Save Me

The Beginning.

I'm Heather, I'm a 17 year old girl. I don't have a perfect life. Far from it in fact. My parents beat me. I have no friends, and everyone at my school hates me. I have gotten into so many fights at my school that the suspension's that I have had is ridiculous and you probably wouldn't believe me if i told you.

Currently I was walking to first class. Everyone was whispering about a new girl at the school. Honestly I could care less. By second class she will be friends with all the popular kids. I sighed as I walked into the classroom and sat in the back corner. After the bell had rang the new girl walked in, Apologized for being late, and took the empty seat that was unoccupied next to me.

"Heather I assume you will get Lexus caught up with what we were just talking about?" The teacher said.
"I guess if i have too." I turned in my seat towards the new girl.
"He was talking about something that nobody gives a damn about, then you walked it. Thank you for that"
"What? It's true!"
"Get out of my class right now."
"Whatever." I walked towards the door. "Have fun listening to his bullshit." I said as i closed the door.

Since he didn't exactly tell me to go to the office I went to the library and hung out there until the bell rang. I got up and walked into the classroom for this hour. I seen the new girl Lexus sitting in the seat that i had mentally claimed mine. I sat down in the seat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Heather." I said smiling at her wile holding my hand out.

The teacher told us to be quiet. He told us basically what we were doing this year, and that the rest of the class we could just talk.

Lexus and I had a lot in common. We liked most of the same music, same style and a bunch of other crap. We were basically twins almost.

Throughout the day we realized we had every class together. Which was amazing. I was glad I had a friend. Someone to talk with, someone to have fun with, someone to get into trouble with. Just someone to be by my side in general. Because god knows I need one with the way my parents treat me.

Sometimes I doubt that there is a god. If there was one why would he let me be beat by my own parents? I know they didn't love me. I knew nobody loved me.

People wouldn't believe what i go through at home. I get home, constantly get yelled at, even if it's because I accidentally left my shoes laying in the floor. And if I don't pick it up right away, I get a slap to the face. If you think that's nothing, remember how i told you i got suspended a lot? Well, that's even worse, my parents beat me. Literally, punch to the face, a blow to the stomach, until I fall to the floor, then I get a kick to the stomach, a stomp on the stomach.

I would come to school with bruises and people use to ask why. So I would say I got into a fight. And I guess that is why I fight so much, why I get into so much trouble.

Sitting here talking with Lexus i can't but think, in the back of my mind, I sort of hoped that she would ditch me like everyone else did in 9th grade. I didn't want her finding out about my home life. Not yet at least.
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Sorry it's a bit short. I'm going to update to be more in tune with this story

Sorry again i'm not the best writer ever.
xx, Heather.

OH! and, my parents don't beat me. xD just thought i would mention that.