Save Me

And I feel time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life.

I had jumped into Jimmy's car and sped down to Zacky house. I barged into his house as he walked out of his living room.
"What the hell?!" He said.
"YOU, are a fucking dead man!" I said lunging at him.

He stopped me and held me to the wall.
"What did i do!?" He asked.

He let go of me.
"She's-She's gone?"
"I've been trying to get a hold of her.. That explains why she won't answer.. Where is she?" He asked me.
"If i fucking knew why would i come here?!" I asked. "But. you are a fucking dead man" I said pouncing on him again.

"GET. OFF. OF. ME." he said throwing me off of him and pinning me to the ground.
He picked me up and threw me out of his house. I banged on the door a couple of times and then jumped back into Jimmy's car and drove back to the Haner house.

When I walked back into their house I got bombarded.
"Where did you go?"
"To kill Zacky" I said. They all looked at me with horror in their eyes. "Not literally. To fucking tear away at his ego, to pummel him. I hate him and he doesn't deserve to be happy." I stated.

For the rest of the day we all just sat around trying to get a hold of Lexus. We didn't really succeed. Eric decided he should get going home a few hours after i came back from 'killing' Zacky. Jimmy and Leanna thought it would be a good idea to take me home.

So when we got home I went straight to my room and tried calling Lexus again. I then decided to text her.
'Lexus, where are you? Please come back. we are all going crazy without you. Please come back. Come home.'
I sighed and fell asleep with tears running down my face.

I awoke and it was dark. I heard muffled voices and tried to eavesdrop but i couldn't. I sighed and rolled over remembering that Lexus had ran away. There was a knock on my door.
"Heather. Honey, are you up?" Leana said opening the door and peering in.
"Yeah, I'm up. Did anyone hear anything from Lexus?" I asked.
"I'm sorry honey, but No.."
"Oh.. Well if you don't mind I'd really like to be alone right now."
"Alright, if you need anything we are downstairs." She said closing the door.

I took out my phone to see if I had any text messages. I had two new texts.
I opened it up and the first was from Eric.
'Hey i just wanted to see if you were okay.'
Oh yeah, my best friend is gone and I'm okay. fine and dandy I thought.
'Not really.' I replied.

I looked at the other text message and it was from Lexus.
'I can't come back. I just ruin every ones lives. I just keep getting hurt. You will all get over me eventually, forget about me. I can't tell you where I am, because I barely know myself. Don't bother trying to call or text back, i won't answer. I'm throwing away my phone. Bye.'

A tear dropped onto my phone screen, and then another. I got up and walked downstairs. Jimmy stood up and rushed over towards me.
"Whats wrong? what happened?!" He asked. I just handed him my phone.

He took out his cell and called who I presumed to be Brian and Michelle. I sat down and cried silently. I don't know how I was going to deal with life without one of the people who made it worth living? Leana sat down next to me and rubbed my back.
"It's going to be okay honey. Really it is."
"No it's not going to be Leana. It isn't, it's not. i just, i can't even. I feel like part of my heart is missing Leana. I feel like I'm going to die." I said sobbing into her chest.

A moment later, I felt another pair of arms around me and Leanna and squeeze us into a hug. I sighed and cried harder.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I was in my room. I don't remember falling asleep, let alone coming into my room. I stretched and stood up. I went to grab my phone, but realized it was missing. Then I remembered the events of the past two days. Sadness overwhelmed me. I flopped down on my bed and got under the blankets. I buried my head into my pillow and screamed.

Lexus was gone
"Heather come downstairs." I heard Leana's voice. I mumbled and groaned.

I got up out of my bed and walked downstairs.
"I think it would be a good day for you to be outside maybe hang out with Eric.."
"What do you mean, I just found out my best friend ran away two days ago."
"Honey that was a two weeks ago."
"A two weeks ago?" I mumbled.
"Yes, you have been locked inside your room since she sent that text.. And Eric really wants to hang out with you. And, well, I really don't think Lexus is going to come back."

"But i don't--"
"Please Heather, just, go and try to have fun today" Jimmy said cutting me off.
"Fine I'll try, can you give me my phone so I can call Eric?"
"Sure. here" Leana said pulling it out of her pocket and handing it too me.

I grabbed the phone and started to walk upstairs.
"Uh, i don't--" Leana started, I looked at her just as Jimmy nudged her. I looked at them oddly and continued to my room.

I called Eric and asked if he wanted to hang out today. He said sure and said he would be here to pick me up in a half our and that we would be going to the beach.

I got ready and packed a beach bag. I walked downstairs.
"I guess Eric and I are going to the beach."
"OH BEACH CAN I COME?!" Jimmy said jumping around.
"Uh.. no" I replied ask the doorbell rang. "That's be Eric." I said walking to the door.

I opened the door and Eric stood there smiling down on me.
"Hey Heather" He said.
"Hey Eric."
"HEY JIMMY" jimmy yelled in the background.
Eric smiled and I just walked out the door.
"I'll be home later" I said to them as I closed the door.

"So uh. how have you been recently, every time i stopped by Jimmy and Leana said you were in bed, or up in your room."
"I've been shit. My best friend ran away, and it seems like nobody cares."
"I doubt that is true. Her parents probably care And I'm pretty sure all of her other friends care."
"Sorry. Let's just go to the beach" I said.

We got to the beach and set up our own little area.
"Can we make a sandcastle?" I asked Eric.
He smiled at me "Sure"

We were in the middle of making a sand castle when I half expected someone to pick me up and throw me into the ocean. I giggled at that Memory of Lex and I and looked up about to say something then realized i was here with Eric and not Lex, and probably wouldn't be at the beach and have that fun again, for a long time, probably never.

I sighed and stood up.
"Whats wrong?" Eric asked.
"Just, good and bad memories here." I paused "Do you think we can go do something else, Maybe like get something to eat?"
"Yeah sure." He said standing up.

We packed up our stuff and headed to his jeep.
About 5 minutes later we were at some place too eat. We got a table and talked for a while. We had a lot in common.

"I really like you" Eric said
"I really like you too" I replied.
"Do you think we can do this more often?" He said as i was about to open my house door.
"Yeah sure. How about Tomorrow?" He instantly lit up.
"Yeah, that sounds great!"
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Tomorrow. I'll call you!" He said hugging me and went half running and half skipping to his car.

I smiled and walked inside. I had a good feeling in me. Something that said Eric was meant to be in my life. I was sad that Lexus was gone, and that she didn't want to contact any of us. I sighed as I walked upstairs.

"How was your date?" Jimmy said sitting on the bed after i changed into something to sleep in.
"It wasn't technically a date, but whatever it was, it was great." I said, a small smile creeping it's way onto my face.
"Well that's good." He said getting up and walking out the door.

I felt like shit, my best friend left about two weeks ago, and here I was smiling away. What is wrong with me?
♠ ♠ ♠
"The ones who I confide were gone in the black of the night."
Title credit to Avenged Sevenfold. - Second Heartbeat
also...I KNOW I SUCK.
but i would at least like 2 comments to update? 1 more needed, If i don't get that comment by time i get home tomorrow, then im just going to stop.

changed my mind. 1 comment is good. But....well you will see. Updating soon.