Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

I knew that look...

Sam's POV

The cats were amazing. I felt sorry for Paul. First Liam throwing him on the ground at the speed of light, then his amazing sister, Hera, pouncing on him and scaring the living daylights out of him. Once again, I felt like a failure. I saw their shifting speed, or rather, I sensed their shifting speed. It only took them a couple of seconds where it took us at least a minute. I saw the discipline in their eyes, yet I couldn't hear Hera ordering them about, just asking them kindly. To get the wolves to do something I wanted sometimes, I would have to yell and shout and growl and use all my alpha powers. It was so frustrating, I hoped my pack were watching the clowder carefully and learning.
"Sam? Sam? Sam!" Jacob whispered to me.
"Wha-What?" I stuttered back in a daze.
"Oh. My. Gosh. Sam? Did you- Did you im-" I clamped a hand firmly over Jacob's mouth. I shrugged. Had I imprinted on Hera? I released Jacob.
"Does it feel like she's the only one on the earth worth living for? Does it feel like your seeing the sun for the first time? Does it feel like your taking your first breath after drowning?" It did. And more, I should say. Jacob noted my silence.
"Samuel Uley. I think you have im-" I clamped my hand over his mouth again.
"Not now Jacob." He nodded, understanding I didn't want everyone to know yet.

Liam's POV
I was so happy to see my clowder. I was thrilled! Not to mention how funny it was when Hera scared Paul and showed off our excellent shifting skills. Don't get me wrong, the wolves had the potential to be just as good as us, but they weren't trained at all. They would be hopeless against any of the other tribes, even the fish tribe who genrelly needed to be near water and if there was a war coming up, who knows what may happen. A fear clenched my heart. Leah would be almost defenceless against one of the other tribes. As soon as I felt that fear, it subsided as I realized Leah would always have me to protect her.

I looked at the wolves. They were staring at us. I don't really blame them, but Sam was starting to freak me out a little. I mean, if he stared at Hera anymore, his eyes would pop out. Wait. I know that look. It was the look Marek gives Luana, the look Marcello gives Valencia, the look Garren gives Lexiss, the look I presume I give Leah. The 'imprint look'. Oh he and I would be needing to have a talk right
"Hey, why don't you guys come with us. I'm sure your hungry." Seth said to everyone.
"Good idea." Hera replied, following Seth inside Sam's house. The rest of the clowder followed suite. As Hera passed Sam I saw her peek at him from the corner of her eyes. Whether it was an unconcious movement or not, I now definatly knew Sam had imprinted on my sister.
"You coming Liam?" Lexiss called to me.
"In a minute." I looked at Sam. He seemed to know what I was doing.
"Guys, theres some pizza in the fridge, go help yourselves." Sam said to his pack which sent them bolting through the doorway and to the fridge.
"Why don't you come for a walk with me?" I said. Sam nodded and we started walking deeper into the forest.

Hera's POV
"Where's Liam?" I questioned Leah from my seat on the bench.
"He's with Sam I think." Why would Liam be with Sam?
"I'm not sure, maybe they're talking or something."
"Oh." I wasn't satisfied with this answer. I mean, Liam was the clowders second in comand. He should be here. But alas, he arrived with Sam the moment I thought that. I kept looking at Sam. He was good-looking and a strong leader. I guess I was a little attracted to him. All right, a litttle is an understatment. A lot sounded more accurate. I had never had much time for boys in my life. I was always too busy being with my clowder and fighting crime and I wasn't going to allow the teenage hormones to kick in at this most crucial time, even though I was 20 years young.

I would not fall for Sam Uley.
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