Status: Active

Cat's Got Your Tongue

Only if you wanted it to be

Hera's POV

They were coming. Not all of them obviously, but at least five. Tasunke had sent scouts out to track us. I let out a loud hiss to warn my clowder and the pack. They would be here soon, but in the meantime, Sam and I would have to hold them at bay. I didn't expect Liam to come in a while, the pack were highly untrained in this sort of fight, and Liam would have the clowder protecting the pack, they, afterall were important allies in the battle that we would all be facing soon. Sam came from behind the trees walking up next to me. I have to admit, he was a pretty good looking wolf. A solid black colour. We matched. I was almost fully black, but I thankfully had a grey stripe on my tail, other wise, I would be one of those unlucky black cats. Not that I was supersticious or anything. I looked at him. Trying to convey the message of how we would have to fight. I wasn't too worried about Sam, he looked like a man with common sense. He wouldn't go behind the shifters, allowing them to kick us with their powerful horse hind legs, and attack them with his sharp teeth around the bottom of their legs, making them go lame and thus preventing them from running. He seemed to understand my silent message and he nodded his wolf head. I heard the thunderous drumming of hooves on the forest floor. It sounded like a thunder storm, or perhaps a heavy rain with hail. You get the point, it was loud. Suddenly, five tall horses appeared, they stopped when they were about 20 meters away from us. They seemed to smirk at us when they saw we were outnumbered. I rolled my eyes, these horses were so cocky some times. I took one last took at Sam and smiled before launching myself at the closest horse.

Sam's POV

I watched as Hera launched herself at one of the horses, ingaging in fight with him. Another was creeping up behind her, I hurried to help her, but she was well ahead of me, finishing with her first foe and began attacking the one who had tried to catch her unawares. A shifter was galloping towards me, ready to attack, and growled and jumped at him. I understood Hera's silent message: don't get behind them, attack their lower legs. I kept low to the ground, and timing it perfectly, when the horse was almost apon me, a snapped my jaws at one of his legs, causing him to loose stride and tumble over. I finished him of. The rest of the fight went rather smoothly, Hera killing three, and myself, two. The horse shifters were quite easy to defeat when there were not many of them as their legs were definatly their weak spots, making them easy targets for us. Hera indicated for me to go shift back and I ran behind the cover of the trees and quickly changed. Hera was already waiting for me, dressed in her black strapless dress.

"Good job, Sam! That was really good for your first time." I smiled, grabbing her hand again.

"Yeah. But there were only five of them. It'd be so much worst if there more if them."

"Agreed. They are so much more threatening when there are ten of them attacking you at once. But the trick to destroying anyone, is to know their weak spots. I'll teach them to you one day. I'm guessing we're going to have some training sessions for everyone, you know, to get everyone ready for the big battle."

"Yeah." We walked in silence for a bit until we were just nearing my house.

"So. Are you going to ask me on another date, since that first one was kind of eventful." Hera broke the silence first.

"That was a date was it?" I questioned. I liked the sound of that. A date. A date with Hera. A date with Hera, my imprint. Now that sounded pretty damn good.

"Only if you wanted it to be." Hera said, before turning away from me and walking back into the house. Awestruck, I followed behind her.

Liam's POV

I heard Hera's hiss and knew what was going on instantly. The whole clowder stiffened and moved into defensive positions. The pack looked at us curiously. I knew none of them were prepared to fight, they only knew how to kill vampires. Hera would be giving Sam a crash course on how to kill a horse shifter. I hoped he would be okay, I knew the horses dis have their weakness, but so did he. Luckily for him, he had the element of surprise. If we didn't know the pack existed, neither would Tasunke. So he wouldn't know the weak points of the wolves. Yet. Quickly, we explained what was happening to the pack. They wanted to go and help Sam and Hera, but I stopped them. They were valuable assets for the coming battle. They only needed some training, and I couldn't allow them to get themselves killed in a small skirmish. Hera and Sam would be fine. Hera was amazing in combat. She just had the right focus. What my big sister could do continued to amaze me, I still remembered when she was five and I was four. Our mum took us to the beach and we made what Hera called the coolest sand castle ever. Now that same girl was out there ripping up horse shifters.

Sometimes I wished for ignorance.
Ahh, ignorance.

Sweet, sweet ignorance.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait! I completely forgot to update, and uh... The lack of comments didn't quote help me remember either... Hint hint ;)
Remember, ConCrit (Constructive Critisim) is always appreciated :D