Status: I know my friends read this, so I ask you two to please don't judge me. I love you guys but this is what's going on with me.

To Be Extraordinary

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh, life, how funny you are.

I am just going to sit here and reflect on events of the summer as I sit here waiting for my cake to bake.

Rhonda’s Surprise Birthday Party alla casa di Venturino

It was pretty fun; it was like a mini get together for all of us again. It was Bryanne (of course), Matt, me, Courtney, Ian, Brian, and of course the Ginger.

We all sat around outside under the tarp in the pouring rain eating and drinking as we waited for Rhonda to come. And once she did finally arrive we used all the fucking silly string against her – and I ended up with a bunch of it on my raincoat thanks to Ian and Brian.

After we ate more food we went inside and played Just Dance. It was girls verse boys, and I think we pretty much came out in a tie because we’re all terrible dancers haha.

Then we had cake and Courtney’s pancakes and my terrible attempt at making pudding pie, and after that we all got glow sticks and went frolicking in the rain. And Ian and Matt chased Rhonda around and hide her sandals around and it was a pretty fun night, except for the fact that Matt got all pissy because I accidently hit him with a stick, and he got all mad and then went on and on and on about how it’s abuse and how it was going to leave a welt and threatened to not drive me home. And he also failed to realize that he abuses me all the time and the latest of such would be when he was fucking whipping me with lanyard just because we could, and proceeded to tell me that pokes didn’t count because he does it all the time. EXHIBIT FUCKING A.

But in the end he drove me home and it was a good night, especially since I had Courtney to be my buffer the entire evening.

Harry Potter Midnight Premiere

I had a basketball game that evening so I had to get home and shower as fast as I could because once I was ready then Matt was coming to get me so we could go and pick everyone else up. I made myself glazed donut coffee and ate gummies while I waited for him as my very nutritious dinner.

Getting Kirn, the first of the evening pick up besides me, was very… interesting. We got to her house and her grandma comes out and starts lecturing us to send Kirn back home because they don’t let her go out at night. So to cut the lecture short, we promised to tell Kirn. Then we went and found her sitting in a tree on the next road over. It was very weird. But I did gain more respect for her because she came with us rather than just going back home.

Then we got the others and blah blah blah. The group consisted of Matt, me, Kirn, Rhonda, Brian, Doug, Andrew (Doug’s brother), and Doug’s mom.

I was very upset that I didn’t get to sit next to Matt because then I had no one to talk to the entire movie, though I did have Kirn who I did converse with throughout. But reasons why I couldn’t sit with Matt was because he wanted to sit next to Doug, and Brian wanted to sit on the other side of Matt. And ironically there was an open seat between Rhonda and Brian where Rhonda kept telling me to go sit. Um. No. Are you crazy? So I just sat at the end of the row with Kirn on my right, Rhonda and I both eating her huge bag of popcorn.

When the movie was over we dropped everyone off, and Matt and I drove at like 10mph all the way home, the both of us just eating skittles and popcorn.

Boy Dramarama

The only time I can recall this summer being with him besides the party and the movie is when we were going to get the Harry Potter tickets and trying to locate the ginger, and how he kept trying to get out of sitting in the back with me, and not wanting to sit anywhere near me. I figured that something was up. Someone must have told him. Then I realized that none of this really mattered. I figured that he didn’t like me from the beginning, so whatever. I don’t care anymore. Okay, that’s a lie. I still kind of care, but that’s only because my brain (of course I would write “brian” first instead…) won’t let me. When there’s down time, or as I’m ready to fall asleep and even in my dreams, my mind wanders to the past and relish’s in it, replaying everything and then some, going over and doing things differently to see if it would have ended in a more favorable outcome. Whatever. I’ve come to believe that if it was meant to be, it would be. And one thing that I do love about all this teen angst is that it makes for a pretty kickass story. Once I finish “Fall”, look out for it ;)

Also, I don’t want to deal with him anymore. And I don’t believe I’ll have to anyway. It was nice while it lasted I guess. And, well, I’m moving on. Slowly but surely. I have a lot of really great things going for me right now. I met a songwriter, I began talking to band members more and more, I’m in the process of trying to get my friends to do this project with me, but I’ll talk about that a little later. Oh, and there’s Nicolai. He’s a work-in-progress. But right now I don’t really need a guy. I have my friends, my cousin, and kickboxing. Life’s pretty honky-dorey.

I want you to fall apart like I did
You to hurt for all of this
All the pain you put me through
I wanna hear you say
I don't deserve you
Fall apart like I did
You to hurt for all of this
All the pain you put me through
I wanna hear you say
I don't deserve you
Fall apart

Fall Apart – Every Avenue

It’s one of my song obsessions at the moment along with “Story of Us” by Taylor Swift. “When We Were Young” and “Mannequin” by TSS are pretty powerful and beautiful songs too.

One day I’ll see you both in hell

The Project

So I was on tumblr and of course and I was doing some """"research"""" on these twins who are always on my dash, known as Brigitte and Jaimee Narravette (idk if I spelt their names right, but I’m too lazy to go and check), and they’re linked to The Summer Set and whatnot (I think Brig is dating Stephen), and I found out that their part of photographer, Alex Hodge's project called "The Weekend Warriors" and it's basically their lives and worthy moments documented in pictures and videos so that they have something to look back on when they're "old, 40, and botoxed".

And being me, I thought that it was a really cool idea to build on since Rhonda and I already have this "Senior 2012" book already going for the year (which is gonna be pretty kickass if I do say so myself). And I just thought that it would be cool to document any and everything that we do that's worth while with a camera/video camera. And it could be like a video/photo blog or something. Something that we could look back on years from now, and that we could possibly carry on into college and the rest of our lives if all goes well with it, because we wouldn't have to record everything as a group, it could be just one or two people, ya know?

Now that I think of it, this kinda sounds like our own personal little reality show that's actually real things and not run by money hungry producers and such; if that makes any sense at all.

This Summer in a Nutshell

This summer? Well, this summer was basically the summer of me. I spent almost every day by myself. Which was great! I needed to de-stress, but now, I just really want to be with people. So I guess it took me being a hermit to realize that I do like the company of other people, even if I don’t really like “people” in general.

I hung out with Courtney a lot when she got back from Hawaii and we made fried oreo’s and hung out at the beach a couple times.

I spent a day with Dylan on our very long adventure to give Crystal an intervention which was pretty much a fail.

I got kinda reconnected with Rhonda. We hung out a couple times.

Bry and I spent some time together too. We went to Moe’s and went shopping.

I had a sleepover with the previous three and I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to fit two queen sized beds in the tent :)

I saw Nicole a couple times, especially when Court and I went and sat on her lawn for like 15 minutes, waiting for her to take notice that we were finally there.

I found more music to listen to.

I had basketball for a few nights.

I got my second holes pierced.

I fractured my ring finger knuckle.

And me and Anastasia took up kickboxing, which I am introducing Courtney, Rhonda, Sarah, and Sarah’s plus two’s – Catherine and Christina Boutros (UCK! :P) <- Obviously I am not thrilled to be spending my de-stressing time with someone I can’t stand. Well, I can always hope that we get paired up for sparring and I can beat the shit out of her :)
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