Save Me

i really like you. ;P

The day was hot and a bit annoying. Silly fan girls screaming when one of the boys came to see what we were up too. Just really annoying. Our table was on the complete opposite side as Faded Memories so i didn't see much of Lexus.

Currently i was getting ready to go to BFMV's party. Bullet For My Valentine was throwing a party to start off the tour. I got there, and chatted with Zacky for a moment.

"I don't know what to do Heather"
"I know. I think you should go talk to her"
"Where is she?"
"Over there" I said pointing to where the drinks were.

He sighed.
"Alright how about I go talk to her and when I'm done talking to her you go talk to her. Alright?"

I walked over to Lexus and Poured myself a drink.
"Lex! Shit it was hot as hell out there. We sold so much fucking merch!"
"Oh dude I know, I was dying. We also sold a lot of merch, which is surprising since the guys aren't that famous yet."

"OH, I got to see Faded Memories live! They're actually really good, way better than I expected. They seem like pretty cool guys." I said honestly.

"Yeah they're really nice, I think you'd all get along."

"Hey Heather wanna go dance?"I jumped a little bit not realizing that Jason was there.
I smiled and blushed a little. Lexus looked at me with a raised eyebrow and i just smiled at her.

I grabbed his hand he followed him to go dance. I seen Zacky pass us and I smiled at him.
Jason and I started dancing a bit.

A slow song came on and I wrapped my arms around Jason.
"You look really pretty tonight" He said looking down on me.
"Uh thanks? I really just threw on jeans and a shirt"
"But it looks nice" He said smiling with a slight blush that was hidden under the dark glow of the room.

"Thanks" I said resting my head on his chest.
I spotted Lex start dancing with one of the guys in that band she was helping doing merch for. This made me angry.

"Excuse me for a moment" I said walking over to her. "Lexus, can we please talk?" I asked her.
"Oh, uh yeah sure, I'll be right back Ronnie."

I pulled her over to a corner of the room.
"Did you talk to Zacky?"
"Yes. and I don't want to listen to him try to lie his way out of this."
"Are you fucking serious? You need to listen to what he says because what he has to say, isn't a lie. When you left, he was a fucking mess. I mean i had just forgiven him the other day."
"What he did was unnacceptable."
"Yes but He didn't do shit. It was all her. Now you better freaking talk to him and hear him out! He fucking lovesyou."

"Ugh fine. But I'm only doing it because of you. Also, whats the deal with you and Mister Jason Berry?"
"Nothing really. We are just friends" I said looking at the ground smiling.
"Yeah just friends" She said lightly shoving me.
"Aye, shut up, go talk to Zacky. Oh! and can i have your number?" I said smiling.
"Sure sure, phone?" She said holding out her hand.

I gave her my phone and she programed it.
"I'll text you later."
"See you later" I said hugging her.

I was afraid she would leave again, As soon as this tour was over, I feared she would disappear again.

I sighed and walked over to Jason who was patiently waiting for me.
"Hey" I smiled at him
"I think i'm going to go back to the bus. I'm pretty tired."
"I think i'll go with you."

We walked out of the house, not without saying bye to a bunch of people.

We got back to the bus and hung out in the living area for a little while.
"Dude you know what i want to do!?"
"What?" he asked amused at my sudden outburst.
"I want to play LIFE." I said. Jason laughed at me.
"I don't think we have any board games on the bus."
"Well that just sucks." I said flipping down on the couch.

A couple of moments later we were sitting there facing each other making up random hand games, and 'secret handshakes'
"Heather?" Jason said suddenly stopping
"I like you."
"I like you too?" I said confused.
"No i really like you." He said in the tone that meant more than friends.

"Yeah and I know it's like really soon and that we had just met, but do you think we could like, give us a try?"
"Uh, jason, like you said, we had just met. And don't you think it would make things awkward if we like broke up?"
"Not really.." he said picking at the couch cushion.

"Jason, I really like you also, but, it's just--"
"There's someone else isn't three?"
"No. well. it's just me and my boyfriend broke up a couple days before tour started.and me and you just met, and I don't really want people thinking that i'm some sort of slut..."
"Please. we can keep it a secret until you are comfortable with telling everyone."

"You really want me to date you that badly?" I said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah." He whispered.
"Fine" I whispered as he leaned in closer to me.

Next thing I know, our lips are colliding. His lips were so soft and warm on my own. We heard the bus door open and voices carry through he bus. We quickly pulled apart and sat there as everyone filed into the bus and into their bunks.

We both sighed with relief and looked at each other then laughed. This could be good for me. Really it could.
♠ ♠ ♠
i freaking love jason berry so STFU bitch. I love Matt and Jason Berry but if i had used Matt everyone would be like "WTF!?" thinking it was M. shadows. So yeah I was all 'JASON JASON TOUCH ME' only not really.. lol.
anyways comments? yes please.