Killjoys Make Some Noise.


“Mikey?” Mikey rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up and opened.

“Gerard?” Mikey said as he saw his brother hover over him.

“Mikey!” Gerard grinned as he pulled him into a hug. “You remember me, what about everyone else?”

“Yeah, Ray and Frank. Gee, are you okay?” Mikey asked smiling as he stood up. Just then Frank ran up to him and pulled him into a huge hug, then Ray did. “Wow, are you guys okay? I was just sleeping.” Mikey giggled as he pushed his hair out his face.

“You don't remember, do you?” Frank said as he wrapped his arm around Mikey's shoulder.

“Remember what? Guys can you please explain what the fuck is happening?” Everyone looked at each other, and then Gerard nodded.

“Okay Mikey as he cracked his fingers one by one.

“Fucking hell,” Mikey mumbled as he held his head that was still thudding. “I actually remember her saying a few things. I remember saying something like yous have just walked right into her plan. Something like that,” Mikey shook his head before shrugging and sitting down.

“Don't worry, she's dead now.” Ray smiled as he patted Mikey's shoulder. “I'm just glad you're okay,” Ray grinned before hugging Mikey again.

“Shit hold on,” Gerard said as he walked to the other end of the room and took out his vibrating phone. “Yes?” He answered.

“Mr. Gerard Way?” A voice came.

“Yes, who's speaking?” Gerard asked.

“I'm Flora,” Gerard nodded his head and smiled. Flora was head of the organization that sends people from America over to Europe. Though she has never personally phoned Gerard.

“Ah, Flora. How can I be of assistance?” Gerard asked pushing his hair behind his ears.

“Well, it seems that you, Mr. Toro, Mr. Iero and your brother Mr. Way have been on the zombie case for 10 months now, is that correct?” She asked.

“Yes, it is.” Gerard answered.

“Over the 10 months I have been gathering soldiers to go over to America so save the alive. Now I have enough, I have two questions to ask you Mr. Way. One; have you seen any alive people recently?” She asked.

“Sorry miss, I have not. Though, us Killjoys haven't travelled the whole of America. But remember, it's been 10 months of the zombie invasion. I doubt there are any survivors.” Gerard said.

“I see you're probably right. Am I correct in saying that these 'zombies' can not swim?”

“Yes you are,” Gerard said not really knowing where this is going.

“Excellent, my second question. Mr. Way, it seems that your service is now rather pointless since you have saved 200 people from the zombies. We were wondering if you wish for us to send someone over to take you to Europe. We will be sure to issue you with a fully furnished house and the money you have earned over the months.” Flora said.

“Really? Could I call you back so I can talk it over with everyone else?” Gerard asked.

“Of course, expect a call by sun fall.” Flora then hung up.

Gerard walked over to join everyone else where they were telling Mikey everything that had happened. He was apologising for being such a burden but Frank just hit him and told him to not be so stupid. “Guys, that was Flora on the phone. She tells me that our service is no longer needed and we can be transferred over to Europe, where we will be issued a fully furnished house and paid the money they owe us.” Gerard spoke, not really sure how to react.

“Well, lets go then!” Ray said grinning.

“Wait, what? We've been doing this for 10 months an you just want to give up?” Mikey asked shocked.

“Mikes, look what happened to you. You never know what could happen, plus we've saved everyone we can there is no point. It's safer if we leave.” Gerard said running his fingers through his tangled hair.

“Look, yous can go back but I'm not.” Frank said as he lit up a cigarette, everyone looked at him. “You heard me, my home is America. These bastards killed my family and I get satisfaction from killing them. I have no place in Europe,” Frank explained as he blew smoke out through his mouth.

“I'm not going if Frank isn't,” Mikey said sighing.

“I'm not going if you're not,” Gerard said to Mikey.

“I'm not the only one going.” Ray stated.

“Then we all stay here?” Frank asked hopeful.

“No, look. Mikey, me and you have to go, okay? I won’t let that happen to you again. Frank open your fucking eyes and realise it's not safe and you have to leave.” Gerard snapped at Frank.

“I am not stopping you from leaving what you started. So don't even start on me, Gerard. If you want to be the hero in all of this and fuck off, then do that. I'm not.” Frank hissed.

“So that's that then? As soon as Mikey is okay you turn into a dick again?” Gerard groaned.

“Yeah, I had to be there for you. But now you're okay, now you have your family back, I can go back to my self hating way. So fuck off?” Frank shouted blowing smoke through his nose.

“That's just fucking great, grow the fuck up Frank. You're not the only one that has lost somebody. Have you even asked Ray how he feels? Not once have you, have you ever asked how me or Mikey feel? No, we've all lost everything and now we only have each other.” Gerard hissed, “Have you begun to think about the kids we saved? Some of them have no one either. They're going into a strange country, with a new family, never seeing anyone they know again.” Gerard snapped.

“Guys, shut the fuck up.” Mikey said as he stood between them. “We're all in a place where we need to look after ourselves rather than everyone else. Okay? So decided for yourself if you want to stay or if you want to go.” Mikey calmly said, “Have we all decided?” Mikey asked and everyone nodded.
, close your eyes and try to think. Do you remember we were talking to you, though you were unconscious? Do you remember us saying we'll save you?” Gerard asked. Mikey closed his eyes and tried to think, he then shook his head. “Yes you do, think harder.” Gerard instructed. Sighing Mikey continued to think until his eyes shot open.

“Yeah, you were saying that you all love me, that you'd miss me. Why?” Mikey asked so very confused.

“Well, Ms. Ellis.” Frank began as he looked up at Mikey. “She got one of her men to drug you with tetrodotoxin, makes you seem dead but you're not. Anyway long story short, we found the antidote, rescued you and blew up the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W establishment.” Frank spoke
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I hope you like it