Killjoys Make Some Noise.


They all sat against the wall staring at nothing. They needed to think of a plan and fucking fast before it's too late. Frank then pulled out his cigarettes and lit one up, Gerard and Mikey stared at him confused.

“They let you keep your fags? They took mine off me,” Gerard questioned.

“I wouldn't let them, it was in my secret pocket anyway there is no way you could tell I had them on me.” Frank smiled as he blew smoke out.

“Give me one then,” Gerard demanded Frank did as he was told and handed Gerard a fag and a lighter.

“Are yous smoking?” the door opened and a security guard was standing there.

“Oh no, we're just eating some fucking candy canes.” Frank snapped sarcastically as he blew out smoke.

“You gotta smoke out side, it will set off the alarm and the zombies will run in.” The guard called in another guard and they pulled Frank and Gerard to their feet and dragged them outside. They kept a tight grip of them as they had their cigarette, Frank looked at the guards and tried to think of a plan. He now knows he can get outside for a cigarette so now all he needs is the rest of a plan.

After their fag they were dragged back inside. As he sat down he thought, the whole of America, the UK, Europe and half Africa could explode any minute and the Killjoys are just sitting here. Frank stood up and walked over to the door, he looked out the tiny window at the top. He couldn't see very much, only two guards standing at the door with guns.

Meanwhile Ray was sitting in his own room; he had no idea what was happening. Fuck, he couldn't see through the blind fold. Well, at least he isn't dead he thinks. What the fuck is happening? One minute he is storming out the room, shot a few zombies, then he heard shuffling behind him then bang, he is unconscious and woke up here. Damn, the Killjoys better fucking save him or god knows what.

Just then Ray heard a door open and someone with heels walk closer and closer to him. Then he felt himself being dragged across the floor.

“What the fuck!” Ray mumbled but couldn't say anything due to his mouth being stuffed with rope or something.

After a few moments of being dragged across the floor, Ray was lifted up and placed on a chair. He then felt his arms moving, then his legs, but soon the blindfold was taken off his eyes and he could see. He was tied to a chair, classy, looking around his he saw Ms. Ellis and 2 other men standing by her. They were in an empty room and it was quite terrifying.

“Raymond, lovely to see you're awake.” Ms. Ellis smirked as he folded her arms across her chest and glared at Ray.

“What the fuck is happening?” Ray mumbled as he looked around confused as fuck.

“Ah, you sound just like your friend Frank,” Ms. Ellis smiled.

“Frank? What the fuck did you do to him? Where's Gerard and Mikey? Are they okay?” Ray quizzed getting quite worried now.

“They're fine, for now anyway. They're all in a room somewhere, guarded, though I would like to ask you a few things.” Ms. Ellis then started to circle Ray before putting her face inches away from Ray's.

“What?” Ray hissed.

“Well firstly,” Ms. Ellis stood up straight again. “I would like to have my own fun, tell me Ray what is your mission and who are you working for?”

“I'll only tell you if you tell me who the fuck you are,” Ray snapped.

“Fair deal, I am Ms. Ellis leader of the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W organization we plan on blowing up the whole of America. Yes, before you sound like a smart ass it is our intention to also blow up the UK, Europe and most of Africa. But we made the Aid cure jag to make this happen.” Ms. Ellis rambled and sighed at the end.

“Why do you hate America so much?” Ray asked raising an eyebrow.

“Pointless country, they do nothing and everything would be much better if it wasn't here.” Ms. Ellis shrugged her shoulders.

“Right, okay then.” Ray thought she was fucking crazy.

“Now, tell me who do you work for and what is your mission?”

“Well, you seem like a crazy bitch so I will tell you nothing.” Ray grinned; he gets pleasure from annoying her.

“Dick,” Ms. Ellis grunted her teeth as she slapped him across the face. “Hit him until he talks,” she said to the two guys beside her, then she walked out the room.

“You gonna talk?” One of the guys asked.

“Nah not really,” Ray smiled he knew what was coming. Yes a punch in the stomach, he was expecting the face to be punched.

That went on for a while, Ray was getting beaten up because he refused to talk. They started punching his face but he took it, he felt like he deserved it since he shot Frank. After a while Ray had a burst nose, swollen cheek bone and bruises on him. Yet he refused to talk, so they left him alone for a while.

Back in the cell the three Killjoys sat together trying to think of a plan. They were more worried about Ray and his health, they just wanted to see him and make sure he was okay. Frank was leaning against the wall with Gerard's head on his shoulder; Frank kind of tilted his head and kissed the top of Gerard's head.

“So are yous going out or what?” Mikey asked.

Both the boys looked at each other before shaking their heads. “Nah just friends,” they both knew that was a lie they just couldn't be bothered right now. Fun to keep secrets as well.

“What do we do?” Mikey said as he leaned against the wall and sighed.

“I don't know maybe we should just give up. They have nuclear weapons and they are blowing up a third of the earth or something, if we do anything Ray will die. Is it really worth it?” Frank sighed.

“I don't know, maybe you're right, maybe we should just give up.” Gerard said after a long pause.
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I hope you like it.

Zoe xx