Save Me

Worried Sick and meeting the family.

It's been four months since I met Lexus. My life has been some what better since I had met her. That sounds a little lezbianish but it isn't intended too.Though my home life is terrible still.

Lately I've noticed Lexus not really looking too good. I could tell she hadn't been getting that much sleep, only because I remember when I looked like that. And today she didn't show up for school today. I was a bit worried.

I was even more worried when she didn't show up for another week, then another, then a third, and then a fourth. Today I was the beginning of the 5th week, i was getting sort of depressed that she wasn't here. Until I seen her face out of the crowd.

"Lexus!" I shouted as I ran towards her embracing her in an hug "Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" i exclaimed.
"Uh..its a long story, I'll tell you later" she said hesitating.

I left her to go to her locker and a bunch of other things. I walked into English class and sat down. She walked into class and i smiled at her, patting the seat next to me.

"You have got some explaining to do missy!" I said as i pointed my finger at her
"I know Heather, but I can't tell you anything right now I'm gonna have to tell you later" she said.

"Well do you think I could chill at your house after school? My parent's are pissed at me so I really don't wanna go home after school...we could talk about everything and catch up on things" I asked mustering up the best puppy dog face i could.

And it was true, my parents were pissed at me. Last night i decided to yell back at them. They punched me in the torso a few times and told me to go to bed, without anything to eat, or drink.

"Um...yeah I guess I need to ask my dad, just promise not to freak out when you meet my family." She said to me sounding a little nervous..

"Oh trust me I won't freak out, my family is probably way worse than yours" I said trying to sound jokingly.
"Okay I'm gonna ask my dad"

I seen her take out her phone and text someone. After a few moments she smiled and told me he said I could.
The day went by faster than i expected it to be. And by the end of the day we were waiting outside for her dad to pick us up.

"Remember Heather you promised not to freak out" She said for the billionth time that day.
"I got it Lexus, chill I won't freak out I promise" I said laughing.

I wonder why she is so nervous about me meeting her family. They can't be that bad can they?
I saw a black SUV pulling up into the school parking lot.
"There's my dad" She said nervously as we walked towards the car. She hopped into the front as i got into the back.
wow her family must be loaded i thought, wondering why she is so nervous.

"Dad this is Heather, Heather this is my dad" She said a little nervous.
"Hello Mr. Haner!" I replied calmly. But inside my head i was freaking out.

"Hello" He replied with a giant grin. "How was school today?" He asked us.
"It was alright, the classes went by really fast so that was a good thing." Lexus said.

The ride to her house was really quiet. Even though in my mind i was screaming a billion things.
Oh my god! SYNYSTER GATES IS MY BEST FRIENDS DAD. and about a million other things.

As we pulled into their driveway, I sighed, without intending too.
"This is where you live? Your house is amazing lex!" I said.
I admit I was a bit jealous of her life. She had an amazing family, and house.

We walked into the house and everyone was there, all the Avenged Sevenfold guys and their companions. Everyone stared at Lex with questioning eyes, that darted to me.
She dragged my upstairs and I locked her door and she looked at me questionably.

"Okay Lexus so what's the deal? Out of all these months that I've known you, you never even bothered to inform me that your dad just happens to be Synyster fucking Gates?!" I said a bit excitedly.
"Well, you never asked?" She said.
"But you can't just leave something that big out! I'm your best friend." I said a bit annoyed

"I'm sorry....I just didn't want to loose you as my friend, I didn't want you to freak out or only kiss my ass because of who my dad is." She said a bit sadly.
"Did you really think I was like that? I thought you knew me better than that" I said a little disappointed.

"I know Heather, I know from now on that I can trust you, sorry"
"Alright you're forgiven just don't leave big things like that a secret, you can always trust me Lex." I said, even though I still hadn't told her about my home life.

"Thanks for understanding, and not freaking out in front of my dad" She said.
"You're welcome!" I said smiling.

Someone knocked on the door and Lexus opened it, and there stood Zacky Vengeance. In my mind i was freaking out.
"Your dad wants you to come downstairs for dinner." He said.
"O-oh Okay, we'll be down right now." Lex stuttered.

Lex told me we should go downstairs to eat and so i could meet the guys. I was a bit giddy.
"Damn, Zacky's such a Hottie" i replied laughing. After i said that Lexus looked a little annoyed mixed with jealousy, but i let it slide.

We walked downstairs and I attacked Jimmy.
"OH MY GOD HI I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG!....wait..who are you again?" He said jokingly as i let go of him.

"DUDE, you are my IDOL, I LOVE YOU" i said as I hugged him again tighter. He was really tall and smelt delicious. [A/N-*]
Everyone laughed, and Lex introduced me to everyone. I simply adored everyone in the band.
Throughout dinner I talked and got along with just about everyone.

After dinner we headed up stairs and she told me everything that happened, and i told her everything she missed when she was gone. We talked about normal teenage girl things. Which felt amazing for me, seeing as I never had the chance to do it before.
♠ ♠ ♠
*-licks lips-
Okay! so yeah.. :) comments? love? Yes?
I know i'm a shit writer.
