Save Me


I was aloud to go home with Jimmy and Leanna. Their home, my home, our home. It sounded so weird. Heather Sullivan. I don't think I will get use to this. Leanna pulled the car around and Jimmy helped me into the backseat.

"So we were thinking, us three can go to the mall, get some things for you, clothes, and other things. What do you think?"
"That sounds like fun." I said smiling.

The car ride was quiet, until Jimmy decided he was going to start singing. He wasn't even singing anything real, he was just basically singing what he saw outside.
"Can you sing one of Pinkly Smooth songs?"
"sure!" He said starting to sing Mezmer.

I smiled. The rest of the way to the mall we talked about all sorts of things, We even made up a song.
"Finally!" Leanna said. "I'm sorry, but that song was just so weird and creepy" Leanna said laughing.
Jimmy and I laughed as we highfived each other.

We walked into the mall and we walked into the hot topic that was there. Leanna went a separate way, to give Jimmy and I some bonding time.

I grabbed a bunch of random clothes that i liked.
"That's a lot." Jimmy said.
"I'm sorry, i should put some of this back shouldn't I?" I said.
"No No, it's okay, I want to buy you this stuff." He said.
"Are you sure? I can put some of this back"
"No it's fine. i want you to have it." He said smiling. "But i think you should get this, this and this also" He said adding to the pile of clothes in my hands. I laughed.

We purchased 'the goods' as jimmy liked to call it and then walked out of the store.
"So where too next?" Jimmy asked.

"Uh, i need Womanly products."
"Womanly products...?"
"Nooooo. LEANNA!" jimmy yelled in the mall. He took out his phone and called Leanna.
"Leanna, womanly products, near hot topic. come now. now now now now now now!" He said and hung up his phone.

I laughed.
"Whats so funny?"
"You. Oh My God. Funny" I said almost falling over.

"Not. Funny."
"Hey whats wrong?" Leanna said from behind Jimmy.
He jumped and hid behind her pointing at me and whispered something in her ear. Leanna laughed.
"So that's why you called me?" She asked.
He nodded looking at her with big blue eyes.

"You're such a baby Jimmy" She said walking towards the CVS in the mall.
"So." I said as we walked into the CVS. "What are we doing?"
"Going into CVS."

"Oh fun!" I said running towards the stuffed animals that make noises. I pressed all the buttons.
"OH! OH NOISE!" Jimmy said running the way i had and started pressing the buttons on the animals.
"THESE ONES MAKE MUSIC!" i said excitedly

After 10 more minutes of us doing that the guy behind the counter asked us if we would please stop.
"You, are no fun!" I said sticking my tongue out at him. He glared at me.

"Jimmy, lets get out of this store." I said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the store.
"See you later Leanna!"
"BYE! Stay out of trouble!" she called after us.

We roamed the mall for a few moments until we found a toy store.
"OH MY JESUS, TOYS!" Jimmy and I exclaimed at the same time running towards the store.
We played with a bunch of toys for what seemed like hours when Leanna called us telling us to meet her at the car.

Within 5 minutes we were at the car.
"Hey Leanna" I said smiling at her.
"Hey. So Zacky called, Him and Lexus are going to come over in a Little bit, so it would probably be a good idea to head home."
"Oh yay, LEXUS! wait, Zacky and Lexus together? does that mean Brian is letting them see each other?!" I asked.
"Well that's what he said."
"OH MY GOD!" i squealed. "Yay for them!"

We drove home and i took my clothes up stairs and put it in the closet. Leanna had told me that yesterday she had gotten my room set up for me, and that she hoped i liked it, which i did.

Jimmy walked in, this being the first time he seen the room too.
"Dude, this reminds me of my room when i was younger!" He said sitting down on the bed. I laughed as i finished putting the clothes away.

"Oh yeah so Lexus and Zacky will be here in a minute or so."
"Alright." I sighed. "I'm hungry."
"I'm sure there is something downstairs lets go get fooood!" He said dragging me downstairs.

I giggled. I was so happy.
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so yeah. i was all "OHMGIHEFVZHKEFVC X" and yeah here you go.

sorry im crap at this..