Save Me

Graduation and other Shit.

Jimmy, Leana and I were on our way to Lexus' house. Lex and I were getting ready for today. It was graduation day, and we had a party to go to later. We pulled into the driveway and I jumped out of the car running up to their door and ringing the doorbell.

When the door opened I automatically hugged whoever opened it. I realized it was Lex.
"I know, to be honest I never thought I would see myself graduating high school. I always thought I would just drop out." she replied.

We walked into the kitchen and Brian and Michelle were there.
"Hello Mr and Mrs. Haner!" I said hugging them. Everyone in the A7x band/family was use to me hugging them. Everyone pretty much thought of me as a Mini girl version of Jimmy. Which I was fine with because Jimmy was awesome.

"Are you girls excited?" Michelle asked us.
"HELL YEAH!" We said together as we laughed.
"What are you guys going to do after the ceremony?"Brian asked.

"Oh well I don't know, we were planning on going to a graduation party around night time.." Lexus replied
"Oh well how about after the ceremony we all get together and go out to celebrate over dinner?" He said smiling at us.

"SURE! That would be awesome dad." Lex said hugging him.

We walked up to Lexus' room to go get ready. Dresses, Makeup and other crap that we would do to be sexy.

"Well look at you, looking all sexy! The guys won't be able to keep their hands off you at the party!" Lex said looking at me
" Aw thanks Lex! You're looking fucking sexy yourself too, I'm afraid someone is gonna try to rape you or something, I'm gonna keep an eye on you at that party!" I said laughing.

"No one is going to touch her except for me." I heard Zacky walk into the room and he put his arms around her waist.

Lex doesn't know this, actually nobody knows this really except Johnny maybe, him and i had gotten close. But every time they were around and they were all lovey dovey it made me depressed so i tried my best to ignore it. I was happy for them i mean Lex was my best friend. But knowing that I didn't have anyone like that and maybe never will, it depressed the hell out of me.
"Aw Kodak moment!" I said taking my camera and snapping a photo.
"HEY!" Lex said laughing at me.

"What? I had to savor the moment!" I said sticking my tongue out at them.

"Lets get Rollin bitches!" Jimmy said as he entered the room we were all in. Everyone was ready to go to the graduation ceremony.
"Aight dawg!" Johnny said trying to be gangster and we all looked at him weirdly. I tried my best not to laugh.

"What?" He said laughing awkwardly. We all burst out laughing. We then piled into our cars and headed to the ceremony.

After waiting in the long line with all the kids graduating, We finally had our diplomas and were surrounded our family.
"Matt where did you get that cake?!?!?!" I said trying to grab Matt's cake.
"Over there.." He said pointing at the cafeteria were there was loads and loads of cake, everyone ran towards the cake.

Jimmy started chasing Lexus down the hallways of the school. Johnny and I were sitting there shoveling cake into our mouths and talking.
"So are you happy to be out of High school?" He asked.
"Yes and no. I don't really have any idea what I'm doing with my life." I said trailing off.
"Oh. Yeah, That can be pretty scary i guess--" I didn't hear the rest of what Johnny said because the kid who i have been eying for about two months walked by.

Yes i had gotten over Johnny, me and him were really good friends. Leana had told Jimmy that I had a crush on Johnny, so you know, naturally everyone found out sooner or later. They all thought it was 'Cute'. And then one day Johnny pulled me aside to tell me that he wasn't into girls much younger than him, no offense to Zacky and Lexus, and that he loved Lacey and didn't want anything or anyone to ruin their relationship.

I told him I knew that, and I wasn't going to try to ruin his relationship with Lacey because i thought she was awesome and thought they were good together. After that I was depressed for a week and wouldn't really hang out with anyone except Lexus and Jimmy. But that depression went away the day that the new kid came to school. He was in one class of our. And he was complete gorgeous. Then when i started to hang out with everyone again, Johnny and I started talking more.

So yeah I seen him walk by. My heart fluttered a little and I sighed.
"What are you looking at?" Johnny said turning around.
"Nothing nothing." I said digging my fork into the cake I had.
"oooo. Who is he?" He said looking at me wiggling his eyebrows.
"I don't know" i said shoving cake into my mouth.

"I'M GOING TO STAB YOU!" We heard from down the hallways. In came Jimmy running with Lexus following after with a plastic fork. I tried my hardest not to laugh. Someone so short chasing after Jimmy was hilarious.
"LEANNA SAVE ME!"He said running and hiding behind Leanna.
"What the hell did you do to her?" Brian said walking behind Lexus and doing something with her hair.
"He threw cake at me!" She said pointing at Jimmy, who had stuck his tongue out. I smiled and finished my cake.

Right after that we left and went back to Lexus' house so she could wash her hair and fix it. After she fixed her hair we went to the restaurant. Part of it was reserved just for us. We sat down all having our own side conversations until the food came.

"Oh yummy!" I said as my plate of food was set down in front of me.

The guys were talking about their new CD that was almost going to be released and we were all really excited. The fans have been waiting a long time for this, including Lexus and I. We haven't gotten to hear the album so we're just as excited as the fans.

"Today when you and Heather go to the graduation party, we're going to have a party of our own." Brian said to us, well more to Lexus than to me.

"Party for what?" I said.

"The record label, a couple bands will be there, and just other random people. It's going to be at Matt and Val's house so if you decide to leave your party early just head to Matt's house and we'll probably all be there." Brian said to us.

"Alright, I'll remember that." Lexus replied.

We finished eating and Lexus and I headed to the graduation party as everyone else headed too Matt's house. For some reason I was really excited for tonight.
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