Status: This takes the place of Season 6 and all those that follow. Hence why JJ's still here.

Locating the Love She Never Had

Mom I Gotta Go

"Mom I gotta go."
"But honey-"
"Mom I'll be late."
"Good, the you can home and be safe with me and Krysie."
"Bye Mom."
"Love you."
"Love you too Mom."

Matnson hung up the phone of her apartment building and went to her car. She arrived at work not last, but not first. Hotch was there, she had been told he pretty much lives there, Morgan, and Reid were there also. She sat at her desk and finished the last bit of paper work she had for the case. It took her, maybe, ten minutes. In that time she noticed JJ had came out of her office and Garcia arrived. She took her paperwork to Hotch. On her way back to her desk she ran into JJ literally.

"Oh my gosh!" Matnson exclaimed.
"I'm so sorry," JJ said.

Both girls were covered with the coffee JJ had had.

"Come on," JJ said.

They went to the bathroom and tried to clean it up. They both apologized numerous times.

"JJ I'm so sorry. You have to actually look good and I don't. It's my fault. I'm so sorry."
"Leash, it's fine. I'll call Will and have him bring me some new cloths. You look like your the same size as me. You want me to ask him to bring you a set of cloths?"
"No, JJ. You don't have to."

She picked up her phone and called Will.

"Hey. Yeah, can you bring two sets of cloths? One set of my work cloths and like a t-shirt and black jeans? Thanks you honey. Love you too."

"JJ, you didn't have to. Yeah but I wanted to."

Will came and they got new cloths to change into.

"Thank you JJ," Matnson said as they left the bathroom.
"It was nothing."

JJ smiled. She then remembered she had never picked up the coffee mug she had dropped. She saw it sitting on Prentiss's desk steaming slightly. JJ went to Prentiss's desk to get her cup of coffee and Matnson went to her own desk. She leaned back in her chair. Reid walked by and for the first time since she started working here she noticed how cute he was.

If only I could have him, she thought. If only rules didn't exist. What am I saying?

She shook her head slightly. She disapproved her previous thought.

Rules are important, she told herself. People may come and go but rules last forever. Plus I can't lose this job. Going back to Milwaukee is not what I want to do. Then again how says I can't look.

He walked past, this time with a file.

"Watching some one?" Morgan asked.

Matnson jumped out of her seat, hitting her knees on her desk and attracting the attention of her co-workers and other agents.

"I saw that look on you face," Morgan teased.
"What look?"
"The one that says you like," He looked around then whispered: "Reid."
"Do not."
"You were watching him like a hawk."
"Isn't that a bad thing?"
"Not necessarily."
"Want me to figure out what he thinks of you?"

But Morgan had walked off. A man on a mission. He always was. As much as Matnson didn't want to believe it Morgan had went Reid to talk and she knew just what that meant. Reid looked at her for a moment. He smiled and she smiled back.

This ought to be interesting, she thought to herself.