Status: moving along at a snailish pace, whenever I decide to update, want more ASK

All Shades of Purple

And So It Began

P.A. System:
“Will Maliana Leeunderxaul, Alania Crystel Leeunderxaul, Lily-Ann Rosenfeld, Jermaine Kobeersh, Calthazar ‘Cal’ Acabadotras IV, Vladimer Editratsi, Claire Cheri Butonhuk, Fabio Shrednous, Yelitza Shrednous, and Donovan Droughberry please come to the principal’s office promptly.”

I chuckle softly to myself as I hear my twin sister Alania or Ala scream “HALLELUJAH” two doors down the hallway. I carelessly shove the things on my desk into my shoulder bag; I leave my Earth Studies class with a soft sigh of relief. In the hall I join up with the rest of my friends, they also had their names called on the unknown announcement. Once I opened the door I saw 6 people that I have only seen passing by, in the hallway, once or twice. Mrs. Makomuri, our head mistress spoke once she’d closed the door and everyone was seated.
“So, I guess you are all wondering why I have called you down here.” A few nods and murmurs of “Yes ma’ams” were heard and seen.
“Well it seems that there is a top secret weapon being built on Earth,”
As I looked over the room of people I noticed confusion written all over Alania’s face. Alania immediately shot her hand up in the air and blurted the question that was on almost everyone’s mind
“So, where do we fit into this situation ma’am?” Alania asked cheekily with a twinkle in her eye. Once again I uttered a sigh of exhaustion while rolling my eyes at her, in response she stuck out a very red tongue.
*OH God Alania snuck lollipops from the candy jar AGAIN!!!*
“Well, if I wasn’t so rudely interrupted I would’ve been done telling you all why!” Mrs. Makomuri hissed venomously. Alania gave the floor a shameful stare,
“Sorry ma’am” Alania managed to squeak out.
“Well the ten of you were specially selected by your teachers for being the best in each of your skills to travel to Earth to investigate as well as hopefully stopping whatever/whoever is building the weapon.”
“SWEET!!!” a very ecstatic Alania shrieked.
“Alania!!!” Cal, Alania’s boyfriend, scolded.
“Sorry but you have got to admit that that news is absolutely fantastical” Alania exclaimed.
“Yeah I admit that it kinda is.” Cal shrugged.
“Haha, you said ‘kinda’” Alania burst out laughing.
“Yeah well . . . you said fantastical!!!” Cal retorted sticking his tongue out at her.
“Huh? What? You gots a problem with the stuff I say boi?” Alania asked smirking.
“I wouldn’t even think of such a thing in my life, my love.” Cal exclaimed smiling sweetly.
“Okee Dokes, I love you honey.” Alania said cheerfully.
“Right back atcha sweet-cheeks” Cal replied while kissing her cheek lovingly.
“Ewwy, that’s just plain narstay!!! Guys, please get a freaking room!!!” My other best friend Lily-Ann playfully joked while sticking her tongue out at the sight of Alania’s frown.
“PAY ATTENTION CHILDREN!!! This is going to become a Life-or-Death mission, PLEASE stay on track!!!” Mrs. Makomuri all but screamed, breaking up the staring contest going on between Alania and Lily-Ann. “Okay the people in this room are your team for the remainder of this trip, which will last about two years and a few days. Go home; you’re all excused for the rest of the day to pack. Oh and by the way this is Mr. Elvardarino, he is going to be your chaperone while your on Earth, Mr. Elvardarino would you like to speak?” Mrs. Makomuri was gesturing to a man dressed in a cloak. He came up to the front of the room and spoke in a voice as thick as almost as sweet as honey.
“Hello children, plea-” he started to say but then got cut off by Alania
“We are NOT children Mr. whatever your name is!!!” Alania nearly burst a lung screaming that.
“Well as I was saying, hello teenagers, please call me Mr. E as my name is much too much to say in one breath.” Mr. E said.
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yay, finally ended up posting my precious little baby
this -> * <- means someone's thinking... bwahaha