Save Me

Touring. :D

Hours later the guys came home to Matt's house. Leana had showed up about an hour ago.
"Oh good, you are all here!" Brian exclaimed.
"We have good news! Well, for us, and Heather."Jimmy said. I instantly perked up.

"Well we are going on tour." Johnny said,
"and that involves me how?"
"Well, you are going to help out with Merch," Zacky started
"and if one of us can't play for some reason, then you will fill in" Matt finished.
"SWEET!" I exclaimed very, very loudly.

"When do you guys leave?" Val asked getting up.
"Two days." Matt said looking down. "But we just found out so don't be mad baby!" He said running and hugging her.

I loved all the guys and the girlfriends. They were all so cute together. I sighed as realization hit me that I had to tell Eric.
"Uh guys how long is the Tour?" I asked.
"4 months, why?" Jimmy asked.
"It's just now I have to tel Eric..."I said trailing off as I walked out back to get some privacy.

I called Eric.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey Eric, what are you doing right now?"
"I was on my way home Why?"
"Well uh, can you come over to Matt's? I need to tell you something."
"Oh alright, I'm actually sort of near there, so I will be there in a few minutes"
"Alright. I'll meet you outside. Bye."
"Bye" He said hanging up.

I walked outside just as he pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car.
"Hey babe whats up?"
"Well uh I need to tell you something"
"Okay, what?"
"Well the guys are going on tour for a couple of months."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah and well, they want me to come on it."

"Oh? Why?"
"Well uh they sort of want me helping with Merch."
"Don't they already have people for that?"
"Yeah but they need me to go for other reason too."

"You're fucking one of them aren't you?"
"What?! No. oh my god Ew."
"I Bet it's Jimmy. You have been a little close with him lately." He said eyes narrowing at me.
"Jimmy? as in my adoptive dad Jimmy? Oh my god, what is wrong with you? We are close because he is my guy best friend, even before he fucking adopted me. What the hell has been up your ass lately!?"

"Yeah, a little too close for friends. What is up my ass? Fuck you bitch. You have been spending all your time with them!" He said pointing at matt's house.
"Yeah because they are my fucking family And sorry that what i want to do with my life they can help me with, do you not understand that!? are you so fucking stupid that you don't comprehend that?!"

"Fuck you. We're over" He said getting into his jeep and speeding out of the driveway.
I walked back into the house.
"Can we go home?" I asked Jimmy. He looked at me and his smile vanished.
"Yeah sure." He said getting up.

"I'll be home later hun, I think I'm going to stay here for a few." Leana said to Jimmy.
"Alright. " He said giving her a peck on the lips.

We got into Jimmy's car. The ride home was silent. I walked up to my room and slammed the door. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I hadn't realized i was crying until i seen my face.

Red blotchy spots all over the place. Tears streaking my face. Eyes red and swollen. I heard a faint know on my door.

"Come in Jimmy"
"Heather, what happened?"
"He fucking broke up with me."
"What why?" He said sitting on my bed.
"He thought I was screwing you."
"Oh my god, no offense but, ew"
"I know, exactly what i said."

"Also, if he had the nerve to break up with you over thinking that you were fucking someone else, then obviously he wasn't worth it."
"Yeah i know, he was probably sleeping with someone else. The people who accuse you of cheating normally are the cheaters." I said, breaking down in more tears.

Jimmy hugged me and rubbed my back.
"Don't worry, he isn't worth it. You will find someone better."
"I know. It's just that, i let him in, and he crushed me."
"Yeah i know." He said.
I woke up and stretched.
one more day until tour. were my first thoughts the next where.
oh shit i have to tell my boss
I bolted up and got ready for work.

I pinned my hair up and ran down the stairs.
"Jimmy. Work. Now!" I said as i ran out the door.

Jimmy was shortly behind me.
"You have to tell your boss right?"
"Yup. And he already hates me"

We pulled into McDonalds and I told the manager i needed to talk to the boss.
I knocked on the Boss' door.
"Come in!" He bellowed.
"Uh, can i talk to you for a minute?"

Five minutes later, he kicked me out of his office and asked for my name tag and shit. I called Jimmy and told him to come pick me.

