Save Me

Wait, Why'd she leave?!

We arrived at the graduation party and it was at a huge mansion. When we got there, the front yard had several people drinking and talking about who knows what. We went inside and saw that the mansion was decorated and there was loud music blasting from all over the place. It was flooded with students everywhere. Most of them were in the middle of it all grinding on each other, and to the side of that there was a table with a bunch of drinks. Lexus and I headed into what looked like the kitchen, and poured ourselves some soda.

"This party looks pretty legit!" I said screaming over the music to make sure she heard me.

"Hell yeah! Lets go dance!" Lexus replied.

I grabbed a different cup and poured some vodka in it as i walked to the dance floor. Everyone was dancing on each other, it was a lot of fun. Lexus had disappeared for a little bit.

"I'm Eric" said the kid behind me.
"Heather" I said. I looked at the kid and it was the kid i had been crushing on for months.

For a little bit we got talking and headed upstairs to get a little more quietness. He was pretty interesting. I spotted Lexus.
"LEXUS COME OVER HERE!" I said, a smile plastered on my face.
"Whats up?" She shouted.
"I want you to meet someone. This is my new friend Eric. Eric this is Lexus, she's my best friend in the whole entire world!"
"Hello!" she said shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you!" he said.
"Lets go dance again!" i said happily.
"Sure" Eric said grabbing my hand and leading me back downstairs.
"Aren't you coming Lex?" I said noticing she wasn't following.
"No. I'm good, I'm pretty tired of dancing. You go ahead!" She said to me.
I mumbled a response which i knew she couldn't hear.

After a little while Lexus found Eric and I.
"Heather, I think I'm gonna head to the other party where the family is at! I'm getting kinda tired already!" she shouted at me.
"Okay Lex, I'm gonna stay here for a while, then I'll meet up with you at Matt's party later!" I said hugging her.

Hours passed as Eric and I talked and Dances.
"Do you want to get out of here? Maybe go grab a late night snack some where?" He asked grabbing my hand.
"Yeah sure I just should call Jimmy to tell him where I am"
"Jimmy...? your boyfriend?" He said letting go of my hand.
"Boyfriend? What? No Jimmy is my adoptive Father" I said.
"Oh alright."

We got outside and were in Eric's car when I called Jimmy. He didn't answer so I called Leana.
"Hello?" She said Answering.
"Leana, it's Heather, i just wanted to let you know, I met a guy Eric tonight, and He wants to go take me somewhere to eat is that okay?"
"Uh, Heather I don't think that's the best Idea, you should come home... something has happened.."
"W-What to you mean? Whats wrong? Is someone hurt?"
"Just come over to Brian and Michelle's..." She said sniffling.

"Alright I'm on my way."
"You need to take me to Lexus' house right now."
"I don't know i just know i need to get over there now."

I told him the way and he dropped me off.
I ran through the door.
"Whats wrong?" I said running into the living room.
Michelle stood up with tears in her eyes.
"It's--It's Lexus, she's gone."
"Gone what do you mean gone?!"
"She-She--" Michelle broke down crying.

"Honey, she packed her stuff and is just gone."
"No. you're lying!" I said running up to her room.

All her clothes was gone from her closet. I checked where she kept her cash, that was all gone too. I screamed, and cried. I took out my phone and dialed her number. It went straight to voice mail. I tried over and over.

I cried and ran downstairs. Eric must have followed me into the house because he was sitting in the living room. He stood up and hugged me. Saying soothing things in my ear.

"It's going to be alright"
"No. it's not going to be alright, my best friend is fucking gone, took all her money and is probably on a plane going somewhere right fucking now" I said.

"What do you mean? She had money saved up" Brian asked.
"Yeah, just in case something ever happened, or she needed it for something that you guys didn't want to give her.." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

We all kept trying to call her. We stayed up til 9 in the morning trying to call her. Eric had fallen asleep on the sofa.

"Oh uh, Heather, who is that by the way?" Jimmy asked.
"He's a kid i met at the party.That was asking me to go on a date with him"
"Really awe!" Jimmy said.
"Jimmy, now isn't a time to be awing at things!" Then something dawned on me. "Why did She leave in the first place.!?" I asked everyone.

"Zacky, kissing Gena at party" Michelle said between sobs.
"THAT FUCKING BASTARD. I'm going to kill him! HE PROMISED NEVER TO HURT HER!" I said storming out of the house.

I was going to kill Zacky.
♠ ♠ ♠
I KNOW it's short..
but OMFG.
some serious shit is going DOOOOOWN. COMMENT? SUBSCRIBE? LOVE?