Status: Updating

Everything but Perfect

Make sure she knows this is real

"It's not time for school yet" I mumbled into my pillow.

I felt another poke to my side and the comforter ripped away from me.

"Stop. It's cold" I said, curling up.

I felt warm kisses up my arm, eventually making way behind me ear.

"Time to get up" he whispered, his breath tingling my skin.

"I don't want to" I mumbled again, pushing him away.

"You're going to be late if you don't get up. Sid's probably already waiting for you" he chuckled.

"Why did I agree to breakfast, I should have said lunch" I sighed, covering my eyes with my left arm.

"I could call him and excuse you for the day" he said.

"And what would your brilliant excuse be" I mumbled into the pillow.

"I have a few ideas" he said, seductively.

"Take a cold shower instead" I whispered and turned to my side.

"That's cold. Rude" He said, sounding hurt.

I removed my arm from my eyes and peeked to my left. His back was facing me. "Babe, I didn't mean it like that. I was just…"

He quickly pinned my arms above my head. "You just what?"

"That's cheating" I said, squirming, trying to get loose.

"I don't think so" he smirked as his free hand roamed up and down my side.

"Slow down" I chuckled. "I have breakfast with Sid and I don't need to smell like sex around him. Knowing him, he would be the first to let Jordan know"

He sighed and rolled over. "Fine"

I hopped off the soft bed and went to get ready. "Love you too sweetheart" I laughed.

"Morning Eva" Sid smiled, opening his arms for a hug.

"Morning Captain" I smiled, and wrapped my arms around him.

A middle-aged woman dropped by and took our orders. Sid looked like he was having breakfast for two himself.

"So, should we dive right in?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, Get it over with" I said, taking out my pen and notebook.

"You know, you can get a tablet, and it would make life a whole lot easier" he said, staring at my beaten red notebook.

"Hey, it's my way of doing things, it has some value to me, you know like certain equipment you use, no matter how broken or torn it is" I shot back.

"Okay, okay" he said, surrendering.

I asked him several questions, mostly on his injuries and his expected return. I didn't bother to bring in any questions about rivalry. As much as I love it, the Ovi, Crosby thing is getting old.

"We done?" he asked, stuffing a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"All done" I said, reviewing my point form notes.

"So what else is up with you? It's like you're in Pittsburgh once in a blue moon"

"Nothing much. Pittsburgh isn't the only team in the league" I smiled.

"What's with the attitude this morning" he said, frowning slightly.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm a little grumpy in the morning"

"I think it's more like no morning sex with Tangers" he said, trying to stifle his laugh.

"Sid!" I said slightly above a whisper, looking around to see if anyone heard.

"I was actually just guessing" he laughed. "But I'm glad that you two worked things out"

"Yeah I suppose so" I smiled slightly, stirring my cooled off coffee.

He stopped picking his pancakes and looked up. "So everything is not okay?"

"No no, it's okay. I just have a lot of things on my plate lately"

"Tell me about it. Maybe, I, uhhh, I can help you come up with a few ideas" he offered, coating his pancakes with maple syrup.

"You're just going to go and tell Jordan"

"Cross my heart, and hope to, hope to not score any goals for a few games, that I won't tell a soul" he smiled.

I sighed and picked my nails, pondering on his offer. "Fine. I'm excited that I finally patched things up with Kris. I really am. But for every cut, every burn, it's bound to leave a scar. And I know he loves me, I know he does. But I can't help but think what's stopping him from doing it again. Obviously this girl has something that I don't. Obviously he's interested in her for some reason that he doesn't see in me. And I don't want Jordan or any of them to have the slightest doubt in any decisions that I make. I don't want to be look down upon anymore. I've already failed twice, and I don't need to make it three."

"That's loaded with all sorts of things that I don't even know where to start"

"Welcome to my life" I chuckled.

"Kris isn't the type of guy to make the same mistake twice. He's learned his lesson. You shouldn't have to worry. As for Gronk, you know how he is. He's stubborn and hard-headed, just like you. It's going to take some convincing to make him change the way he looks at you again. Give it time for him" Sid said, trying to ease my stress.

"You make Kris sound like an angel"

"He isn't. But doesn't mean he's bad in any way. Don't be afraid to trust him Eva. You'll never be able to get over it if you don't trust him again"

His words did soothe some tension. "You know, if hockey isn't for you, you can be like the team's psychologist or something" I joked.