"The fucking asshole fired me." I said to Jimmy on the phone. "Come fucking pick me up." I said hanging up the phone.

Five minutes later Jimmy was back at McDonald's picking me up.
"What a fucking prick!" Jimmy said as I told him what the guy had said.

Later that day i had packed. Now i could just chill until we had to leave in the next day.
The day they leave for tour

"Oh, Heather we forgot to mention that you will be riding with the rest of the roadies!" Matt said sitting next to me at patting my back.
"Dude you are not serious! they are annoying as fuck!"
"Awe come on baby cakes, you will loves them!" Johnny said.

I laughed.
"Did you just say baby cakes?" Jimmy asked laughing also.
"But seriously, why can't I ride with you?"
"Because you can't." Jimmy said.
"Please, just for the first day?"
"Nope not possible. "

Okay I was seriously scared shit-less. Riding on a bus full of people I barely knew, while touring to a concert. Not the most wonderful feeling you would have. I groaned.

Jason and Matt Berry had picked me up to give me a ride to the 'Roadie bus' as the A7x guys stated to me. The boys had been picked up by there own bus and would meet us to where we were getting on our bus at.
"So who else is going to do merch and shit?"
"Well, mostly you and bob. But we sometimes stroll that way when the boys are playing" Jason stated.

The rest of the ride was quiet.
Okay so i thought these two boys were really talkative and annoying, especially when i first met them they wouldn't shut up. Why are they so freaking quiet now? I was going crazy inside my head.

We finally pulled up next to the bus.
"HERE WE ARE!" Matt said.
"Finally." I mumbled.
"What was that?" Jason asked.
"Nothing i just felt like i was going insane inside my own head"
"Oh yeah it happens" He replied.

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the bus.
"What bunk is mine?" I asked nobody in general.
"First come first serve" Some guy said.
I ran back and made sure I got a good one.

My phone started to ring as I walked out to the living area part of the bus. It was Jimmy so I answered.
"Heather! hows the bus? is everyone treating you okay?"
"I just got on the bus, and uh yeah i guess hey are."
"OH IS THAT JIMMY-KINS?!" Jason said walking into the bus.
"Yes.. Yes it is." I stated looking at him oddly.

"Uh alright.--Jimmy, Jason says he loves you."
Jimmy chuckled on the other line.
"I see. Well i just wanted to make sure you were alright. Call if you need anything. Okay?"
"Yeah okay."
"Love ya!"
"love ya too." i said as i hung up.

"WHY DO I GET NO LOVE?" Jason asked.
"BECAUSE HE CARES ABOUT ME MORE!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

Jason laughed. "You really are Jimmy's mini me. I'm jason, thought i should formally introduce myself."
"Heather. Also, do you have a list of who else is going to be on the tour?"
"Yeah hold on it's here somewhere." He said rummaging through some papers.

"here it is." He said handing me a paper.
I skimmed through the names and stopped at a specific name. I froze.
oh god oh god oh god oh god "Oh god oh god this can't be"
"What?" Jason said looking at the name my finger was stuck on. "Wait, is that the Lexus that ran away?"
I nodded.

I called Jimmy.
"Jimmy put me on fucking speaker now." I said.
"Alright you are on speaker. "
"Okay you can all hear me right?"
"Yeah" they all said.
"Get the list of bands, and crew members, Now."
"Alright got it." Matt said.
"Go to the band Faded Memories. Look at who their fucking merch girl is"

"Lexus Haner" Brian said slowly "LEXUS IS GOING TO BE THERE?!"
Brian was going crazy. He was giddy, happy and a little bit excited, along with the other boys. Zacky really hadn't said anything.

Me on the other hand was pissed. She wouldn't contact us for three years, just so she can make a new family? And then turn out to be their Merch girl.

What a bitch, I bet she has no idea what she has put us through over these years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Actually the last authors note i said something about Johnny.
Just forget that shit.
kay? ahaa
this is all i have to say about jason berry FUCKING AWESOME. M. shads, brian, val, and part of johnnys head. hahaa

ALSO, if you know who the actual merch person(s) is(Are) then tell me becaus i have no freaking clue!
2 comments please :D
Okay so i guess matt berry does merch, but, i'm keeping bob cause he's sweet.