Killjoys Make Some Noise.


“I assure you that this is very safe, we are all trained doctors here. You have nothing to worry about.” The doctor said in a convincing tone.
The lady nodded her head slowly as she sat on a chair in her hospital gown. She knew she had to get this injection to help and save people. Even though one of her fears was needles, but as the doctor said there is nothing to worry about. The injection is for people with Aids, what it does is that is builds a stronger immune system to fight off the disease. They have been trying this for so many years, and it has been tested on animals a lot. Now all that's left is to test it on a human with aids.

The doctor took the woman's arm and held the needle in the other. He slowly pierced her skin with the sharp object. All her muscles tensed it hurt like a bitch, she could even feel all the liquid move around. It was horrible.

“There you go miss,” the doctor smiled as he pulled the needle out. “I advise you to rest for the rest of the night. Side effects are dizziness, drowsiness and sickness. But you should be perfect in the morning.”

Without saying anything the woman hopped off the chair and walked out the room and to the room she has to stay in for the night. It was just a plain hospital bed, they had to keep an eye on her for the night. She crawled into bed and closed her eyes, her stomach did feel a little uncomfortable and her head was thudding. Must just be the side effects, she thought so she shrugged it off.

After about 20 minutes she got an awful stabbing pain in her chest and stomach, her head was spinning it was worse than any normal cramp, it was awful. She moaned in pain, she leaned over her bed to press her buzzer but instead she threw up everywhere. As she threw up her hand reached up and she pressed the buzzer, two doctors came rushing in. When they saw she was throwing up, one got a bucket and the other sat her in her bed properly again. There was nothing the doctors could do, they couldn't give her antibiotic because then that would make it worse with the injection. But after 10 minutes she stopped throwing up for a while, but that only lasted for a minuted before she started again. Except this time it wasn't normal sick, it was mainly blood.

“What the fuck have you done to me?” She screamed in agony as she threw up more blood. The doctors didn't have an answer so they remained silent. All they could do was to try and calm her down, they were failing.

The doctors stayed with her for another 20 minutes and that's when she stopped throwing up, her head hit the pillow. She seemed to have relaxed, her eyes then closed although not by choice she had simply lost conscience. Confused the doctors checked her pulse and blood pressure, everything was healthy. So one doctors left and the other stayed by her side just to make sure she is okay.

Another 20 minutes passed of her being conscienceless, the doctor did another check on her heart rate and blood pressure. Everything seemed fine, but just as he took a seat things changed. Instantly all her vitals went down and she started to shake. The doctor jumped up and called for doctors. As quickly as possible he started CPR, more doctors rushed in and the CPR wasn't working. So one doctor got electric panels and the other opened the woman's gown to reveal her chest.

“Clear.” The doctor said as he put the panels on her chest. He could feel the electricity run through her, nothing. “Clear,” he said again, he tried it again but nothing worked. She was 100% dead now, he sighed as he read his watch. “Time of death 00:05 am.” Everyone then walked out except him. He sat and looked at her, it's so upsetting watching how that happened. One minute she leads a life, then one injection and you die a painful death and it's you fault for giving her the jag. She had a family and everything. Sighing the doctor turned around and started to walk out, but when he got to the door he heard a croaking sound. Slowly he turned around to see the girl's mouth wide open and the sound coming from there. That's impossible though, she is dead he said to himself. He looked closely at. Instantly, her eyes shot open to reveal her blood shot eyes. Her hands clenched up. The doctor shouted for help as loud as he could. Just watching her move was terrifying I mean, it's literary impossible for this to be happening. “Miss?” He asked taking a small step forward.

Then 3 doctors ran into the room, then stopped instantly when they saw the situation, the girl then jumped out her bed so she was standing on it. She then leapt right at the doctor was stayed with her, she pinned her down to the ground. Screaming he tried to pulled her off, so did everyone else. Leaning her head towards the doctor's neck she sunk her teeth into his neck, blood sprayed everywhere. Screaming in agony the doctor was slowly dying. No one could pull off the girl, she was too strong. That was the end of him...and the world.
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New story :D
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Zoe xx