Save Me


Jason and I had been secretly dating for about a week. Jason's brother, Matt, has caught us yesterday at the merch booth kissing. He said if we didn't tell the guys then he would tell them for us. I wanted to guys to know, I really did.

The guys came to sit at the merch table, to sign things and take picture with people. I told Jason earlier that I was going to tell Jimmy today before we got on the buses, that way he would have a whole 15 plus hours to process it.

"Jimmy, can i talk to you?" I said as he just finished signing the last person's stuff and taking a picture with them
"Yeah sure." He grabbed his stuff and we walked to the buses together.

"Well I wanted to tell you something."
"Oh yeah what?"
"Well, Jason and I are sort" I said glancing up at him.
"You're what?"

"because he sort of makes me, happy."
"No you aren't dating him"
"Why not?"
"Well. he isn't good for you."
"why not?!"
"Because, he is old"
"Yeah I'm old." He said.

"LARRY!" Jimmy said catching Larry walk off the bus.
"Yeah Jimmy."
"Can she ride with us to the next show? Please just this once!?"
"Yeah sure."
"But i don't want too.."
"You're going too" Jimmy said. "Go get stuff you'll need for the next 15 or so hours." He said pushing me onto my bus.

I grabbed stuff I needed angrily.
I walked off the bus and spotted Jason.
"Jason!!!" I said and ran up to him.
"What's with the bags?"
"Jimmy is making me ride with them to the next place."
"Guess he didn't take it that well."
"Not really. I'll call you though. Alright?"
"Yeah sure babe." He said kissing me.

It was good to not have to hide it anymore. But i was scared Jimmy would actually make me not date him anymore.

I climbed up the steps to Avenged's bus.
"Whoa Little Sullivan what you doing on the bus?" Johnny asked.
"Jimmy." I grumbled.
"Uh oh. JIMMY!" he yelled at the back of the bus.

"Heather come back here i want to talk to you."
I felt the bus lurch forward as i sat on the couch in the back across from jimmy.
"You can't see Jason, and i want you to ride this bus from now on."
"What why?"
"He could like rape you or something!"
"Uh, I'm 21, old enough to make my own decisions and plus it wouldn't be rape cause i would be willing." I stated.
"OK ew, but seriously. You can't see him. He's not good for you"
"Not good for me? He makes me happy Jimmy. Happier than i have been in years. and you just want to rip that out from underneath me like nothing? I really like him. More than i liked Eric, and more than when i had that small crush on Johnny. Please just don't take this one good thing out of my life. I was hoping you would understand this. I was hoping you weren't going to make me break up with him. Which you can't because I'm not going to."

Jimmy sighed.
"Fine whatever." He said getting up and walking to the front of the bus.

I called Jason.
"ELLO!?" he answered.
"You're stupid." I said laughing.
"Oh hey there. What are you doing?"
"Um, i just sort of told Jimmy that he couldn't break us up."
"Well that's good."

"He called you old." I said laughing. "And that you might rape me." I said laughing harder.
"Did you defend me!?"
"Yeah i said you were his age and he goes 'well I'm old' and then when he said you would rape me i said that it wouldn't be rape cause I'd be willing" I said laughing harder.
"Good to know you want to Fuck me"
"Well duh, your fucking hot." I said smiling into the phone.

Jason and I talked for a good hour or two until Brian came back and told me to get my ass out of the back room and hang out with them all. Though I texted Jason constantly.

"He really does make you happy doesn't he?" Jimmy said sitting next to me.
"Yeah...He does"
"Well i guess, i support it.. It's just, i have known him a long time, and well, it's sort of weird to have someone who you've been friends with this long be dating someone who you are suppose to look after in life. You know?"
"Not really, but i understand you." I said smiling at him.
"Good good."
"Thanks dad." i said as he stood up. The bus got quiet.

"Oh, uh, sorry, it's just, well sorry.."
"No. it's okay." He said hugging me. "I've wanted you too call me dad for so long" He said straightening up.

I smiled at him and went back to texting Jason to tell him that Jimmy sort of approved of us. He was glad because he didn't want to have to loose a good friend because of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
i love the Berry brothers, it seems they don't get enough lovin'
sorry its short.
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I LOVE YOU. bye.