"I just might look into that" he smiled, but sadness filled his eyes.

"Oh Sid" I sighed, patting his free hand. "You know you'll get better, you'll be at the top of league so soon"

"I don't know that. No doctor knows that either"

"I know it" I said with confidence.


"Yes. Look on the brighter side of things Captain. Don't think it's not going to work out. The mind, the brain, your body needs to heal. Patience has always been your strong point, stick to it" I said, leaning back.

"Yeah I guess" He replied, putting down his fork on an empty plate. "Maybe you can be the team's psychologist"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I can't deal with you guys for more than a week" I laughed.

-------- Kris' P.O.V. --------

"Alright, last one! Tangers!"

Coach blew the whistle and off I went, hoping that I don't end up as mustache boy for a whole month. It's not a flattering look, and I'm sure Eva won't dig the extra hair that's not on my head.

The sound of the whistle goes off again.

"Close one eh Tangers" Craig Adams smiled, nudging me.

"Would not want that thing on my upper lip for a month" I chuckled.

I stripped myself of my equipment and headed for a shower.

"Hey Tangers" Sid waved.

"Hey bud, what's up? How was the interview with Eva?"

"Uhh, good, you know the usual stuff" he shrugged.

"Cool. Gonna head out soon, I've got to pick up flowers for her later" I smiled, hoping Eva's favourite flowers aren't sold out.

"Yeah, cool. Oh wait"


"So spend more time with her eh. Like make sure she knows you're serious about this" he said, lowering his voice.

"Okay…yeah I will. Did she say something?" I asked, suddenly a little curious and worried.

He sighed. "Let's just say just make sure she knows this is real. She's still very unsure of a lot of things"

"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind" I nodded and headed for a shower.

I quicken my pace down the hall towards Eva's hotel room. Sid's words were replaying on loop in my mind. I was afraid that she would just pick up her bags and leave whenever she didn't feel comfortable. She's done it once, she can do it again.

I knocked on the room door and was relieved when I heard footsteps.

"Hey babe" she smiled.

"Eva" I sighed and pulled her tiny frame into my arms.

"Uh hi?" he chuckled.

"I missed you" I whispered to her.

"I missed you too, but you've been gone for only practice" she said, pushing me back and taking a look at me.

"These are for you" I said, presenting a bouquet of mixed stems. "They were out of your favourite"

"It's okay" she smiled. "These are gorgeous"

"So what did you do today?" I asked.

"Interview with Sid, and that's it really. I came home and did some editing. I want to publish the interview asap"

"And what did you guys talk about?" I pushed for more.

"Same old same old. Injury, hockey, nothing out of the ordinary" she said, placing the flowers down. "I feel as if I should be asking you that. What's with the 20 questions"

"I was just curious" I said, pushing my hair back.

"You're a terrible liar"

"Nothing gets by you" I smiled.

She sat down on the large bed and waited for my answer.

"I spoke to Sid today. And…"

"And?" she questioned.

"And he told me to make sure that I let you know this is real. That what we have is real. And that's got me worrying again. Do you not want this anymore? Are you leaving again?"

"Tangers" she chuckled and sighed. "Yes, I have to leave. And you know I do. I can't stay in Pittsburgh forever. I have a job and my job requires me to travel. And as for do I want to do this anymore, of course I do. If I didn't why would I bother explaining how I feel to you. I would have just told you to get lost. Sid is just looking out for me"

"Are you sure?" I said, still cautious about saying anything stupid that'll make her change her mind.

"Yes I'm sure" she smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

Her touch was gentle, but unfamiliar. It was like she's here, but she's afraid.

"I love you Eva" I said, placing a sweet kiss on her head.

-------- Eva's P.O.V. --------

"Love you too Kris" I said, closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.

Easing back into my love life will take time. Nothing has ever come easy for me. Kris made a difference, but I can't tell if he's made things more complicated or has finally perfected my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. I don't know if an apology will do. It's been literally 4 months since I've updated. I had stuff down, but I didn't know where to take the story, so I kinda left it, and I procrastinated.
BUT in my defence, I was super busy with finals, then I had oral surgery, so uh yeah...that's that.

Hopefully I can bring this story back on track!