Status: This takes the place of Season 6 and all those that follow. Hence why JJ's still here.

Locating the Love She Never Had

This is the Longest Night Ever

It was a little after four when they landed. Matnson looked at JJ.

"Tired?" JJ asked.
"This is the longest night ever."
"Sweetie, it only gets worse."

Matnson sighed as they got off the plane.

"Remember, we have to find him today. We are not going anywhere until we do," Hotch said.

Everyone nodded, but no one was to thrilled about this. Matnson and Morgan had to go to the crime scene. She was actually scared what she would see. When they got to the crime scene they found a girl around thirteen or fourteen laying in a pile of garbage bags.

"This doesn't match," Matnson said. "The age is right, but our guy likes to pick on the weak."

There was a duffle bag next to the body. Matnson unzipped it and found a football jersey. She held it up.

"Something tells me she isn't weak. Plus her body was just thrown here. The others were nicely placed in shallow graves. And," She shined her flashlight at the girl's face. "blue eyed blonde. The others were-"

"Brown eyed brunettes," Morgan continued.

"What are you saying?" one of local police asked.

"This probably isn't the same killer." The officer's face dropped. "Two serial killers in a town this big isn't uncommon. In fact it's less likely he changed his MO then this being a whole new guy."

"I'll call Hotch," Matnson said already dialing his number.

She put the phone up to her ear and waited for an answer.

"Find something?" he asked.
"Yeah, this is a whole new guy."
"Are you sure?"
"Other then her age nothing else fits the profile. Nothing."
"Alright. Um, you and Morgan come back then and let local PD handle this."
"K, Hotch."

She hung up and slipped her phone away. Morgan looked at her for an answer.

"He wants back at the station. Said to let local PD handle this."

Morgan nodded. They got in the SUV they rented and arrived at the station. Prentiss was there pacing back and forth.

"What's wrong Prentiss?" Morgan asked.

"If that girl's not our UNSUB's victim,"
",then we only have seven hours to find our girl."

"Prentiss, come with me," Morgan instructed. "We'll go talk to the community. You," He pointed to Matnson. ",call Hotch and let him know."

She nodded and pulled out her cell phone.

"Hotch, if this isn't our UNSUB's girl then that mean we have seven hours to find him before he kills again."
"And your sure this isn't our UNSUB?"
"Yes. Morgan and Prentiss went to talk to the community."
"Alright. I want you and Reid to work on the this at the station."

She hung up. She spun on her heels.

"Hotch wants me and you to work on this from here."

She took a seat next to him.

"Do you need something to drink. They have tons of stuff here."
"No thank you."
"Do you still not drink coffee?"
"You remembered?"
"I remember everything."
"So seven hours to catch the bastard who did this."
"Let's go through the profile again."
"All is victims are female, thirteen to fifteen, brunettes with brown eyes. They were nicely placed in shallow graves. That means he feels remorse and cares for his victims. Also they were all weak and vulnerable."
"Possibly why he feels remorse. All theses kids were taken right off the streets. Times of death are fifteen hours apart down to the minute."
"He's a perfectionist?"
"Exactly. Some one who would have a neat desk space at work and an orderly home."
"And if you were like that what would make you snap?"
"What if he lost a daughter. Thirteen to fifteen years old. Brown hair, brown eyes."
"And he's making these families pay for it."
"He must believe the community caused her death."
"I'll call Garcia."

"Hey Garcia. Yeah, um, I need unnatural deaths of a girl age thirteen to fifteen. Um, it would have been something that was preventable. Check the LA area. Recently. If it's older then three months don't count it. Alright Garcia. Thank you."
♠ ♠ ♠
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