Killjoys Make Some Noise.


After the truck left the guys had to make a run for it, out that street, they were being crowded by loads of zombies. Once they were like two streets away they stopped and walked casually around.

“What now?” Frank asked lighting up a cigarette and handing one to Gerard who lit his up as well.

“Well, I hear the town 20 miles north needs us.” Mikey said looking around.

“Well then, to the north then!” Ray smiled.

They then turned around, they had to go back and collect their open roofed Jeep, it's the only car they can use so they can shoot zombies. So they all loaded their guns and ran though the street as fast as they could. Once they reached their Jeep they jumped in while Gerard turned on the engine, the other 3 started to shoot all the zombies as they got closer. Once the car was ready they drove off, they ran over zombies and shot ones that were close by.

After about 5 minutes they had left that town and were just driving down a road going as fast as they could, they had no time to waste. Barely any zombies were round since it was a motorway so they could rest their arms and just sit back for a while.

“I'm hungry.” Mikey said looking into the horizon.

“Me too.” Everyone agreed.

“There's a café just up here, we can go in there.” Gerard said as he pulled into a driveway.

Everyone got out with their guns and made sure they were loaded. They slowly walked in, looking in every direction, nothing seemed to be there. That's quite lucky, so they walked into the kitchen and raided about for food that's still in date.

“Pasta and chicken then?” Ray said pulling out some pasta.

“I can't eat chicken.” Frank said since he is a vegetarian, so he raided through and got some tomato sauce. “Sorted,” he smiled.

Ray made the pasta, Gerard made the sauce with chicken and Frank made his own tomato and mushroom sauce, while Mikey stood guard. Once the food was finished they sat at the table, grabbed a drink and ate.

“Shit.” Mikey said as he lifted his gun and shot a zombie who must of walked in through the back. “C'mon, take your drinks,” everyone then shoved their food down their throats, lifted their drinks and ran out to the car. They didn't see anyone other zombie, but they couldn't take that chance, the zombies can smell things really quickly. So they jumped in the car and started the engine.

“Seriously Frank, how can you smoke so much?” Mikey asked turning round to see Frank light up yet another fag.

“They feel good.” Frank said as he took a long drag, inhaling then exhaling a smoke bubble around him. “Do you want be to be cranky?” Everyone shook their heads, Frank in a normal mood is a bitch, when he is cranky, god help us.

They were on the road for another few miles, the sun was blazing down on them, no clouds were in the sky it was literary like a desert. All that surrounded them was a road, the occasional dead person and trees.

“Hey, look it's a girl!” Ray said as he pointed to a girl who wasn't a zombie run in front of the car, the car came to a stop and the girl ran up the side and stopped at Ray's door.

“Please you have to help me, they're coming!” She begged taking deep breaths as she talked.

“How do we know you're not infected?” Frank asked.

“Do I look infected?” She said holding her arms out to the side.

“Ray, go take her somewhere private and check her.”

“What?” She asked shocked.

“Look if you want to live then go get naked and stop being such a selfish bitch.” Frank hissed, she only sighed and gave a barely noticeable nod. Ray got out the car and they walked behind a tree.

Everyone was kinda shocked by Frank's comment, even though he was right. No one obviously said anything although they were tempted. So while they waited for the girl and Ray to return they just looked around awkwardly, not saying anything. Gerard and Frank lit up a cigarette and just sat in silence.

“All clear.” Ray said walking back over with the girl, they both got in, the girl sat beside Frank and Ray.

“I'm Amy,” she says as the car starts.

“I'm Ray, that's Frank, Mikey and Gerard.” Ray introduced everyone.

“Nice to meet you, what are those things?” She asked shaking from fear.

“Zombies.” Frank said taking a drag from his fag. “Want one?” He asked and held a cigarette to her, she kindly rejected it.

“Not everyone is a chain smoker like you.” Mikey said smiling.

“Not everyone is a dick unlike you Mikey.” Frank snapped and took the last drag of his fag before flinging it away.

“Harsh,” Gerard said keeping and eye on the road.

“Shut up.” Frank hissed and kept his eyes open for zombies.

Nothing after that was said in the car apart from the conversations between Ray and Amy. They just drove off to their new town where they would repeat everything until everyone who was going to live will live and watch people die. How fun, they all couldn't wait until all this shit is over where they can live their lives in peace.

“You are now entering Byrol.” Gerard read out the road sign as we drove past it.

Everyone looked out to see a very posh town, every building was very tall and posh, despite the blood splatters and stuff, I would of guessed everyone was rich. As soon as they were on the main part, the saw a lot of zombies walking around, they all got their guns ready, Amy stood behind Ray. Everyone stood in a circle facing each other.

“Lets do this shit.” Frank said as he loaded his gun and spat out his saliva.

Everyone nodded in agreement as they lifted their guns and turned around and started shooting at the zombies who were closest to them. They had to find safety for Amy or at least find her a gun. Once it was safe to walk they did, they jogged up the street, shooting on their way.

“Okay, Amy do you know how to use a gun?” Amy shook her head. “Okay, Ray will you go with her, find a safe place and keep her safe?” Gerard asked. Ray nodded and smiled, “okay thanks, text me once you've found somewhere and we'll come find you once we are finished.” They all said a quick goodbye before Amy and Ray ran off so it was only Mikey, Gerard and Frank left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo another update :D


Zoe xx