Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

There's a new smell...

Hera's POV

"Would you please stop pacing, Hera. It's really annoying." Luana grumbled. I hissed at her then smiled apologeticly. I sat on the arm of the sofa and placed my head in my hands.
"I'm sorry Lu, it's just, I'm so worried. Liam's been gone for a week now. He always comes home earlier than this, or at least phases to let us know he's okay. He hasn't phased at all or the person on patrol would have heard him."
"Don't worry Hera. We'll hear from him soon. He wouldn't let his clowder down." We smiled at each other and I lept from the chair to the cupboard and grabbed and quickly opened a tin of tuna.
Yum. Nothing like tunna to fill you up.
"Hera! Hera! Come quick!" Marek called. Marek and Luana were imprinted partners and hardley ever apart. Sometimes, being one of the only two in the clowder imprintless could really get on your nerves, but Liam and I had each other, and now he was gone. Only the male shifters could imprint, but any human could imprint on a female shifter, so if anyone had imprinted on me, I wouldn't know unless they told me or were being extremely obvious. I was the leader of the clowder and Liam was my second-in-command, and now he wasn't here, I was more nervous than ever, what if we were attacked now, Liam was the strongest. We would still win without him, but at what cost.
"Hera! It's Liam!" That's all it took for me to slip from my knee high, flowing, black, sleevless dress and phase.
The one and only.
You are going to be in so much trouble when you get back. Do you know how much trauma I've been through.
I'm really sorry, Hera, I didn't mean to make you worry, but something happened. Images of wolf shapeshifters appeared in his mind. One particular wolf stood out, a girl. From Liam, I knew her name was Leah, and I knew he had imprinted.
Wolf Shapeshifters?
Yeah I know. I didn't know they existed either.
So you imprinted. I should say so. His mind was clouded with thoughts of this girl.
You must really love her. I summed up
I do, Hera. I really want you to meet her.
Where are you now?
This place is called La Push, near a town called Forks in Washington.
How on earth did you end up there? It's SO far away!
I was being chased, I had no idea of direction.
Chased? By who?
The horse shifters I think. I felt his fear.
I'm coming Liam, you won't have to be alone for another day.
Thanks. Love you. Can you bring my jeans? I rolled my eyes.
Love you too, but can't you stay and talk.
If that's what we're doing. And no, I can't. The wolves have no idea what I phase into. I didn't want to tell them yet.
That's probably best. Although Leah's your imprint, your going to have to tell them eventually.
Can you just order me not to tell them? That way I can't if they ask me.
Sure, if that's what you want. Liam, you must not give away our secret until later. Happy?
Very much so. They are dogs after all. Got to run! Love you!
And then he was gone. I quickly phased back to a human and slid on my dress. Once I was ready, I turned inside the house.
"Marek, Luana, Marcello,Valencia, Garren, Lexiss. Pack your stuff, we're going on a road trip to La Push."

Sam's POV
"Sam? There's a new smell around the borders of La Push." Colin said to me after his patrol. I was hardly in the mood to listen though. Leah, the love of my life had been imprinted on. True, I had always known that it would come to this, but I never wanted it to. I would spend the rest of my life wishing that Liam guy had never seen her, although Liam was a great guy. I wouldn't have chosen anyone better for Leah, he always knew how to make her feel better, something I had not always been able to do. Leah believed that I would find someone, but I wasn't so sure. My life was a mess, but I was the Alpha, so I had to deal with the packs problems before my own.
"Gather the pack and Liam." Soon, everyone was outside, all curiously looking at me.
"Do you all smell that?" I asked for the smell had gotten stronger. What ever caused the smell was coming nearer. Everyone stiffened with worried expressions when they took in the scent, all but Liam. His eyes widened and a smile was apparent on his handsome face.
"Do you know something about this, Liam?"I growled. If he had done something that would endanger my pack, I would be seriously angry.
"Yes. Yes I do, but I can't tell you, you'll find out soon enough anyway." As soon as he said that, I was next to him, pinning him to a nearby tree.
"Im sorry Sam. I literally can't tell you. You of all people should know that if the leader of a group of shifters gives an order, you can't denie it" He hadn't mentioned anything of his pack before but we all presumed he was a wolf shifter, but he had never confirmed that fact, or spoken anything about his pack. It was obvious his alpha had told him not to say anything, so there was no use in trying to beat all the information out of him, but Paul obviously did not feel the same. I thought Liam would never be able to move away from the killer punch Paul threw at him, but before I knew it, and Paul too obviously, he was on the ground. Liam had managed to dodge his punch and pull him onto the ground. I was amazed. He had so much strength of mind, if it was anyone else in the pack, they would be wrestling with Paul right now. He was obviously trained well, he was so much more worthy of Leah. I felt a surge if jealousy. Not only was he better for the girl I loved, but his alpha had trained him so much better than I could have trained anyone, let alone myself. I felt like a failure.
"Sam!" It was Jacob. "Somethings coming." He was right. There was no noise, but judging by the grin on Liam's face, they were almost here.
"Liam!" The most beautiful voice entered my ears. If I had thought such an amazing sound was possible, I would have sought after it years ago.
"Hera!" Liam was gone from my sight. I turned to see him hugging a tall black haired woman tightly. There were six other tall people, obviously his pack. This Hera girl he was hugging must be his alpha. I didn't know a girl could be an alpha, not that I was sexist or anything, but I thought it was rare for girls to become shifters, let alone alphas, but I must be wrong, there were three other girls in this pack.
"Liam, introductions would be necessary." The smiling blond one said, a dark, mysterious looking, muscular man gripped her arm, she must've been his imprint. Liam was still hugging Hera but he turned to face us at the same time, her wavy black hair still covering her face and eyes.
"Guys, this is the La Push, wolf shifting pack, Leah, Paul, Jared, Jacob, Seth, Colin, Brady, and Sam. This is my clowder, Marek, Luana, Marcello,Valencia, Garren, Lexiss and my sister, and leader, Hera." When he said her name, Hera finally looked away from her brother and brushed her hair from her face. That was the first time I got a look at her beautiful dark brown eyes and the earth stopped moving.
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