorry I posted the last chapter again... My bad.... But on a brighter note, IM BACK!!!